“Base-ball” was among the usual street games enjoyed by boys in the Norfolk coastal town of Yarmouth before being chased away and pursued by a policeman who appeared to have gone insane. The tale was related in a newspaper article headlined “A Mad Policeman” that reported: “The most convincing proof that he had 'gone wrong' was the unwonted energy that he displayed in the attempt to capture a number of boys who were playing about the streets, and who as a rule are allowed to enjoy their games of whip-top, base-ball, and other pastimes in the middle of the public streets unmolested by 'Mr. Bobby.' [The policeman], however, had apparently conceived an idea that this normal state of things should be stopped, and he at once put in practice his conviction by 'running in' several boys who playing about the streets.” It was suspected that something was wrong with him, and following a police surgeon's examination he was declared insane.