Clipping:Early word of Lucas joining the League; his denial

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, December 13, 1884

The question of the future existence of the Union association seems to have been finally settled to-day [12/11], and there is good authority for saying that all the base ball clubs in the United States will be parties to the national agreement next season. The determined opposition to the Union, the ill success of their first season, and the fact that it would have no Eastern clubs in 1885, led Mr. Lucas to make a proposition to the National league, which has been accepted. Mr. Lucas agrees to withdraw opposition to the reserve rule. He says that he made his fight against it for the protection of the players, but since he has had experience with them he has found them to be an ungrateful lot and he has come to the conclusion that the reserve rule is a necessity. Mr. Lucas would like to locate a National league club in St. Louis. He agrees to sell no beer, play no Sunday games and to set his blacklisted players adrift. The negotiations with the League are said to have been furthered by ex-President A. G. Mills and Secretary N. E. Young, and it is already arranged that St. Louis is to take the place of the Cleveland club, which is to resign. In order to make a league club a certainty it was necessary to obtain the consent of the St. Louis American club, and this was accomplished to-day. Mr. Crane, a former partner of Mr. Lucas, met Christ Von der at the Fifth Avenue hotel, and after a lengthy conference Mr. Von der Ahe is to hold a large bock of stock in the new club. No one seems to know anything about the case here. (St. Louis) Missouri Republican December 13, 1884, quoting the Philadelphia Times

Mr. Lucas to-night [12/12] authorized a denial of the report that he contemplated joining the league, as it was his purpose to remain with the Unions. (St. Louis) Missouri Republican December 13, 1884

... A reporter called upon Mr. Charles E. Mason to-day [12/13] for an expression of opinion on the proposal. It was his opinion that the story was correct. “You see,” he continued, “there has been no contradiction of it, and although it only leaked out on Thursday, yet I knew for some time that negotiations had been going on. I expect there was a breach of confidence somewhere or it would have got into the paper just yet..”

... Mr. A. J. Reach, whose base ball emporium is headquarters for league news, in reply to an inquiry for information, said the negotiations were pretty nearly complete for the admission of the St. Louis club. Mr. Reach understood that the League managers were willing and anxious to admit St. Louis, but there was an obstacle in the way. This was the consent of the American association and its club at St. Louis. “Now, if you want to know what the prospects are of St. Louis being admitted, you go out and see Mr. McKnight and Mr. Von der Ahe.” (St. Louis) Missouri Republican December 14, 1884

[from an interview of Von der Ahe] “What was the feeling regarding the admission of the Lucas Union Club to the League?”

“Well, it is a matter I do not care to speak about, but it was not given much consideration by the League people I talked with. There would be so much demanded in carrying out the black-listing of Dunlap, Shaffer, Sweeny, Dolan, etc., that probably Mr. Lucas would not accede to that, it s scarcely possible that the application would be considered.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch December 17, 1884

[from an interview of Lucas] “Then you are not going into the League?”

“Not on the terms which the Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette said I was. You can say for me that Caylor–but no, I guess you’d not say it.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch December 18, 1884

The question whether Mr. Henry V. Lucas and his team will go into the League or not is still a leading topic in base-ball circles. Mr. Lucas, who ought to be best posted on the matter, has nothing to say, but conjectures are numerous. St. Louis Post-Dispatch January 7, 1885

Source Missouri Republican
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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