Clipping:The Lord Baltimores' uniform

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Date Sunday, May 5, 1872

Their [the Lord Baltimore Club’s] appearance was, to say the least, stunning. We had heard a great deal about their brilliant uniform, but in point of ugliness it triple discounts the original dress of the Chicago White Stockings, who had held the palm up to this time in that regard. Their trousers are terrible, looking as though they had been bathed in mustard water, while the “escutcheon” so often alluded to bore an agreeable resemblance at a distance to a slab of pepper and salt. Frank Moran inquired, after the style of his model Hamlet, “Why com’st thou in so questionable a shape?” while “Stonewall” gravely whistled “Who are these in bright array?’ The number of poor jokes and puns uttered in regard to the same would furnish a burlesque with abundant material.

Source Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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