Clipping:An ineligible player

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19C Clippings

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Date Monday, September 4, 1865

[Enterprise vs. Active 9/2/1865] ...[the Actives] were minus the services of Walker, their pitcher, his position being ably supplied by Stockman, while Hatfield played in the field as the extra man. Just here, one word is necessary: Already several times this season, one of the rules of the convention has been openly violated. The rule declares that “no person shall be permitted to play in any match game, unless he shall have been a member of the club in which he plays, and of no other club in or outside the Convention, for the space of thirty days.” But a week or so ago, Hatfield played in the Gotham nine, when [sic] he has played all the season and has been a member of the Active Club, by his own admission, but three or four days. Upon the plea that there was no other substitute present, the Actives asked permission to put in Hatfield for a few innings, until some one else should arrive. The Enterprise boys allowed it. Here is where they did wrong. Had they insisted that they could be not party to a willful breach of Convention rule, the matter would have not been pressed. They had no right to collude in breaking the rules, and no matter if both parties were willing, it is altogether probable that, like the Atlantic and Mutual game at Hoboken, when Thorn was permitted to play in violation of the same rule, both games will be thrown out by the next convention. If rules are made by the mass o f delegates represented in Convention, each and every club should do everything to make those rules binding. It won't do to say that unless Hatfield had played there could have been non game, for there were plenty of young Actives on the ground. To be sure, they could not have done as well as Hatfield, for few can do better than he, but still others could have filled the position and no rules would have been broken. It is high time this thing was put an end to, and if no other method obtains, the Convention should promptly censure the club so acting, and throw the games out altogether.

Source Brooklyn Eagle
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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