Clipping:Forgot to bring a ball

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Date Sunday, August 21, 1859

The junior clubs have funny times now and then. A match was to have been played between the Nassau and the Hero Clubs of Brooklyn on Thursday, but a correspondent informs us, “owing to the Nassaus not procuring a ball, the game was decided in favor of the Heroes.” New York Sunday Mercury August 21, 1859

disagreement over whether a force is broken

[Excelsior vs. Pastime 8/18/1859] In the fifth innings of the Excelsiors, Leggett being on the second base and C. Whiting on the first, Polhemus struck a ball which was prettily fielded by Beers to second base–putting out C. Whiting–and by Boyd to third base, at which point Leggett would have been fairly put out if Hold had touched him with the ball, but instead of doing so he threw it to first base in order to put out the striker. The Umpire, however, decided Leggett out, forgetting that in consequence of Whiting being put out, Leggett was not obliged to vacate the second base, and that, therefore, it was necessary that he should have been touched with the ball. Porter's Spirit of the Times August 27, 1859

Source New York Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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