Clipping:Turnstile duty

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, November 13, 1889

[Oh, he's doing duty on the gate until he picks up in his batting,” was the careless remark of a base ball player during the sojourn of his club in his city, referring to a friend in the same team. It seemed like a very trivial remark, and to one who has not played professional ball not a great deal of importance would be attached to it. Working the gate is an altogether honorable means of acquiring a livelihood, and withal an easy one, but is by no means a sinecure. The average player realizes that he receives too large a salary fro such trivial work, and unless occasionally relieved it means that he is soon to be released or sold. It is also a way managers have employed to get even with refractory but ambitious players. There is also a certain amount of ignominy involved, and an insinuation that the man engaged at it is not good enough for anything else. It is the especial province of a young players with whom the club may be experimenting, and even a pitcher on an off day may be found turning the stile. The player is yet to be found who would not sooner be disporting himself in full gaze of the crowd in the uniform of his particular club. Like an actor, so long as he is under contract, the ball player revels, indeed almost exists, on the plaudits of his fellow-men, and to be deprived of this even for a short time is a due punishment to him.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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