Clipping:An independent league is proposed

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, October 27, 1880

The following telegram went to New York last night:

Cincinnati, October 26, 1880

To the President of the Metropolitan B.B. Club, New York City: You are invited to send a Delegate to a meeting of Base-Ball Clubs to be held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, November 4th, at noon, there to form an independent League on a liberal policy, and with the right of each club to regulate its own tariff. Albany, Washington, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Buffalo, and Detroit are expected to be represented in the new League. Wire your acceptance to Col. L. A. Harris,

Cuvier Club Rooms, Cincinnati, Ohio, Executive Committee Cincinnati B. B. Club.

This dispatch was duplicated, with the slight changes need, to the Buffalo, Albany and Washington Clubs. These cities named are the only cities which have at present Clubs not members of the League. We include Buffalo in this list because it is understood the Club will leave the rotten old League and get into decent company. The organization once formed by two or three or four of the Clubs above named, its success is assured. Pittsburg, Detroit and Philadelphia already have inclosed grounds, and would have Clubs had there been any place for such Clubs to have gone after being formed. But for years the selfish policy of the League has held base-ball interest in check in these cities. With a chance given them to put teams into a new organization, these cities are expected to come to the front at once. Cincinnati Enquirer October 27, 1880

The Washington Club replies that, on account of the absence from the city of several of their Directors, they are unable to act upon the invitation to send delegates to the New York meeting, but will reply soon. They undoubtedly will be represented. Cincinnati Enquirer October 28, 1880

The Directors of the Buffalo Base-ball Club have taken no definite action in regard to the new League. It is safe to say that they will not send any delegate to the New York meeting, and will remain in the present League during the season of 1881 at least. Cincinnati Enquirer November 1, 1880

The meeting of the Base-ball Clubs which was to have taken place yesterday at the Fifth Avenue Hotel to organize an independent League failed for want of a little pluck on the part of the Cincinnati Club. That body of wabbling gentlemen at the last moment failed to come to time. Having invited a meeting of conference, they were the first to make their absence conspicuous. It was, however, in accord with all their previous line of action. There has been a Board of Directors trying to do battle with the affairs of the Club, and the seven gentlemen who composed the Board were about as effective as seven mules hitched to seven points of a post, all pulling in as many directions. It was on this account that President Kennett dropped the Presidency like a hot potato. He found himself but a figure-head, while the other gentlemen of the Board were strong in their individual and distinct bruch [sic] of conflicting opinions. The application for readmission to the League was, as we believe, insincere. The Metropolitan Club of New York, through Manager Mutrie, sent word to the Cincinnati Club that they would join hands in the new League, and would be represented. This should have been sufficient. With New York in the East and Cincinnati the West as a “starter” the Independent League could have been a success. It would have formed the Association, and before spring a half dozen other cities would have applied for admission. The the Cincinnati Club in its ignorance seemed to think it was necessary to have promised from cities to be represented where no Clubs have as yet an existence. The meeting has now been postponed till the 8 th of December. By that time Boss Hulbert and the League will have met in New York and cooked the goose of the Independent Leaguers. Enquirer November 5, 1880

Source Cincinnati Enquirer
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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