Clipping:First class clubs must pay their players

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Date Saturday, June 6, 1868

The Athletics last week beat the Keystones 34 to 12. The Keystones must pay their men, as other first class clubs do. Men play more cheerfully and better when their wallets are full. No honest young man can give all his time to base ball for nothing. Mr. Lynch [the president of the Keystones] must look into this matter immediately, or give up the idea of being first class. Base ball has become a profession, and professionals require pay, and good pay, too. We opposed this thing with all our might for two years, but the money beat us, and we acknowledge the corn. Therefore, let the Keystones give their men $20 per week, and soon they will rank with the Athletics, Atlantics, Mutuals, etc. Come, Mr. Lynch, down with the dust! Bring back Malone, Cope, Flowers, Cuthbert, Berry, etc. Outbid your opponents!

Source Philadelphia City Item
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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