Union Club of Lansingburgh

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Waff's Game Tabulation
Bob Tholkes RIM Tabulation

Awaiting Review
Nick Name Unions
Earliest Known Date 1861
Location Lansingburgh, NY, United States
Nine Class Senior

Peverelly [page 70 and page 40] reports that the Atlantic played the Union 8/8/65 and the Mutuals played the Unions at Lansingburgh on 8/28/65.

"BASE BALL.—The Priam B. B. Club of this city, and the National B.B. Club of Lansingburgh have lately consolidated and organized a new Base Ball Club. The Club is styled “Union Base Ball Club of Rensselaer County.” The following gentlemen have been elected officers of the new club for the ensuing season:—
President—Robert Green, Troy.
Vice President—Dr. S. P. Welch, Lansingburgh.
Sec. & Treas.—Richard Gardner, Troy.
Directors—A. C. Anthony, Troy, F. Vanduesen, Troy, T. H. Mason, Lansingburgh, C. H. Holmes, Lansingburgh.
It is expected that the “Union” will make one of the best playing clubs in this vicinity.
Troy Daily Whig. April 2, 1861: 3 col 4.

—A base-ball match between the Union club, of Lansingburgh, and the Active club, of Troy, will probably take place on the play-ground at Batestown, on Wednesday afternoon of this week.
“Lansingburgh.” Troy Daily Times. August 31, 1864: 3 col 3.

☞ BASE BALL.—The Union base ball club of Lansingburgh, reörganized last evening, and the following officers were elected for the coming season:
President—C. H. Van Arnam.
Vice President—Robert Dickson.
Secretary—George Shumway.
Scorer and Treasurer—John Squires.
Captain First Nine—A. McQuide.
Captain Second Nine—J. Corey.
Directors—C. H. Van Arnum, A. McQuide, Eugene Benker.
Troy Daily Times. May 12, 1864: 3 col 3.

☞ BASE BALL.—A match game of base ball between the Liberty Club, of this city and the Union Club, of Lansingburgh, will be played next Thursday on the Putnam grounds, Northeast of the University. All lovers of the game should be present.
Troy Daily Times. May 29, 1865: 3 col 4." (from Lansingburgh Historical Society)

Around 1868 this club began to be known as the Haymakers of Troy. It appears that Troy business people helped finance the club, and several of its members had played for Troy clubs. The Haymakers were a major player in baseball 1868-72 and in fact were part of the first professional baseball league. Some sources have this club playing as early as 1861. See Morris, "Base Ball Pioneers" for more. 


Morris (ed), Base Ball Pioneers. Laing, "The Haymakers, Unions and Trojans of Troy'


Lansingburgh Weekly Chronicle, July 20, 1865, has an ad for the first annual picnic of this club, implying that it was existing at least as early as 1864.

Early name Union BBC of Rensselaer County

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Found by Bruce Allardice
Entered by Bruce Allardice

Win/Loss Records As Far As We Now Know

Warning: Users should not rely on a team's won-loss record as a reflection of its "standing" among all base ball clubs. Team schedules were not balanced, and a good record against mostly weak opponents does not signify a leading club.

Year Games Wins Losses Ties
1861 1 Played 0 Won 1 Lost 0 Tied
1863 1 Played 0 Won 1 Lost 0 Tied
1864 1 Played 0 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied
1865 7 Played 2 Won 2 Lost 0 Tied
1866 3 Played 2 Won 1 Lost 0 Tied
1867 6 Played 4 Won 2 Lost 0 Tied
1868 8 Played 7 Won 1 Lost 0 Tied
1869 10 Played 7 Won 3 Lost 0 Tied
1870 9 Played 4 Won 5 Lost 0 Tied


Page Date City Borough State Team 1 Team 2 Score First in Contributor
Ballgame 1861-07-20 NY Victory Club of Troy Union Club of Lansingburgh 50 - 37 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1863-09-29 NY Enterprise Club of Troy Union Club of Lansingburgh 42 - 24 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1864-08-31 Troy NY Active Club of Troy Union Club of Lansingburgh Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1865-06-01 Troy NY Liberty Club of Troy Union Club of Lansingburgh Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1865-06-29 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Enterprise Club of Troy Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1865-07-07 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Knickerbocker Club of Albany Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1865-08-14 Albany NY Knickerbocker Club of Albany Union Club of Lansingburgh 32 - 16 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1865-09-13 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Enterprise Club of Troy 43 - 35 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1865-10-02 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Eckford Club of Brooklyn 10 - 35 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1865-10-02 Lansingburgh NY Bergen Social Club of Brooklyn Union Club of Lansingburgh 10 - 35 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1866-06-21 Cohoes NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Union Club of Cohoes 110 - 38 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1866-07-25 Williamstown MA Union Club of Lansingburgh Williams College Club of Williamstown 33 - 25 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1866-08-09 New York Manhattan NY Mutual Club of New York Union Club of Lansingburgh 13 - 15 Ralph Carhart
Ballgame 1866-08-10 Brooklyn Brooklyn NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Mutual Club of New York 15 - 13 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1866-08-27 Troy NY Mutual Club of New York Union Club of Lansingburgh 18 - 32 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1866-08-28 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Mutual Club of New York 32 - 18 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1866-09-03 Albany NY National Club of Albany Union Club of Lansingburgh 23 - 18 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1866-09-22 Poughkeepsie NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Hudson River Club of Newburgh 18 - 17 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1867-08-06 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Eureka Club of Newark 42 - 21 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1867-09-24 Williamsburg Brooklyn NY Union Club of Morrisania Union Club of Lansingburgh 21 - 26 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1867-09-26 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Irvington Club of Irvington 7 - 39 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1867-09-27 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Eagle Club of Florence 57 - 18 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1867-09-27 Newburgh NY Hudson River Club of Newburgh Union Club of Lansingburgh 29 - 23 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1867-10-21 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh National Club of Washington 16 - 15 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-06-17 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Central City Club of syracuse 48 - 6 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-07-08 Rochester NY Excelsior Club of Rochester Union Club of Lansingburgh 26 - 31 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-07-09 Syracuse NY Central City Club of syracuse Union Club of Lansingburgh 14 - 31 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-07-27 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Tri-Mountain Club of Boston 63 - 37 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-08-04 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Mutual Club of New York 22 - 12 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-08-29 NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Star Club of Brooklyn 23 - 16 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-09-18 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Mutual Club of New York 48 - 11 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1868-10-06 Albany NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Red Stockings Club of Cincinnati 8 - 27 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-08-02 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Atlantic Club of Brooklyn 17 - 10 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-08-07 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Alert Club of Rochester 53 - 15 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-08-09 Saratoga Springs NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Atlantic Club of Brooklyn 11 - 22 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-08-19 Philadelphia PA Keystone Club of Philadelphia Union Club of Lansingburgh 9 - 31 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-08-22 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Eckford Club of Brooklyn 17 - 20 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-08-24 Cleveland OH Forest City Base Ball Club of Cleveland Union Club of Lansingburgh 21 - 34 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-08-28 Louisville KY Kentucky Club of Louisville Union Club of Lansingburgh 11 - 31 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-09-07 Philadelphia PA Keystone Club of Philadelphia Union Club of Lansingburgh 22 - 29 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-09-13 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Forest City Base Ball Club of Cleveland 32 - 23 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1869-10-01 Brooklyn Brooklyn NY Eckford Club of Brooklyn Union Club of Lansingburgh 23 - 19 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-05-23 Lansingburgh NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Forest City Club of Rockford 3 - 21 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-06-07 Philadelphia PA Keystone Club of Philadelphia Union Club of Lansingburgh 20 - 41 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-06-08 Philadelphia PA Athletic Club of Philadelphia Union Club of Lansingburgh 41 - 6 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-06-09 Washington DC Olympic Club of Washington Union Club of Lansingburgh 5 - 1 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-06-12 Baltimore MD Pastime Club of Baltimore Union Club of Lansingburgh 9 - 15 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-06-27 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh White Stockings Club of Chicago 21 - 24 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-08-03 Cleveland OH Forest City Base Ball Club of Cleveland Union Club of Lansingburgh 17 - 6 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-09-19 Troy NY Union Club of Lansingburgh Mutual Club of New York 24 - 19 Steve Rennie
Ballgame 1870-09-24 Philadelphia PA Athletic Club of Philadelphia Union Club of Lansingburgh 10 - 15 Steve Rennie
Ballgames with Scores: 47, Average Runs: 24.38, Average Winning Runs: 32.17, Average Losing Runs: 16.60

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Player Years Roles Edit Association with Club
A. McQuide
Bill Craver 1866-1871
Cal Penfield
Charles Richard Flowers 1870-1871
Cherokee Fisher 1869-1870
Esteban Enrique Bellan 1869-1872
Eugene Benker
James Henry Foran 1870
James Ward
John F. McMullin 1870-1871
Marshall Ney King 1867-1869, 1872
Michael James McAtee 1866-1869, 1872
Michael Powers
Rafael Rua 1868
Sonny Leavenworth
Stephen F. King 1866-1872
Thomas Jefferson York 1870-1871
William Abrams
William Flynn 1867-1869, 1871

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Playing Fields

Field Years Edit Association with Club
Hampton Park Race Track 1872
Haymakers' Grounds

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