Clipping:Disputing Chadwick's assessment

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, August 12, 1866

It is strange what errors those who write for the New York and Brooklyn papers fall into respecting the game in this city. Thus, our friend Chadwick–able and impartial as a reviewer of matches–writes that a certain individual is the father of the game hereabouts, and that the Athletic owe their present position to his exertions. Admitting that the person in question did talk and write the Athletic up, what benefit would accrue from his doing so? Not any, as every newspaper man in the city will inform “Chad.” when he makes the inquiry. The Athletic is now reported in papers that were not given to noticing them, and from the fact that the person whom “Chad.” is disposed to ascribe so much to, is no longer at their head. It may be some little while ere “Chad.” comes this way, and we feel anxious that he should post himself. Suppose, then, that he inquires of Frank Queen, Esq., or Col. T. Allstop Brown, concerning the press, and the influence of its individual representatives in this village. Be sure you are right, “Chad,” and then go ahead. When “Chad.” does drop in upon us, the scales will be removed from his eyes, and he will be given ocular proof of the influence of the humbug he has credited for more than is awarded in this locality.

Source Philadelphia Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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