Clipping:Dispelling a rumor of the Lowell Club throwing a game

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19C Clippings

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Date Tuesday, June 25, 1867

Immediately after the second of the series of games played by the Harvard and the Lowell Base Ball Clubs, a report was circulated very freely that certain members of the Lowell Base Ball Club, for pecuniary reasons, caused the loss of the game. So current did this rumor become that on every hand the assertion was made that the game on Jarvis Field was sold to the Harvards. This rumor has very seriously affected the reputation of the Lowell club, and the club has undoubtedly lost many friends in consequence. Ths club, very unwillingly, was forced to act in its own defence, and by recognizing the charge made against its members, assume the responsibility of an investigation. A committee of seven was appointed to ascertain, if possible, the source whence the rumors came, and either to discover the truthfulness of the charge, or to vindicate before the public the honor and integrity of the club. This committee after a protracted session, during which every possible effort was made to elicit the truth, gave to the club, at a recent meeting, the following report, which they were ordered to publish in the daily papers, over their own signatures –

The committee to whom was refereed the charge against certain members of the Lowell B.B.C., of selling or conniving at the sale or loss of the second game played by the Harvard and the Lowell Clubs, on Jarvis Field, May 25, after a patient and careful hearing of all the evidence, which was taken under oath, find no evidence whatever to justify such a charge, and they therefore declare that the parties whose names are mentioned in connection with the charge are not guilty. They further recommend that this report be published in the papers of the city, that the parties may be fully relieved of any suspicions which may rest upon them by reason of the public circulation of such charge.

By the publication of the above it is hoped that the judgment of the public against this club, so long and so recently the favorites of Boston, will be suspended; and that the Lowell Base Ball Club may not be prevented by any suspicions or coldness of treatment from winning its way back again to the hearty support of its former friends, and so maintaining its right to the title which has been the object of its ambition—that of the Model Ball Club. Chas. L. Fuller, Sec'y L.B.B.C. Boston Daily Advertiser June 25, 1867

a throw to home from behind the line of spectators

[Tri-Mountain vs. King Philip 6/21/1867] The fielding of both clubs was first class–Stewart taking four flies in l.f., besides making of the most effective throws into the catcher, from beyond the line of spectators, ever witnessed, putting out the striking and spoiling a home run... New York Clipper June 29, 1867

Source Boston Daily Advertiser
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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