Clipping:Larkin in trouble again

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, August 1, 1883

Frank Larkin, the base-ball player, was arrested this afternoon. A few months ago, while drunk, Larkin shot his wife Kate, and then, after cutting his throat, fired two pistol shots trhough the door at the policemen who were trying to get into the room. He was a member of the Baltimore Club, and had intended to start for that city on the day he shot his wife and wounded himself. While in St. Catharine's Hospital he jumped head first off his bed, his head struck an iron register and he was severely hurt. On his recovery the young wife, who had carefully nursed him, refused to give the evidence on which alone he could be convicted, and, as he declared that her injury was caused by the accident discharge of the pistol, he was discharged from custody.

Since then Larkin was been drunk much of his time, and has frequently been in jail. He was arrested this time on complaint of his wife, whom he had beaten in a most brutal manner.

“I am afraid of him,” she said, “and I fear that he will be the death of me.”

Mrs. Larkin has gone out of town to live with her relations. Cincinnati Enquirer August 1, 1883

Frank Larkin, the base-ball player, who some time ago attempted to murder his wife and commit suicide at his house in North Eighth street, Brooklyn, was t-day sent to the penitentiary for six months on the charge of his having again cruelly beaten his wife. Mrs. Larkin pleaded for her husband's release, but the Magistrate said: “It will be better in the end for you, madam, if he is put where he can not treat you so cruelly.” Cincinnati Enquirer August 2, 1883

Chicago Unions disband

The Union Base-ball Association, which went to the expense of erecting expensive buildings for playing non-league clubs in this city [Chicago], has proved a non-paying investment. The club has been disbanded and the project abandoned. Cincinnati Enquirer August 3, 1883

Source Cincinnati Enquirer
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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