Clipping:The Atlantic move to the Union grounds: a better share of the gate

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, April 21, 1867

Many will be surprised to learn that the Atlantics have vacated the scene of their greatest triumphs, and have located themselves on the Eckford grounds, or rather the Union ball grounds, in Williamsburgh, entirely out of the way of the residence of the majority of their members, and in opposition to the wishes of many of the best men in their club. It would appear from all accounts that the present ruler of the club, failing to make any advantageous arrangement with Weed & Decker for a greater share of the proceeds in match days than the players received last year, and finding Cammeyer of the Union grounds ready to offer good terms to secure the club, they availed themselves of the latter offer of sixty per cent of the receipts and closed with him at once. But this being against the rules of the association, they made out a new form of agreement and hired the grounds after paying forty per cent of the receipts taken in lieu of rent. They change will not benefit the club, and it is the worst precedent Cammeyer could have adopted as all clubs can now fully claim a share of the sale money. New York Sunday News April 21, 1867

This club [the Atlantic] have made a very important move. They have left their old field on the Capitoline Grounds, and will play on the U nion Grounds this season. Several things have led to this change. The arrangement with Cammeyer is that the club are to have the grounds for a season, paying him 40 per cent, of the receipts on match days, and the expenses of the ground. New York Clipper April 27, 1867

Source New York Sunday News
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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