“Bass-ball” was one of the pastimes enjoyed at an outdoors anniversary celebration held for families and friends of members of the Providence Lodge of Ancient Shepherds of Soham, a small town in eastern Cambridgeshire. After an indoor lunch and speeches, a newspaper reported that “the members, accompanied by the Soham band, adjourned to the orchard, and were then joined by their wives, children and friends to the number of about 2000. Rural sports were commenced in great variety, and carried on with much spirit, including pony, mule, and donkey races, jumping in sacks, foot races, hurdle races, aunt sally, &c., concluding with a wheelbarrow race in the river, for all of which good prizes were given. Mr. Wilkerson burnt a variety of coloured fires. Kiss-in-the-ring, bass-ball, and other games were introduced, and the Soham band frequently played some good music.”