Clipping:Too much ball play

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, June 23, 1867

The following communication from a well known citizen is worthy of consideration:

PHILADELPHIA, June 19th, 1867,

Editors Sunday Mercury:–Gentlemen:–I appeal to you as the organ of base ball in this Commonwealth, to strive and induce our young men to seriously consider whether they have not other duties devolving upon them of more importance concerning the future than the indulgence of a love of base ball. When I began my business career, employers were loth to let the young men in their employ have one afternoon in the week. Now, very few young men think of asking permission of their employers to participate in or witness this pastime. When is this going to stop? I hear of raids through the country that contemplate several weeks’ absence. The young men in my employ converse about little else save base ball. They gather in knots, and for hours keep a lively, and it may be interesting conversation about the merits of players and clubs. In my family I have the same evil to complain of. My sons appear to have lost all interest in their studies; and the claims of the Athletic and Atlantic, and what the Mercury says, is the staple upon which prolonged arguments are based.

In am not in favor of denying young men a reasonable amount of recreation, but I think the matter of base ball is being run in the ground, and will result in serious injury to its votaries. I ask your assistance in calling upon the young men of this city to weight well the duties that devolve upon them, and to consider wether, by pursuing their present course, they will be fitted for the positions in life that sooner or later they must assume. Pardon the length of this communication; and may I not ask that you wield the influence you possess in endeavoring to inculcate in the minds of the young the considerations I have thrown out? W.W.

Source Philadelphia Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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