“Base ball” on horseback was reported to be one of the outdoor amusements contested by members of the Ranelagh Club of southwest London at a club gathering. According to an article in a sporting newspaper, “The members of the Renelagh Club on Tuesday last enjoyed some outdoor sports, consisting of tilting at the ring on polo ponies, base ball on horseback, and military pastimes. The principal competition was tilting at the ring for the ladies' prize, when thirteen members contended the prize, a beautiful silver cup... The base ball was a most interesting feature, especially as the generality of the competitors were renowned horsemen.”
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The Ranelagh Club was formed in 1878 as a split-off from the Hurlingham Club, and by 1894 had become the largest polo club in the world. It is not clear what sort of baseball this horseback game was modeled upon, although the American version was still little known in Britain at that time.