“Baseball” was among the games played at the annual treat for students of the Marshall Road Sunday School of Sutton, Surrey, which was held at nearby Cheam Park. A newspaper reported that after the children arrived at the park, “the various amusements provided were entered into with great gusto, the swings, roundabouts, &c., coming in for a large share of patronage. At 12:30 a substantial luncheon was provided for the children, which they heartily enjoyed. In the afternoon the superintendent, Mr. Carpenter, and several of the friends of the scholars indulged in cricket, baseball, &c. until five o'clock when tea was provided for both scholars and friends.”
Block Notes
Sutton was then in Surrey but is now part of London. It is interesting to note that apparently, in this instance, baseball was not played by the students themselves but by the superintendent and “friends” of the scholars, who, presumably, were adults or older boys who had previously attended the school. This admits to the small possibility that the baseball played may have been American-style.