Clipping:Martin's pitching 2

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, August 5, 1871

Marti’s forte is his sound judgment and skill in the delivery of a medium-paced ball. No one knows how to outwit a batsman better than Martin, his practical knowledge of strategy in pitching being equal if not superior to that of any player occupying the position. When he increases his pace he loses in effectiveness, but when he gets to work on his slow dropping balls and has decent support in the field only the most skillful batsmen can punish him with effect. New York Clipper August 5, 1871

an experimental bat modification


In the accompanying cut “AA” represents a hold bored in the larger end of the Bat, in length and size proportioned to the length and weight of the Bat.

“B” represents a piece of Lignumvitae closely fitting in the hold, yet sliding freely; “CC” are pieces of cork, tightly fitting and stationary. “D” is a plug driven firmly, and fastened in its place.

The advantages of this over all other Bats are:--

First. It gives the full regulation size without the extra and useless weight at the larger end of the Bat, which is removed by the boring.

Second. This extra or stationary weight is replaced by a movable or sliding weight, “B,” which may be either greater or less than that removed, as may be desired.

Third. This movable or sliding weight is always where most needed in using the Bat, viz:–When the Bat is elevated for the stroke, the weight is near the centre, giving the striker a more perfect control of Bat, and, as the stroke is made, the weight slides toward the end, greatly increasing the weight of the blow.

Fourth. A much quicker and heavier blow can be given that with the ordinary Bats. This is the universal testimony of those who are using them.

Fifth. The stinging or jarring sensation, often felt when the ball is squarely hit near the centre of the ordinary Bat, is never experienced in using the Self-adjusting Bat.

CAPT. JAS. WOOD, of the White Stocking, and many other well known professionals, who have used LYMAN’S PATENT BAT in their most successful games the present season, fully endorse them in every respect, and will use none others since obtaining them.

Nothing but the best, straight grained, seasoned, second growth White Ash, used in their construction.

Manufactured exclusively by the


Office and salesroom, 195 Lake street, Chicago.

For sale by dealers generally. Retail, $1 each.

, running at least into 1872

Source New York Clipper
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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