Clipping:NL putting the squeeze on Indianapolis

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, March 19, 1890

...there is yet some hope in the minds of some of the magnates that it will be possible to cut down the circuit before the season is admitted. The League's hope for this event coming to pass is in the way it treated Indianapolis in the matter of playing dates. Indianapolis' right to object to certain dates and to request others was simply ignored, and to an outsider it looks as if the schedule committee went out of its way to give the Hoosier team just the dates it didn't want and to lay off the team just when it wanted to play. By doing this it was no doubt the idea of the committee to scare Magnate Brush into selling out. Brush and the other Indianapolis officials were very hot indeed over the matter, but they refuse to budge and say they will go on. In Indianapolis the feeling is general that the League is trying to force Indianapolis out covertly, not daring to drop the club openly, according to former methods.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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