Clipping:Ground keeping; preparing the field for the winter

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Date Wednesday, November 16, 1887

Extensive improvements are to be made at the beautiful Philadelphia grounds. The contractor has been at work for three weeks filling up the hollows in the outfield and resodding the worn-out parts of the infield, especially back of first base and of short stop, and covering the entire infield and outfield with from three to five inches of fine garden soil. Some idea of the extent of this seemingly unimportant matter may be judged from the fact that three teams and eight men have been employed for three weeks, and about 900 loads of soil have been spread and raked over the ground, into which blue grass seed is now being sown. After this is accomplished the whole surface will be covered with stable manure, which will keep the earth warm all winter. The melting snows and rains will percolate through the manure, carrying the ammonia into the soil. In March all the straw will be removed and the heavy two-horse roller put to work. As a result the management hope to have the best turf and the smoothest field in the United States.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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