Clipping:Quality of fielding

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, September 13, 1863

[Atlantic v. Eckford 9/8/63, top of the first inning] Pearce secured his first base by a high ball sent past where no fielder could get at it in time. In trying to get to his second base, Pearce was nearly run out, but he secured it on Smith’s hit; Sprague [the pitcher] stopping the swift ball Smith sent him in grand style, but it was too hot a one to be picked up in time to put Smith out; he, however, threw the ball to first base for that purpose, but the ball, hitting Smith, glanced off, thus enabling Smith to reach his third; and by a wild throw in returning the ball, he got home, Pearce preceding him, the throw referred to being chargeable to Duffy. Thus were the first two runs scored. Price was the next hitter, and he tipped out. Pratt then followed with a good hit to right field, like Pearce’s, out of reach, and thereby he made his first base. By the ball hitting “Davenport”–an old player with a new name–Pratt made his second base, reaching his third by Davenport’s good hit to left field, and his run on a passed ball; Davenport securing his first base through Duffy’s mistake in thinking Devyr was Pratt running to third; Duffy turning to touch Devyr instead of throwing the ball to first base, thus being too late to put Davenport out. Duffy’s play was correct, however, in theory. Crane was then put out on the bound by Grum, Davenport stealing in on Sprague a few minutes before. Chapman then followed with a good hit, which gave him his first base, but before he could reach his third, Start went out on the tip; thus closing the innings of the Atlantics with a score of 4 runs.

Source New York Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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