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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, June 29, 1873

The Mutual Club is an unpleasant example of good material under bad influence and bad management. Their men are strong players in position, and, when in proper trim, unexcelled as batsmen in the country; but a lack of head–of management and discipline–has rendered them unsuccessful. While traveling the players do as they choose–drink, dissipate, stay out all night if they choose, for aught to stop them–and then go on the ball field to encounter their better-conditioned opponents. Who could expect them to win a solitary game? It is also asserted that they were under gambling interests in certain games, and that their play was subsidized by cash. This we do not trust or believe until we have proof positive. Their “queer” play we can lay at the door of bad management and dissipation. This is at least charitable. Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch June 29, 1873

Setting all rumors of other causes aside as false, we must look to some other cause than lack of ability to field well to account for the loss of so many games by the New York representative club; and in the entire absence of harmony in the nine, and the lack of discipline, to say nothing of the bad condition the team are always in from the want of a proper observance of training rules, it is questionable whether the surprise should not be that they have won the games they have done, instead of having lost so many. New York Sunday Mercury July 22, 1873

Source Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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