Clipping:Early talk of a merged NL/AA twelve club league

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Date Thursday, June 9, 1887

[from an interview of Von der Ahe] “Yes,” said the champions’ president, “there is a movement to form a twelve-club league, but it is hardly likely to be ready for next season. It will take some time for that. The matter was first broached at Columbus between Al Spalding and myself, and no further progress has been made since that time. There is no likelihood of the Browns going into the League next season, unless the League comes to my terms.” The Philadelphia Times June 9, 1887

Events in the base ball world would seem to be shifting toward the formation of one twelve club league. Certain clubs are in favor of such an organization. Among them are Chicago, Boston, New York and St. Louis, and if the American Association should, at its coming meeting, decide against the percentage system, things would be in shape for such a league. The Mets might drop out, and Indianapolis is at the League’s disposal. If it is not wanted, it, too, will retire. Then the planners would go on and buy out Louisville and seek to amalgamate the Athletic and Philadelphia clubs in Philadelphia. If all this could be done but twelves clubs would remain, viz: Boston, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, New York, Washington, Pittsburg, Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Cleveland. It isn’t likely that such a League would be formed, even were the clubs mentioned ready to aid in its formation. But the scheme is proposed and supported by the Louisville and Indianapolis are ready to sell, and by Von der Ahe’s proposed purchase of the Athletic Club. The one point upon which twelve such clubs could not agree would be the same as that at present moving the American Association–percentage vs. guarantee. Boston, Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, Chicago, Brooklyn and Cincinnati would favor the guarantee plan and the rest the percentage plan. The Philadelphia Times August 14, 1887

Source The Philadelphia Times
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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