Block:English Baseball in Hampshire on May 13 1886

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Block English Games
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English Baseball

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Another crackdown on "base ball" was reported, this time in the Fratton area of Portsmouth, Hampshire: "Games in the Street.--George Lean, William Vesey and John Baker, youths, were summoned for playing base ball in Manor-road, Fratton, on the 6th inst., to the annoyance of the residents and passengers.--There had been many complaints of the bad language and misconduct of the youths at the spot named, and two detectives were told off by the Chief Constable, and had ascertained the truth of the complaints.--The defendants were warned, and as Lean did not appear he was fined 2s.; the other two were each fined 1s."


Portsmouth Evening News, May 13, 1886, p. 3

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A regular crime wave.

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