Clipping:Selling liquor at Sunday games

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Date Wednesday, April 6, 1887

The one objectionable feature of Sunday games is the selling of intoxicants. Last year, after the “rows,” it was found advisable to draw the line on all spiritous liquors, and the thousands in attendance had to content themselves with lemonade and mineral waters. There were no further commotions, either, after the rule had been established. The Sporting Life April 6, 1887

reporter for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat

Joe Murphy, the pitcher, has branched out as a full-fledged reporter, and he is now doing the base ball on the Globe-Democrat. That paper's sporting column is now fresh and alive. Success to you, Joe. The Sporting Life April 6, 1887

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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