Clipping:A planned new Athletic grounds; the status of the club; gate receipts

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, February 24, 1866

The Athletic Club, the Champion organization of Pennsylvania–not content with the ground they occupied last year, have, at great expense, procured another, both larger and more conveniently situated. It will be graded, sodded, and have a seven foot board fence around it. A large number of raised seats will be erected, and a beautiful Club House put up. The ground will be so arranged that it can be used as a Skating Pond in winter. These matters have been given into competent hands, and will be commenced as soon as practicable. The Athletic Club having now a list of over four hundred members, will not let out any of the days on the new ground to another club. Philadelphia City Item February 24, 1866

Our old friend, the Athletics, held their annual meeting on Monday last, when some fifty new members were balloted for, and about $1,000 collected. Colonel Fitzgerald was unanimously re-elected president, which, we believe, is the fifth time this honor has been tendered to him. The club was never so prosperous as at this moment; it has about four hundred members, which list will be increased by July to one thousand, perhaps more. The cost of grading, sodding, fencing, benching and putting a fine house upon the new ground, will reach at least ten thousand dollars. The ground will be fitted for a skating pond in winter. Five dollars subscribed secures admission during summer and winter, without extra charge. Of course, everybody now is anxious to join the club, and applications for membership are received daily from our best citizens.


Seats and standing accommodations will be provided for 30,000 spectators. It is understood that ten cents admissions will be charged. Philadelphia City Item March 24, 1866

As the new grounds of the Athletic club will not be ready before July or August, the old grounds are being handsomely fitted up and increased facilities afforded for spectators. Another large pavilion and three new rows of seats on the east and west sides will be erected, the whole being capable of seating from 3000 to 6000 visitors.


The Treasurer, in his annual report, stated that the gross receipts for 1865 amounted to more than $5,000! Of which $2,200 was received at the gate. This one fact is highly illustrative of the advantage of a permanent and inclosed ground; for, to say nothing of the advantages accruing from having a ground entirely under club control, and kept in order, the receipts from grand matches not only places a club in a position to make visits to towns and cities, thereby greatly promoting the popularity of the game, but it also relieves those liberal members of every club who usually bear the heavy burdens of expense, from the onus of sustaining the principal expense of an organization by themselves. ... They have leased a new ground on the corner of Twenty second and Brown streets, the extent of the field being 721 feet by 376, and every exertion will be made to make it the ground of the country. Philadelphia City Item March 31, 1866

The Treasurer, in his annual report, stated that the receipts of the club, during 1865, amounted to $4444.62, of which $2282.98 were received as gate-money, and the expenditures, $4306.97, leaving a balance of $137.97. Philadelphia Sunday Mercury January 16, 1871 [in a historical retrospective of the Athletics]

[The Athletic] Club is making extensive improvements upon the property so long occupied by them, and which, fortunately for them, they still retain possession of. The new grounds will not be in condition to be played upon this season; and the job of putting it in order is a more extensive one than was contemplated. Philadelphia Sunday Mercury April 1, 1866

Source Philadelphia City Item
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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