Clipping:The abolition of the foul bound out 2

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, March 8, 1879

[discussing the rules for the upcoming season] One radical change has been made, and one only, and that is the adoption of the fly-catch as the only legal catch. The foul-ball business has always been a stumbling-block in the way of perfecting the game, inasmuch as it causes a loss of time for one thing; and, secondly, because it has always been unfair on the batsman, the rule allowing the batsman to be put out on balls on which he could not leave the home-base. With the abolition of the bound-catch of foul balls one-half of the unfair rule disappears. With the adoption of the four sided or square bat, foul-ball hitting should become almost exceptional in its occurrence, and thereby, it is thought, would the game be placed nearer the point of perfection in its rules. An effort was made to adopt the square bat, but it failed.

Source New York Clipper
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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