Clipping:The legal status of the Athletic grounds; NIMBYism and an early spite fence

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, December 26, 1883

The residents of Jefferson street, just back of the Athletic grounds, recently got up a long petition to Councils against the re-leasing of the grounds to the Athletic Club. The reasons alleged were that their view was obstructed, their pavements and steps dirtied by the crowds of the men and boys, and that the shouting and excitement disturbed the peace of the neighborhood. This petition was presented and considered at the meeting of the Council Committee on City Property Dec. 13. Short work was made of it as it was pointed out that the chief grievance of the neighbors was the placing of huge canvas screens over the fence, thus shutting out a free view of the game. So long as the neighbors confined themselves to a view of the games from the windows nothing was said, but when a regular practice was made of admitting men and boys to the roofs of these houses at a small fee the screens were put up, hence the petition of the poor, outraged (?) residents. They objected to the dirt on their steps and pavements, but had no compunction about letting people run all over their houses for a consideration. It didn't take the committee men long to make up their minds about the nature of the protest, and its further consideration was indefinitely postponed and it was agreed to recommend the re-leasing for three years at the rate of $2,000 per annum.. “All's well that ends well.

Source The Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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