Clipping:The Eureka club withdrawing from the championship: Difference between revisions

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, March 22, 1868

After two years’ experience of a policy adverse to the one which gave this club the title of being one of the finest club of fielders in the country, the Eurekas have come to the conclusion that a certain individual unnecessary to name was right in his idea of what was the best plan of operation for the Excelsior Club of New Jersey to pursue, and they have concluded this season to return to the old tactics of the club, and to play their amateur experts in the place of professionals, and to decline entering the championship-arena until the same is open only to amateur-nines. ... The Eurekas propose playing with the amateur nines of the Excelsior, Active, Star, Independent, and others who are not classified as professional candidates for the honors of the championship arena. Such contests as these the gambling fraternity will not care about, and consequently no “rings” interfere with them, and no gate-money arrangements demoralizes them. New York Sunday Mercury March 22, 1868

The Eurekas having lost Dockney and Lex, will satisfy themselves this season with playing pleasant and social games, the nine to be made up of the old stock. Such a course cannot fail to be productive of more enjoyment and pleasure than exciting contests for the championship, and we are not sure but as fine games will be the result. At all events the Eurekas are a fine set of fellows and it is a pleasure to witness their quiet and gentlemanly style of playing even if they don’t pay their men a thousand dollars apiece. New York Dispatch March 22, 1868

Source New York Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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