Clipping:Cincinnati renews the guarantor notes; then scraps it

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, November 18, 1882

The club starts into the new year with $2,000 in the treasury and all the elements to give them a successful season. They, however, are determined to keep up the guarantee plan. The total fund this next season will be $4,000, in one hundred and sixty notes of $25 each. None but the best and most responsible parties will be accepted as subscribers. Over half of the number have been taken, and the chances are that the complement will be filled within a fortnight. As the newspapers say, “Now is the time to subscribe.” Cincinnati Commercial November 18, 1882

Base ball patrons of the Cincinnati Club will no doubt regret to hear that there will be no guarantors nor guarantor tickets next season. The Directors decided upon this course yesterday. A few notices in the newspapers that these tickets would be issued to a certain number upon application brought in such a flood of applicants that it was apparent not half who applied could be supplied. Several parties applied for three and four tickets in order to supply the wants of the family. A number recited in their application the fact that they were great patrons of the game, and always had been, and urged this fact as an argument that their petitions should be granted. It was, therefore, wisely concluded to give no chance for anybody to be offended because somebody else received a ticket and they did not. There seems to e a revolution in the feeling this winter to that of last winter about guarantor notes. Then it was all that an earnest solicitor could do to persuade enough persons to subscribe to complete the final fund. Now the men who snubbed the solicitor last year are among the most eager applicants for favors. The Directors feel grateful toward last year’s guarantors, and if other tickets of the same kind were to be issued gain those who stood by the club last season would be remembered first this year. Cincinnati Commercial November 25,1882

Source Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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