Clipping:A proposal to give a base hit on a sacrifice

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Date Wednesday, October 10, 1888

[from Frank Brunell's column][quoting Tom Loftus] In order to promote team work—and on no side has the game got so much to expect from as this—I think it would be advisable to give a base hit to each player who sacrifices himself to help a runner around the bases with a run. Runs are the chief factors in deciding a game. Why not give a player who distinctly aids in the making of a run some credit for his work? The proper credit would seem to be a base hit and such a plan would bring the sacrifice hitters where they belong—in the front rank. Surely a batter who goes to the plate for a sacrifice and makes one fools the pitcher. Yet, under the present rules, the batter gets no credit and the pitcher is charged with nothing, unless by means of consecutive sacrifices an earned run is made. This is certainly not as it should be. At present the main-strength batters get all the credit. The corers and writers should have agitated this point long ago. Legislation should be made to aid the managers to get more team work. Such a rule as the one I suggest, covering sacrifice hitting credits, would met the approval of every manager in the country.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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