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St. Louis Club ownership

Date Wednesday, December 25, 1889

[from an interview of Comiskey] “There have been a great many reports afloat to the effect that you are a heavy stockholder in the Browns. Is there any truth in the reports?” “There is just his much truth in it: Of the 200 shares of stock Von der Ahe owns 150 and 49 are owned by other parties, and I own one solitary share.

Source The Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

St. Louis Club refused admission to the PL

Date Thursday, December 19, 1889

[dateline New York] Of all the base ball men who have been in this city to attend or to watch the meeting of the new Players' League Chris Von der Ahe is the most angry and the most discouraged. He came here with the belief that he would be admitted to the new league and in fact many of the delegates acknowledged that the whole thing was cut and dried. Even up to the time that the matter of admitting the St. Louis club to the new league came before the meeting everybody was sure that the club would get in; but it did not and the “boss” president will go home and try to form a new league with the remnant of the old American Association.

When the question of the admission of St. Louis to the league came up the Pittsburg delegates exploded a bomb in the shape of a flat refusal to get out. They were int to stay, and stay they would. They showed any number of telegrams from men in Pitsburg who offered to take stock in the club. They showed that they were perfectly capable of supporting their club. That settled it, and the St. Louis president was notified that there was no chance for his club at present.

Chris, on his own behalf, said that he had been reasonably sure of getting in the league, but now that he had not been able to do so, he would either try to build up the old American Association or go into the Western League.

“It is hard to tell just what I will do just now,” said Chris, “but the playing season has not begun yet, and many things are likely to turn up by the time it does.” St. Louis Republic December 19, 1889

[from an interview of Von der Ahe] I went to New York as the representative of the American Association, with full power to act, not only in so far as St. Louis' joining the brotherhood was concerned, but as to consolidating the whole American Association with the brotherhood. I had a pleasant time with the players, talked the matter over with them and soon concluded that their ideas of doing business and mine were so widely different that we could not agree, and all thoughts of an amalgamation ended right there. As soon as I left New York I set to to work to reorganize the American Association.... St. Louis Republic December 22, 1889

Source St. Louis Republic
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

St. Louis hold-outs signed

Date Wednesday, April 17, 1889

[from Joe Pritchard's column] The defeat of the Browns by the Pittsburgs, on Monday, by a score of 7 to 3, was the straw that broke the camel's back. The home team played a “don't-care-whether-we-in” kind of a game, and the crowd in attendance, as well as the players of the Browns, left the park after the game was finished with a look of disgust on their faces. Comiskey and his men were guyed unmercifully by the crowd from the time the first ball was pitched until the game was finished. “Comie” can stand guying if his team is ahead, but if the Brows are behind he don't relish it one little bit. After the game on Monday the Browns' manager told President Von der Ahe that he thought that it would be a good idea for some one to see Robinson, Chamberlain, King and McCarthy, and offer to compromise matters. The boss president was slow to give his consent to such an arrangement, but after studying over the matter carefully he told “Comie” to see the boys and compromise with them, if such a thing was possible. The Browns' captain-manager had a short talk with McCarthy, Robinson and Chamberlain on Monday evening, and they arrived at a conclusion in a very short time. The three men were told to report at the park at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning and sign a contract, which they did, and they played in the game against the Pittburgs the same afternoon. Several papers here and elsewhere have stated that the players threw up their hands and asked to be signed at the prices named by Mr. Von der Ahe, but this is not the case. There was a compromise, and it was brought about by Manager Comiskey, who was anxious to have his team in good shape for April 17, when it will go up against Gus Schmelz's Cincinnati team. I have watched the recent “lock-out” with considerable interest, and I will say right here without attempting to injure either the management of the Brown Stockings or the players who saw fit to hold out for what they claimed was just that neither side was very firm. Mr. Von der Ahe was aware of the fact that he would stand a poor show in the championship race without the help of the unsigned players, and the players wanted to get to work because it was a matter of bread and butter with them. Neither the players nor the management has any room or cause to flap their wings and crow, because the fight was ended by a compromise, and all the parties concerned seem to be well satisfied with the turn things took on Tuesday. The Sporting Life April 17, 1889

[from Joe Pritchard's column] [relating a conversation between Von der Ahe and Charley King's father] “Charley is bull-headed,” said Mr. King, “and I have told him that he had better sign with you at the amount you have offered him--$3,200. It seems like some of the other players entered into an agreement with my son not to sign unless their demands were acceded to. When I noticed that Chamberlain, McCarthy and Robinson had had signed, I told my son that he was in the 'nine hold,' and that is the reason I wanted to see you. He has been working at his trade—that of brick-layer—all spring, and he is in good shape to pitch good ball.” Mr. King's story of the combination shows that some kind of an agreement did exist between the players. The Sporting Life April 24, 1889

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

St. Louis tried to jump to the PL

Date Wednesday, December 25, 1889

[reporting on the PL meeting 12/16-12/17/1889] Mr. Von der Ahe left for St. Louis last night very much disappointed and decidedly disgruntled over his failure to secure admission to the Players' League. He came here with the belief that he would be admitted to the new League, and, in fact, many of the delegates acknowledged that the whole thing was cut and dried. But they were mistaken.

When the question of the admission of St. Louis to the League came up the Pittsburg delegates exploded a bomb in the shape of a flat refusal to get out. They were in to stay, and stay they would. They showed any number of telegrams from men in Pittsburg who offered to take stock in the club. They showed that they were perfectly capable of supporting their club. That settled it, and the St. Louis president was notified that there was not chance for his club at present.

Von der Ahe, on his own behalf, said that he had been reasonably sure of getting in the Players' League, but now that he had not been able to do so he would either try to build up the American Association or go into the Western League. “It is hard to tell what I will do just now,” said Chris. “But the playing season has not begun yet, and many things are likely to turn up by the time it does.

Source The Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

St. Louis's side of the story of the jumps

Date Wednesday, November 20, 1889

[from a statement by John J. O'Neill:] You have been aware of the statements that have been circulated through the corridors of this hotel the last few days. The members of the clubs are present and will bear me out when I state that every statement furnished the press of any 'combine' or organization having for its object any injury to either the Brooklyn or Cincinnati Club is absolutely without the slightest foundation. We became convinced some time since that it was the intention of the Brooklyn and Cincinnati clubs to go into the League. Mr. Von der Ahe has in his possession a dispatch to Cincinnati parties, sent several days ago, showing that such was the intention of the Cincinnati Club. We realized that we were dealing with a conspiracy and we proposed to only take for the head of this organization a man above suspicion and absolutely removed from pecuniary interest in the Association. Mr. Phelps has been a friend of the Association from its inception, and had at different times been identified with the Association, and was known as a lawyer of considerable ability and a man of unimpeachable character, and, not having a dollar's interest in the Louisville Club, we believe him a man who would not, even for the club in his own city, give the slightest favor inimical to any other club, and we determined that no matter what should happen we intended to preserve this organization from disintegration and from the attacks of some men whom we believed were conspirators. The Sporting Life November 20, 1889

replacement clubs for the AA

[reporting the AA meeting 11/16/1889] The American Association adjourned to-day until Dec. 9, to meet at Columbus. The only business done to-day was to admit Syracuse to membership. The finance committee leaves to-night for Rochester and Toledo. It has been decided to admit those clubs to complete the circuit if arrangements can be made. Rochester is sure as Pat. Powers received a dispatch to that effect after the Association had adjourned. Detroit will be ignored and Toledo taken if possible. Great secrecy is being maintained about Toledo so as not to scare off Detroit if Toledo will not come in. The Sporting Life November 20, 1889

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

stashing an extra ball under the bleachers

Date Wednesday, August 7, 1889

[from Joe Pritchard's column] The New York papers are now boasting of the movement that Lawyer O'Rourke “gets on himself” whenever a ball is knocked under the bleachers of the New York grounds in O'Rourke's territory. It is said that Jim skins under the seats and gets the ball in time to hold the man on third base. This is good for O'Rourke, but when Hugh Nicol's fast feats are considered, Jim is laid in the shade. Probably Jim can't remember just where he placed the extra ball. In an “under-the-seats play” a good memory is essential. While Hugh Nicol was a member of the St. Louis team he threw out several batsmen on hits under the right field bleachers, but he could not work the trick successfully unless the ball in play had been in use long enough to become dirty. Hugh would report for duty every morning, and before he left the park for his dinner he would place a couple, and sometimes three balls under the right field seats, and he knew just where to find them, too, when necessity demanded it. When a batsman of an opposing nine knocked the ball under the right field seats Hugh would go over the inside fence in a twinkle, grasp the hidden ball, and before the runner could reach second, “Robbie” would be waiting on the line, ball in hand, to retire him. Of course Captain Comiskey was not on to the scheme, and he has often purchased Nicol a good cigar after the game on account of his quick movements in returning the ball to the diamond. When Nicol played here there was no ground rule allowing a home run for a ball hit under the seats. Nicol will probably deny having practiced this little trick on the boys, but it is true nevertheless, because Dave Foutz whispered the story into my ear the last time the Brooklyns visiting St. Louis. Fact!

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

status of the Indianapolis franchise; ownership; finances

Date Thursday, January 24, 1889

Mr. Brush says that the club is out of the control of the old organization, and all applications for it must be made to the League. He stated positively to a reporter that the transfer of the franchise was “absolute and unconditioned” and that the only reason for transferring the lease of the grounds, and giving a bill of sale for the grand stand to McCutheon, was to secure him the money he had advanced, and that he would be perfectly willing to transfer all his rights thus obtained to any parties who might operate the club here. The attorney of the syndicate offered $16,000 to-day for the club. New York Sun January 24, 1889

Articles of incorporation of the new Indianapolis Base Ball Club have been filed for record. The capital stock is $30,000, divided into 300 shares of $100 each. The stockholders are: Fred L. Mayer, 20 shares; Ford Woods, 30; R. K. Dryfus, 30; W. S. Schmidt, 40; Henry Jameson, 30; George F. Branham, 30; Charles F. Meyer, 40; J. F. Brush, 40; A. B. Meyer, 30; Tom Taggart, 10. New York Sun January 26, 1889

A detailed statement has been prepared by our base ball club management and will be sent to all stockholders and creditors and all interested in the matter. The financial operations are all set out at length, and the balance on the wrong side amounts to $19,250. With the exception of a few details of minor importance this report closes the work of the Board of Directors of the Indianapolis Base Ball Association. That the :Board could have succeeded in bringing the club out from under the cloud of financial trouble, and eventually have created a value for the original stock if permitted to continue by a few of the creditors, there is no manner of doubt in the minds of six members of the Board, and they tried all means within their power to secure this permission, coupled with an offer to personally carry the bank debt and furnish sufficient additional funds preliminary to the opening of the coming season, which would amount to several thousand dollars more. New York Sun January 27, 1889

The true story, as told by a gentleman in this city who knows what he is talking about, is as follows: “The Indianapolis Club has some 200 stockholders, many of them holding not more than $100 worth of stock. All of these gentlemen were very willing to share the profits, but when it came to making up the losses, they were not there. It was to get rid of these stockholders that the franchise was turned over to the League. The big stockholders have already formed a new company, and when they get the thing in working order, they will get the franchise back from the League and the ground and the grand stand from the gentlemen to whom it was made over, and all will be well.” New York Sun January 28, 1889

Application was made before Judge Walker late this afternoon for the appointment of a receiver for the Indianapolis Base Ball Club. Paul H. Krauss and George Pfingst, guarantors each in the amount of $500, were the plaintiffs. They were assured of fifty cents on the dollar under the present disposition, but were not satisfied. Upon showing made, Judge Walker appointed Charles Dryer receiver, and fixed his bond at $20,000. Mr. Brush received $15,000 from President Young of the League for the base ball franchise, and that money is now being applied to the payment of the club's debts, so far as it will go. The bank debt and the amounts due the directors have already been paid, and the guarantors are being paid $270 each, which is 54 per cent. of their claims without interest. New York Sun February 2, 1889

Source New York Sun
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

stealing signs 2

Date Tuesday, September 3, 1889

The Philadelphia club has suddenly discovered what several league clubs have known all season, that the sign batteries of the club's batteries are generally known. Buffinton's are with his mouth and Sanders' with his foot.

Source Chicago Tribune
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

stealing signs 3

Date Wednesday, September 4, 1889

[from an interview of an unidentified Boston player] “Now, I'll tell you why the Phillies' pitchers are being hit so hard lately. The secret lies in the fact that about every club in the League is onto their signs. Take Buffinton for example, he signs with his mouth. If you see him press his lips close together you expect a fast straight ball and that is what we are laying back for. When he stands in the box with his mouth open it means that he will put one of his drop balls over the plate, and we simply leave that go as it is hard to hit, and besides generally drops so low as to be nothing but a 'ball' anyhow. Thus you see by not going after his drop balls we get him into a hole, and he must then put them over straight, and those are the ones we lace out. Sanders signs with his left foot. If he has it turned to the left it is a curve ball. Casey and Gleason are also doing their own signing, and we are dead onto them.” In using the above we are not betraying any confidence, as the Boston-Philadelphia series is now practically over, and the Bostons can no longer lose anything by the Philadelphia batters getting up new signs. “Indeed,” said one of the Boston men last Tuesday night, “I hope the Phillies will change their signs now before they meet New York again and thus down the latter, as that is the 0only club we have to fight for the pennant.” In this connection it may be added that it is poor policy for the pitcher to give the signs, as nine out of ten times the opposing team get onto them in a very short time and then it means almost certain defeat for that side. If the catcher asks for the sign so he can hide it that the coachers will scarcely get onto it, while the batsman must depend on the men in the coachers' box to give him the cue, as he dare not look around else he is not ready to bat, pitchers being always on the watch to catch batters napping. The combination sign, i.e., giving two or three at once, is the only safe one, as then the opposing side never knows which one is meant, though the battery understands it. Welch, Keefe and Ewing, Clarkson and Bennett, Seward and Robinson and several other batteries we know of use the combination sign with marked success, and they frequently change it in the middle of a game when the opposing side makes a number of safe hits in succession and they get suspicious that the other side is onto them.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Stern on the jump from the AA

Date Wednesday, December 11, 1889

[from Ren Mulford's column] [from an interview of Aaron Stern] The Association with its disgraceful squabbles and wrangles—the charges and countercharges that this club and that was running affairs—grew very distasteful to me, and Brooklyn shared that feeling with Cincinnati. It was only a question of time when the Association would be disrupted. If it had not died this year it would have been crippled as badly in '90. Brooklyn and Cincinnati both wanted places in the League. We desired to make the transfer together and the opportunity was presented. Had the League not accepted both cities at this time Brooklyn would certainly have purchased Washington's franchise for it had released Mr. Byrne from the pledge we had made to act in unison. The treatment Cincinnati and Brooklyn received from the combine left no other way open. Cincinnati would have followed Brooklyn just as soon as we could have purchased Indianapolis' franchise. That was the plan of campaign after the combine had shown its hand. The Association with all its bitter animosities is better dead than a source of continued strife detrimental to honest, clean ball—such as the League always has and always will play.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

substitute player

Date Wednesday, March 20, 1889

[from Chadwick's column] In any part of the game after the first inning and at the close of an inning, the captain of either nine can call for a and place him in the position of any player of the nine he chooses to retire from the field, irrespective of any player being disabled by illness or injury. But the retired player cannot again take part in the game.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

substitutes and two umpire system in the Players League

Date Wednesday, November 27, 1889

[editorial matter] In permitting the introduction of any regular substitute at any period of a game, and in adopting the double umpire system, the New Players' National League has placed itself squarely in advance of the National League and in line with the public demand on at least one important particular. The double umpire system is the inevitable system of the future, and in first adopting it, the Brotherhood men scored a clever point. The Sporting Life November 27, 1889 [N.B. The PL in fact adopted the same substitute rule as the NL. See TSL 12/25/1889]

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Sunday baseball outlawed in Cincinnati

Date Wednesday, August 21, 1889

[from Ren Mulford's column] The superintendent of police having notified theatrical and base ball managers that Sunday performances and base ball games will not hereafter be permitted, Manager Stern to-day called on Mayor Mosby to ask permission to play the remaining four games that are scheduled here for Sundays. The Mayor made a positive refusal, and told him that a real, bona fide arrest of managers and players would be made on the sport if games were attempted. The club has four more Sunday games to play, and has arranged to play Sunday's scheduled game with the Columbus team, on the grounds in Ludlow, In Kentucky, on the line of the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway. The stands will not hold more than 1000 people, and the grounds can only be reached by train. Three specials will be run over the road that day. The grounds are a pretty poor apology for the present park. New stands may be built, but that is a question for adjustment later on. The Sporting Life August 21, 1889

[from Ren Mulford's column] The suppression of Sunday ball, while feared, was rather unexpected, and it was the result of a demand that the Owen law be enforced without favor. One of its provisions brings Sunday theatricals and base ball on the same ground with the Sunday saloon. Theatricals and the saloons were abated, but base ball continued to be played, and the only disagreeable feature was the regular Sunday night arrest of Manager Scnmelz and his Monday morning appearance in the police court. A double-leaded “defi” that Heuck's intended to ignore the Sunday law is generally charged as being responsible for the screws which the Mayor has put on both the theatres and base ball. It has been years since these sleeping laws have been enforced in this erstwhile “wide-open” city, and under the new regime Cincinnati joins New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Baltimore, and other cities—quite as prosperous—in reserving the first day of the week for rest, without accompanying fire works, beer and other etceteras of an amusement line. If Cincinnati—no one doubts its ability to shine in such society—is debarred from wearing a League crown, then it is absolutely certain that new grounds will be opened for Sunday games in Kentucky. Cincinnati, with League ball and advanced prices, can live without Sunday games and make just as much money as the Association team does now. The Sporting Life August 28, 1889

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Sunday games in Brooklyn

Date Wednesday, November 27, 1889

[from J. F. Donnally's column] Some people have raised a cry that the loss of Sunday games will seriously affect the finances of the Brooklyn Club, but, as an even fate adjusts all things, it is more than probable that even had Brooklyn remained in the Association it would have been an impossibility to play at Ridgewood on Sundays next season. The panic raised by the notoriety-seeking cranks, who used bigotry as the vehicle to wheel themselves into public notice, has become epidemic and almost every church now has its Sunday observance society, which quite overlooks beer-selling, prostitution and things in that line, to harp on base ball. It's the thing, you know, and attract most attention. These people have practically joined forces on the question of Sunday ball games, and were going to have it all arranged to swoop down on the Brooklyn Club and give it a neck blow. Having joined the League now, all this rush will be unnecessary, and the cranks, taking the victory to themselves, will rather tend to increase the clubs' regular patronage, as many who would not go to see the club play on account of the Sunday games matter will, now that the ban has been lifted, flock to the club's standard.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Sunday games, liquor sales in the League

Date Wednesday, May 1, 1889

The League baby of Cleveland has this spring violated the League constitution by playing a Sunday game, a violation which involved forfeiture of League membership. It is not, however, likely to be severely, if at all, disciplined in view of the fact that the new York Club did the same thing last season and has besides for years openly and brazenly defied the League law relative to selling liquor by running a bar in full blast under the grand stand at the Polo Grounds. If the League could afford to wink at and condone such a flagrant violation of an important League law it will hardly strain much at a mere Sunday exhibition game.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Syracuse backs out of the AA; International clubs rebuff the AA

Date Wednesday, December 4, 1889

The week just closed has changed the base ball situation here [Syracuse] very materially, and after all the hullabaloo made about joining the ranks of the American Association the Syracuse directors have decided to tone down somewhat and remain in the International League. This decision is now thought to be the mos wise one, and it is generally admitted on all sides that the directors have shown good sense in the matter. As Vice President A. K. Dickinson said to your correspondent:-- “Which is the more sensible, to remain in a league that shows signs of having a good foothold and strong membership, or go into one that is evidently making its last dying kick. Syracuse as an International city is strong, and to throw up this position for one of unknown quality is foolishness. The American Association, or its remnant, is evidently in a bad way, and joining its ranks is going into a great uncertainty and taking serious chances. At Detroit last week the Syracuse delegates evidently held the key to the situation. They news that the City of the Straits has decided to maintain her franchise in the International, and that Toronto and Toledo will do likewise, keeps the old chain without a missing link.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

taking an extra base a 'steal'

Date Friday, May 3, 1889

[Athletic vs. Brooklyn 5/2/1889] ...O’Brien hit a beautiful bounder to left field... The Collins forwarded O’Brien by a sacrifice, and on Burns’ telling bounder to right field, which sent O’Brien to third easily, the latter ran in, he seeing that Purcell did not handle the ball quick enough for a throw home. It was, in fact, a steal home, O’Brien being quick to take advantage of plays of this kind. Brooklyn Eagle May 3, 1889

a player delegated to call foul balls when umpire behind the pitcher

[Chicago vs. Cleveland 5/3/1889] In the first inning, with Duffy at the plate and Ryan on first [both Chicago players], Barnum, who was behind the pitcher, asked Anson to watch fouls. The Captain took a positition near the batsman and the crowd on the left bleaching boards began shouting: “Get out o'that.” “Sit down.” “See where he is.” The Captain turned round and said: “Gentlemen, I'm put here to watch fouls.” Then they cheered him. When he led off in the second inning he was cheered from every stand. Chicago Tribune May 4, 1889

Source Brooklyn Eagle
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

taking in Brooklyn and Cincinnati a blunder by the League

Date Wednesday, November 27, 1889

[editorial matter] The assertion of The Sporting Life that the admission of Brooklyn and Cincinnati was a blunder, or worse, and that thereby the Brotherhood was lifted to a greater prominence and its chances of life vastly increased, still goes, and the events of the past week bear us out to a remarkable degree. The fact that Brooklyn and Cincinnati were willing to joint the League doesn't cut any figure. They could not have entered the League without the latter's invitation, and that the League, without the spur of necessity, took advantage of a family quarrel to strengthen itself, as it supposed, is patent, and quite as inexcusable in morals as would be the disruption of a man's family because of a quarrel or because some other man of greater income could offer inducements as to comforts and luxuries beyond the poorer man's means. By that act they ruthlessly slaughtered the American Association without the slightest regard for the enormous damage entailed upon the property of friendly clubs; wiped out a number of hitherto valuable franchises; practically ruined a number of men; imperiled the existence of still another friendly league, because if the Association is to live, the International :League must become disrupted; made of the National Agreement a hollow mockery; left the Association a prey to the Brotherhood League, and gave the latter a chance to strengthen itself such as it could never have anticipated. In short, the League by that act caused widespread disaster to many interests and has precipitated a condition in base ball bordering on the chaotic. Not in ten years has such a gloomy, uncertain situation presented itself, and there's not telling now what each day may bring forth; inf act, the progress of the game has been temporarily most effectually stayed, if not put back half a dozen years, as it will take time and much treasure to repair damages and reform the lines.

Instead ...we have the Brotherhood League now in place of the American Association, and dividing public attention with the National League. Since our last issue the Brotherhood has signed a great number of its own pledged players and quite a number of Association stars. Meantime the League has induced half a dozen of its old players to desert their Brotherhood and return to the League ranks, and yet has produced little or no impression on the Brotherhood rank and file. With the American Association intact to-day, these League captures would have produced a decided sensation and proved a serious blow to the Brotherhood, because it would not have been able to offset these desertions with the stars of the Association, and also could not use these same Association stars as a club to bring hesitating Brotherhood men into submission. As it stands the Brotherhood has all the best of the situation, as the Association is helpless and its best players, realizing its inevitable end and eager for the market where the highest salaries prevail, or one by one falling willingly into the Brotherhood net and nullifying the League's plan of dividing the enemy's forces; while the League, fettered by the National Agreement, is compelled to stand idly by until the final collapse comes, by which time the Brotherhood will have gleaned the wheat, leaving the League the husks. Is this picture overdrawn? Read the answer in the record of the past week. The Sporting Life November 27, 1889

[editorial matter] The crisis for the [Brotherhood] came when Glasscock and the other Indianapolis players deserted to the National League. Then the Brotherhood leaders for the first time showed symptoms of panic, and the backers for a moment began to weaken, because they feared that these men—who have posed so prominently as martyrs to League tyranny and for whom the Brotherhood had made such a fight—were but types of the entire body of professionals and that the bulk of them could not be relied upon even under oath or contract. But the League chose but poor instruments to lead the expected revolt; the rank and file of the Brotherhood remained steady, the confidence of the leaders was quickly regained, the financial men inspired with new courage and the net result of the League was only the handful of men with which the break was started. Right here the fatality of the move against the Association was made evident. With that organization intact, and with no resources open to the Brotherhood leaders, the Indianapolis break might have led to a stampede and the battle might have been over now. Instead of that the defection was quickly made good by a draft on Association talent, thus steadying the entire line, and to-day the new League is further advanced than it would have been under the old conditions, or than it hoped to be when it postponed its next meeting until January. So many men have signed inf act, so few desertions have taken place, that the backers have been stimulated to extraordinary energy and have so far perfected their arrangements that the date for permanent organization has been advanced fully a month. For all of which it must and does thank the League's cruel, needless and suicidal blow at the American Association. The Sporting Life December 4, 1889

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of Brooklyn jumping to the League if it won the pennant

Date Thursday, October 10, 1889

President Byrne said the other day that, in case the Brooklyns won the American Association championship, he thought that it would be to the advantage of the club to be in the League. He thought that the base ball enthusiasts were somewhat tired of seeing the same club play year after year and that a change to the League would be the proper thing. The Philadelphia Item October 10, 1889, quoting the New York Sun

Source Philadelphia Item
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of St. Louis and Louisville jumping to the Western Association

Date Friday, December 20, 1889

It is expected a special meeting of the Western Association managers will be held immediately after the holidays to invite the St. Louis and Louisville clubs to join the Western Association. The St. Paul and Minneapolis managers are enthusiastically in favor of the project. President Thompson of St. Paul said this afternoon that such a move had been expected for some time and intimated that letters had already been passing. Mr. Thompson said he was certain that no attempt would be made to reorganize the American Association, and that if St. Louis played ball at all in 1890 it would be with the Western Association. MR. Von der Ahe's remarks in New York yesterday were a hint of what he intended to do. If Louisville asks to come in, the Kentucky club will be admitted without question. Mr. Thompson was in doubt as to what would be done about the number of clubs. The organization is now composed of eight clubs and the admission of two more would make a 10 club league. He was not in favor of dropping Sioux City and Des Moines because both had raised enough money to guarantee them through the season and all the others can support themselves. The votes of both St. Paul and Minneapolis will be cast in favor of a 10-club league. St.

Source St. Louis Republic
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Talk of a minor league combine; foreshadowing the American League; minors resisting the majors

Date Saturday, November 2, 1889

Secretary Morton has notified the managers of clubs in minor leagues in every part of the country to send representatives to the Western Association's meeting. An alliance, offensive and defensive, will be formed, and then all will lay back on their oars to await the action of the league and brotherhood meetings. The brotherhood meeting will be held Monday, November 11, and the league the day following. If the league passes unreasonable rul3es relating to the minor associations, Morton's plan is to receive propositions from the brotherhood. Should these propositions not meet with favor, a general sessions of the minor leagues is pretty sure to result. Morton has a big scheme for the government of these associations, which has in view the Western Association becoming to the minor associations what the National League has been in the past. In a nutshell, Morton proposes that the Western Association shall become an open competitor to the National League. St. Louis Republic November 2, 1889

The Herald says President Riely V. Miller of the International Base Ball Association to-day appointed Mangars Leadly of Detroit, Dickinson of Syracuse, Fitzgerald of Buffalo and Dixon of Hamilton a committee to represent the International Association at the board of arbitration meeting, to be held in New York on November 18. This was done at the request of all International clubs. Should the board of arbitration attempt to rescind the guaranteed protection given to minor leagues, these gentlemen will carry the matter into the courts. They claim that they have $200,000 invested in players, which, should protection be rescinded, would be lost, and that under such circumstances an international franchise would be of little value. On the other hand, they are willing to come to any fair agreement; that minor leagues would not ask an excessive price for players wanted by the big leagues. In case the board of arbitration attempts to withdraw protection, the minor leagues will all band together, claiming that the articles of agreement are running contracts, which cannot be rescinded, as the minor leagues have fulfilled all requirements, and will begin legal action restraining the big leagues from taking their players. St. Louis Republic November 5, 1889

Source St. Louis Republic
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of an Association brotherhood

Date Wednesday, July 3, 1889

[from the Louisville correspondent] The St. Louis men being here to play their series, they and the Louisville men held several conferences Saturday evening and night, and the news got out that they had organized an Association Brotherhood of Base Ball Players, patterned after that of the League. All the players of each club joined it. They were very secret about the affair and refused absolutely to talk to any reporters concerning it. I asked several of them if such an association had been formed, but they politely refused to say yes or no and walked away. That such a society has been formed there is no doubt, but the exact nature of its regulations and aims cannot be defined. A paper was drawn up and all the men signed it. A copy of this paper was taken away by the St. Louis men when they left and the original was carried with the Louisvilles when they went to Kansas City, so I am informed. For some time it had been intended to take such a step as this by the Association players and the plan had been hurried up by the treatment of the Louisville players at Baltimore. They and St. Louis will carry the articles of agreements to all the other clubs to sign.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of moving the pitcher back

Date Wednesday, August 21, 1889

In common with many other players, John Morrill thinks the pitchers ought to be put back five feet. That is only a question of time. The pitcher's overshadowing importance must be reduced, and an increased pitching distance is the only thing that will do it without giving the batsman undue advantage.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of the AA merging with the PL

Date Friday, December 13, 1889

The stories form Columbus about amalgamation between the Players' League and American Association tell only the wishes of the latter and the many concessions which it will make for a chance at life under the former's wing. For such a chance the association remnant will drop Sunday games, abrogate the reserve rule, subscribe to the guarantee fund, and do anything asked of it. But there will be no amalgamation. The players in the Players' League are opposed, almost to a man, to it, and nearly all the capitalist agree with them. The Philadelphia Players' club would like to combine on liberal terms with the Athletics and take their name, but there is no chance for Columbus or St. Louis. The story that no association players have been touched since Ward's original visit to Columbus, at the urging of the clubs' attorney, is not true. O'Neil has come to Chicago, Weyhing has gone to Brooklyn, and Cunningham to Philadelphia within the last week. The Players' League will start with clubs only in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Chicago.

Source Chicago Tribune
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of the Giants returning to the Polo Grounds

Date Wednesday, June 5, 1889

[from W. I. Harris's column] Will they get back to the Polo Grounds? It is a hard question to decide. The situation is simply this. The aldermen have not ordered the grading of the street through the grounds and show no disposition to do so. The fences being down the grounds are occupied by amateur ball clubs and loafers of both sexes all day, and at night the grand stand forms a cheap and luxurious lodging for all the tramps in Harlem, male and female. Such a state of affairs has called forth a protest and a petition from the abutting residents to Commissioner Gilroy to erect a fence across the street on both sides. The commissioner has ordered an inspection of the premises and seems inclined to put the fence up and probably will. The question arises as to the kind of fence. A four-foot palling fence would e ample protection to the public, but would not be of much service to the New York Club, but if the four-foot fence is put up the club will try and devise some means of shutting off the view of the grounds from the street that will not subject it to the charge of closing up a public highway. Some think this can be done with canvas or by drawing a few trucks up by the fence and building high canvas coverings to them. This is not very feasible, as there is a descent of sixteen feet from the sidewalk to the grounds. Mr. Day expresses his confidence that the Giants will return to the Polo Grounds and play the Bostons there June 10. Senator Jacob Canter is of the same opinion. We hope so at any rate. If the club stays at St. George, it will not make much of a profit for its stockholders. Think of 520 people to see a morning holiday game, and only 5970 to see the afternoon contest. The nineteen games to date have attracted about 43,000 people. At this rate I figure out that the New York Club would be in luck to close the season $10,000 ahead.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Ted Sullivan a League scout

Date Sunday, November 3, 1889

Ted [Sullivan] is now employed as a special agent of the League in securing young blood recruits from the minor base ball organizations. He is probably the best judge of a ball player in the country...

Source Philadelphia Item
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the AA threatens war if Brooklyn and Cincinnati jump to the NL

Date Wednesday, November 20, 1889

This same combination [of AA clubs] ...perpetrated another blunder by selecting one of their number—Mr. Whitaker—to give the League, through Al Spalding, notice that the desertion of Brooklyn and Cincinnati would mean war; and that in such event the American Association would joint hands with the Brotherhood as against the League. The effect on the League can be imagined. Several of the League delegates were furious and were for taking in the two Association clubs at once, even if a ten-club League were necessary, but wiser counsels prevailed, it being decided to do nothing without careful consideration. The “big four” were, however, given to understand that if room could be made for Cincinnati and Brooklyn, and the latter were willing to enter, no Association threats would prevent their admission, and furthermore, that under such circumstances a breach of the National Agreement would injure only the Association, inasmuch as the latter had a number of valuable player that the League could use to advantage just now. The latter argument proved a settler for the “combine,” which probably had never given the possibilities of the situation more than a cursory glance.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the AA umpire committee abolished

Date Sunday, March 10, 1889

The reason for doing away with the Umpire Committee of the American Association was that it placed the members of the committee in a bad position. Every one had the idea that the umpires favored the clubs of the committee, and there was always more or less bad feeling about it. The whole thing is now in the hands of President Wikoff, and he will be held responsible for the umpires hereafter. The umpires' schedule should have been ready before this, but the failure to complete the staff has delayed the work. New York Sun March 10, 1889

All last year Mr. Byrne was charged because of his chairmanship of that committee, with undue influence over the umpire staff. At the annual meeting in St. Louis in December last he positively refused re-election to that committee, as he would not subject himself again to such imputations. The committee this year, therefore, consisted of Baltimore, Kansas City and Columbus, Mr. Byrne, having nothing whatever to do with the action of the committee. The committee selected Messrs. Gaffney, Ferguson, Holland and Sullivan, and their action was ratified at the schedule meeting held in Columbus in March last. At this same meeting it was determined to abolish the Umpire Committee and clothe President Wikoff with full power of appointment and control of umpires. Subsequent to the meeting Mr. Sullivan refused to qualify, and Mr. Wikoff, under the authority given him, appointed Mr. Goldsmith to fill the vacancy. Mr. Wikoff did this without any consultation with or advice from any official of any association club. Brooklyn Eagle September 14, 1889

Source New York Sun
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Athletics go drinking

Date Wednesday, August 21, 1889

[Athletic vs. St. Louis 8/20/1889] There were a number of ugly rumors current yesterday reflecting seriously on the reputation of the Athletic team for sobriety. It was said that the surplus beer in one of the famous breweries of the city had been materially reduced by a visit from several of the prominent members of the team. However true the charge, it is quite certain that the team player very beery ball. There was a lack of life and ambition about their work that soon set the spectators yawning. Seward was pounded constantly and his support was vile. “Curt” Welch was way off and his work was a disagreeable surprise to his admirers. Fennelly dropped a fly and Larkin gave a wretched exhibition of base-running. Add to this their weak exhibition at the bat and it appear as if the “jag” story was not altogether improbable. St.

Source St. Louis Republic
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Athletics' trainer

Date Wednesday, April 17, 1889

The veteran player, Bill Hague, has become the trainer of the Athletic Club. He has been working on the pitchers' arms for the past week, and Seward, Robinson, Smith and Knouff say their pitching limbs were never before in such excellent condition.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brotherhood and the Brush plan, player sales

Date Wednesday, May 29, 1889

[reporting the Brotherhood meeting of 5/19/1889] Those...who predicted a strike during the playing season will be disappointed, as nothing positive will be done until the next League meeting. It is well understood, however, that then the Brotherhood will ask the League to abolish or greatly modify the classification rule, and to do away with the selling of ball players unless the player sold receives a portion of the purchase money. Not a contract for 1890 will be signed before the League's annual meeting, at which action will be asked upon the Brotherhood's suggestions whatever plan the executive council outlines at Sunday's meeting must be presented to and agreed upon by the various chapters before definite action can be taken by the delegates. There is little doubt, however, that the council's recommendations will be unanimously approved.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brotherhood contract and the Brush plan

Date Wednesday, October 9, 1889

[editorial matter] The general feeling is that the battle for supremacy—to decide whether the club organization or the players' organizations shall rule—must come sooner or later, and it might just as well come now as a year later. Indeed, that much might have been expected when the League recognized the Brotherhood and treated with it as with a co-equal power. Ever since that time the issue has been sharpening, and it has now narrowed itself to this alternative: Either the classification law or the Brotherhood contract must go, as the two are so utterly at variance and so conflicting as to be absolutely irreconcilable. The classification rule is regarded as essential to the League's existence, because it seeks to establish a limit to the never-ending demands of the players, to check financial extravagance and to enable clubs to live and realize something for the capital involved and the risk assumed. The Brotherhood contract practically nullifies all that the classification rule seeks to establish, inasmuch as its fundamental principal is a perpetuation of existing salaries, and the clause which binds a club not to reserve a player at less salary than his contract had called for, virtually making the classification and salary limit rule a dead letter, as under that clause a player who for any cause fails to maintain his standing in the class to which he was assigned originally cannot be graded into a lower class with reduced salary. That clause in the contract forbids reduction of previous salary and virtually makes a Class A player always a Class A player so long as his club considers him necessary enough to reserve, no matter how much he may deteriorate in skill and value.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brotherhood's grievances

Date Wednesday, July 3, 1889

There has been much speculation as to the exact nature of the Brotherhood's recent communication to the League. This letter both President Young and the Brotherhood have persistently refused to make public, but is herewith given in full:

New York, May 24-- N. E. Young, President—My Dear Sir:-- At a meeting between the League and Brotherhood committees in the fall of 1887 the former agreed for the League that players should not be reserved at a reduction of salary. In pursuance of this agreement the new contract was made to read that the player could not be reserved at a salary less than that mentioned in paragraph 20 of the contract, the understanding being that the full salary would be inserted. This last the League claimed to be unable to do because of the refusal of the American Association to agree to the repeal of the obsolete $2000 limit rule. But this need not have interfered in any way with its fulfillment of the agreement itself—not to reserve at a reduction of salary. In the application of the classification scheme the League has violated its promise by holding men at a reduced salary. At the annual meeting of the representative body of the Brotherhood last week it was resolved to insist upon a fulfillment by the League of its agreement, and to respectfully but firmly ask that justice be done in the case of those players who have been injured by this default. The evil of the “sales system” was also earnestly considered. The sentiment of the players was that it is unjust, unnecessary, never contemplated by the reserve rule, a crying disgrace to clubs and players and a blot upon the national game, which, it was decided, the Brotherhood would all in its power to wipe out. A committee, consisting of Messrs. Hanlon, Brouthers and Ward, was appointed to communicate with the League and lay before it the sentiments of the players. This committee will be pleased to present the case in its entirety, either by letter or in person as you may suggest, advising only that the players desire to see the matter settled at the earliest possible day. Yours respectfully, Edward Hanlon, D. J. Brouthers, John M. Ward, Committee.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brotherhood's grievances 2

Date Tuesday, November 5, 1889

[from a long statement of grievances issued by the Brotherhood] There was a time when the League stood for integrity and fair dealing–to-day it stands for dollars and cents. Once it looked to the elevation of the game and an honest exhibition of the sport–to-day its eyes are upon the turnstile. Men have come into the business from no other motive than to exploit it for every dollar in sight. Measures originally intended for the good of the game have been perverted into instruments for wrong.

The “reserve rule” and the provisions of the “National Agreement” gave the managers unlimited power, and they have not hesitated to use this in the most arbitrary and mercenary way. Players have been bought, sold and exchanged as though they were sheep instead of American citizens. “Reservation” became with them another name for property rights in the players.

By a combination among themselves, stronger than the strongest “trust,” they were able to enforce the most arbitrary measures, and the player had to submit or get out of the profession. Even the disbandment and retirement of a club did not free its players from the octopus clutch, for they were then peddled around to the highest bidder. That the player sometimes profited by the sale has nothing to do with the case, but only proves the injustice of his previous restraint.

Source Philadelphia Item
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brotherhood's plans leaked

Date Wednesday, October 2, 1889

It is first stated that a temporary organization has been formally effected with John M. Ward as its president, Dennis Brouthers, vice president, and Timonty J. Keefe as secretary.

It is to be made up of eight clubs, as follows:--Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Buffalo, Chicago. Of these two are new clubs and not in the present National League. They are Brooklyn and Buffalo. The present Indianapolis team is to be dropped bodily into Brooklyn, where Association ball and Sunday games are said to be unpopular. The present Washington team is to be transferred to Buffalo and strengthened by the addition of Rowe, White and Myers, late of Indianapolis. In each city local capitalists are to operate teams formed and placed there by the Brotherhood, giving a bond of $25,000 for the performance of their part of the work. Albert L. Johnson, is the Cleveland capitalist, and his active participation in the deal as a missionary caused him to be mistaken for its national head. It has no national head at this time outside of the officers of the Brotherhood. The Association's officials are to be elected this fall.

The players are guaranteed their salaries at the 1889 rate for 1890, and a share of the profits. All expenses and receipts are to be pooled for the general benefit, and the gate receipts divided equally between the clubs. The first $10,000 profit is to go into a prize, and be distributed among the clubs as playing prizes--$5000 to first, $2500 to second, $1500 to third, $1000 to fourth. Of the first $80,000 after this, $10,000 goes to the capitalists, and $10,000 to those of each club. The next $80,000 goes to the players, and all other profits are pooled half and half. Each player shares equally with the others.

Each club is to be governed by a board made up of eight men, four capitalists and four players, and the main body by a senate of sixteen, each club having two representatives, one a player and the other a capitalist.

Each club is stocked for $20,000, half of which can be had by the players. The $20,000 is in two hundred shares of $100 each. No known gamblers are allowed to hold stock. Of course the classification and reserve rules go with the present management, but the 1889—or classification—figures are taken as the basis for 1890.

Score cards and general privileges are to be considered as profits and pooled as such. The Association is to make and sell its own ball.

Nearly all the work of rearing the fabric as it stands to-day has been done at Cleveland this summer. The papers were sent to each League club and signed by the players. Anson, Burns and Williamson have not signed the Chicago agreement. In each city capitalists are at work over grounds and plans for next season....

The players are united and present a strong front. They number about 130. The League expect that only part of each team will go out. In this they are mistaken. All are in with this play, and in all the eight League clubs not ten men will be left. In connection with this story it may be said that the Brotherhood figures and estimates are all the result of calculations and figures made by players appointed for the purpose in each League town last spring. There was talk last June of a general strike in the League cities before the morning game of July 4, as a means of forcing the club managers to wipe out the grievances about which the Brotherhood had complained. Each chapter of the Brotherhood—each League club is a chapter in itself—voted on the question of “strike” or “reorganization” on the plan outlined above, and laid before the Brotherhood early in the year. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of reorganization. This serves to show how long the plan has been discussed by the Brotherhood.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brush plan abolished

Date Wednesday, November 20, 1889

[reporting the NL meeting of 11/13-15/1889] Sections 30, 31 and 32 [of the NL constitution], relating to classification, were stricken from the constitution.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the California League and the National Agreement

Date Wednesday, January 16, 1889

There is a break in the stone wall the national agreement has built around the national game which should be repaired at once. The California League last season employed three ineligible players—J. J. Smith, Ebright, and Whitehead—and is likely to become a refuge for more of that ilk next season. Close upon the announcement that the Newark Club's reserved pitcher, Norman Baker, has signed with the Sacramento Club comes the news that Third Baseman Alvord, reserved by Des Moines, has also signed with that club, and that other Des Moines reserved players contemplate doing the same thing. The California League surely needs looking after. It is a prosperous institution, pays good salaries, and is apparently permanently established. Under the circumstances, no strong efforts should be spared to make the League an ally instead of a menace to national agreement interests. New York Sun January 16, 1889, quoting the San Francisco Chronicle

baseball reporter in Columbus

...the Ohio State Journal's base ball editor, Mr. Ed. K. Rife... The Sporting Life January 16, 1889

Harry Stevens the “prince of hustlers”

[from F. W. Arnold's column] [reporting on the meeting of the Columbus Club] The score card privilege was sold to that prince of hustlers, Harry Stevens. The Sporting Life January 16, 1889

Source New York Sun
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

The California League and the National Agreement; a refuge from the blacklist

Date Wednesday, January 9, 1889

[from Waller Wallace's column] [reporting the California League convent of 12/13/1888] A very important matter which now arose was the question as to 3whether the League should join the National League Alliance or not. A letter was read from President Young urging the necessity of the League becoming a member and advanced many reasons. All were from an Eastern standpoint, however. After a great deal of discussion the matter was laid over until the spring meeting, when it will be finally acted upon. A good “hit “ was made by Robinson [of the Oaklands] when he said-- “Where one man will go East ten will come out here, so I think it better to remain as we are.” The Sporting Life January 9, 1889

[from the Kansas City correspondent] Your note of alarm, aimed at the California League, is very timely. It is high time that the League and Association were taking some action toward bringing these people under the National Agreement. The California League is certainly proving not only inconvenient but dangerous. This is to be noticed in a hundred ways. The “coast” league is especially disagreeable to Western clubs. For instance, Kansas City is having trouble right now with a lot of its young blood players. For instance, there are Johnson and Hammond, who were sold to St. Joseph, who say they will not go. Each has an offer to play on the “coast,” and insists that he will accept it. … McCarty said that if he jumped the reserve list and played on the “coast,” he had no fear of the blacklist. He talked pretty confidently, and it looks somewhat as if California League managers who had been making offers to reserved players, have been posting them as to the probable consequences of their actions. The Sporting Life January 16, 1889

[editorial matter] Contract-breaking is one of the graver offenses for the perpetration of which ball players rarely escape some degree of punishment. Catcher Ebright, just signed by the Washington Club, however, is an instance of how, through a peculiar construction of base ball law, a contract-breaker can profit by his offense and escape without the slightest punishment. Ebright, together with third baseman Whitehead, last winter signed with the Lynn Club, of the New England League, upon promise of certain sums of advance monies. After their contracts had been signed, however, the Lynn Club refused to pay the promised advance money, and, notwithstanding repeated demands, persisted in such refusal. About this time the case of pitcher Irwin came up before the Board of Arbitration, in which Chairman Rogers decided that the payment of advance money in minor leagues was not illegal, and would have to be taken into consideration in all cases where it entered as a condition of contract. Ebright and Whitehead, misinterpreting this decision, notified the Lynn club of their intention to ignore their contracts for failure to pay the promised advance money. The Lynn Club appealed to the Board of Arbitration and the latter body decided against the players upon the ground that while the club was in honor bound to fulfill its promise of advance money, yet it could not be compelled to pay the same, as the players by signing before receiving the money insisted upon as a condition of signing, had virtually waived their claims. The two players refused to accept this decision as binding, and in violation of their contracts with Lynn, went to California, signed with a California League Club, and played there all of last season at good salaries. The Lynn Club suspended Ebright and Whitehead. Like all minor league club,s however, Lynn had no power to blacklist these men, and the penalty of suspension inflicted, could, under Act III, of the Qualified Articles of the National Agreement then in force, run only to the end of the current season. Secretary Byrne, of the Board of Arbitration, in reply to an inquiry respecting the case, holds, however, that the Lynn Club, having the right to reserve its players under contract, could hold these men as reserved men, and they would have been this year in precisely the same position as blacklisted players. However, the Lynn Club met with disaster last season and disbanded, and having no existence and having failed to send in any list of its reserved players, there can be no doubt that the recent legislation in no way affects these players and that they are, through the death of the Lynn Club, again in good standing, and eligible to play with any National Agreement club, although no atonement has been made by them.

This glaring case serves to accentuate The Sporting Life's remarks as to the necessity of promptly bringing the California League into the National Agreement fold. Under present conditions this League is a menace, and if not absorbed, bids fair to become a refuge for reckless, dissatisfied and rebellious Eastern players, especially those in the minor leagues. The California League is a growing institution of fair financial strength, supports strong teams, pays good, even large, salaries, and receives excellent support. It is, therefore, a tempting field for the operations of contract-breakers, and the cases of Ebright and Whitehead are likely to be duplicated, in view of the apparent impmunity, which even the recent legislation enacted by the Board of Arbitration to specially cover the California League situation cannot counteract half so well as the legislators seem to think. Reserve jumpers cannot be reached at all by base ball law, for the reason that reserve jumping is not an offence punishable by the blacklist and because minor league reservation is not perpet5ual, but in the case of unsigned players falls at the end of a season. Already two players under reservation by National Agreement clubs,--Baker and Alvord—have taken advantage of this peculiar state of affairs and have defiantly signed with California clubs; and, we are reliably informed, many more reserved minor players are even now negotiating with a view to following in the footsteps of the two seceders.

An attempt gas already been made to bring the California League into the National Agreement fold, but the advances of the Board of Arbitration have been received with indifference. It now behooves the Board to act with promptitude and decision in order to check practices which may lead to the demoralization of minor league clubs and players. The National Agreement is essential to the welfare and good conduct of base ball. Every reputable organization now lives, moves and has its being under it, the California League alone being an exception. For the good of the game this League must be put on record promptly as either for or against the National Agreement and treated accordingly. If its officials are wise, hope for permanency for their organization, and have the best interests of the game at hear, they will not delay install the California League as a member of the great family of base ball leagues. The Sporting Life January 16, 1889

[from A. G. Ovens's column] It is quite evident that something must be done to check the dishonorable methods that are being employed by managers on the Pacific coast. The big organizations will probably not suffer much on account of these pirates, but the minor leagues are in danger of being greatly crippled. The California managers cannot offer enough to induce League or American Association players to jump, but this is not the case with the smaller and weaker organizations, especially since they have adopted salary limits. Already several young players have gone to the coast, and others threaten to do so. Of curse this state of affairs cannot exist long without harm to the game generally. The players who are falling into this trap will regret it at no distant day. Sooner or later the California League will be compelled to come under the protection of the National Agreement, and then those rash and misguided young men will realize their mistake. The California managers who engage in this discreditable business will see their error, too, some of these days. The Sporting Life January 23, 1889

Source The Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the California League joins the National Agreement

Date Wednesday, May 22, 1889

From the secretary of the Board of Arbitration, Mr. Charles H. Byrne, comes the pleasing news that, after holding out for two years, the California League has at last come to a realizing sense of the necessity of entering the great family of base ball organizations, and accordingly applied, through its president, John J. Morse, for the protection of the National Agreement. This protection has been accorded, and the California League is now safely anchored in the base ball harbor of refuge. The California League was the only base ball organization of any importance outside of the great national alliance. With her admission the last resort of contract-breakers and reserve-jumpers is cut off. This will be a good thing for the national game in general and the California League in particular, as the latter will now be secure from the invasion of outside disturbing influences and will have a chance to develop her own players and profit thereby accordingly.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Cuban Giants and the Middle States pennant

Date Wednesday, October 16, 1889

Though Harrisburg has been awarded the Middle States League's pennant, the Cuban Giants protest the award and claim the flag on the ground that they lead Farrington's team by 0.27 points. President Bright says Harrisburg claims two forfeited games with the Gorhams, at Hoboken, and while he concedes one of them, he says Harrisburg was not even at Hoboken ready to play the second game, but it was given them anyhow. On Sept. 13 and 14 Harrisburg was scheduled to play at Wilmington, and as that club was no longer in existence Mr. Farrington claimed the two games by forfeit and his claim was sustained by the president of the League, though no club or umpire appeared on the field and no umpire awarded the game to them. The Cuban Giants want these two games thrown out. On the other hand, the Cuban Giants defeated the Philadelphia Giants two games at Trenton, but both were thrown out on the flimsy technicality that the regulation ball was not used. The very same thing occurred at Easton later on when the Cuban Giants took two games from the Gorhams, and both these were also thrown out because it was discovered subsequently that the Gorhams did not furnish the regulation League balls. Next came the games in Hoboken with the Hazletons, two regular and two postponed games, the Cuban Giants won all four, but the secretary of the League threw the two postponed games out because he had failed to have regular umpires and an official scorer on hand, though he had been duly notified the night before that these games would be played. The funny part about this procedure is that both scores appeared in the secretary's own paper. Harrisburg and Lebanon were scheduled to play on Sept. 6 and 7, but for some reason or other they only played on the 7 th. Lebanon won, and then Harrisburg turned the game in as an exhibition game and the secretary allowed it to go that way. With these alteration made the correct standing of the clubs would be:--Cuban Giants, 57 won, 16 lost, percentage .780; Harrisburg, 61 won, 20 lost, percentage .753.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Giants consider Hoboken grounds

Date Friday, April 5, 1889

President Day, of the New York Club, went to Hoboken yesterday, and carefully examined the St. George cricket grounds with a view to making it the future home of his club. The inducements which have been offered Mr. Day to locate there are said to be remarkably fine. He cannot only secure a ten-year lease of the grounds, but a well-known real estate dealer said that if the New York managers took the grounds they could secure a percentage on the increase in the value of the surrounding property for the time that they remained there. It is also understood that the ferry companies will help the club as much as possible in the way of transferring the people quickly. The fences and grand stand at the Polo grounds can be moved to Hoboken and put up in about two weeks, and can be made to do for a short time, or until others can be put up at least.

Source Philadelphia Item
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League asks to meet with the Brotherhood

Date Wednesday, October 9, 1889

In reply to President Spalding's letter to John M. Ward relative to the appointment of a date for a meeting between the League and Brotherhood, Ward wrote Mr. Spalding as follows on Saturday last:

“Last May the Brotherhood appointed a committee to present all grievances to the League and made an attempt to have them righted. The committee was, however, unable to obtain a hearing from the League, and it so reported at a subsequent meeting of the Brotherhood held July 14, and was accordingly discharged, as it was not a standing committee. I will refer your communication, therefore, to the entire Brotherhood. The Sporting Life October 9, 1889

[editorial matter] A sudden silence has fallen over the League and Brotherhood, and the members and adherents of the latter organization have, since the untimely expose of their alleged plans, come to realize the importance of future secrecy, and the order has probably gone forth to keep mem. But this sudden subsidence of news relative to the Brotherhood's hopes and plans should not, and probably does not, delude the League people, in the face of President Ward's evasive and crafty reply to President Spalding's request for a date for the conference asked for by the Brotherhood and refused by the League committee earlier in the season. If Ward's answer signifies anything it means one of two things—either the Brotherhood is in no mood now for compromise or it has so far committed itself to new connections that retreat with honor or safety is impossible.

It has been held that Mr. Spalding's request for a conference was ill-advised at this stage, and showed weakness. The time for a conference was when the Brotherhood committee asked for a meeting for that purpose. As The Sporting Life pointed out at that time, that refusal was a mistake. Though not so intended, probably, it looked like an intentional slap at the players, and simply increased the already existing irritation. Mr. Spalding's recent request, however, for such a conference was probably only extended with a view to placing the onus for refusal upon the Brotherhood and putting it in a position to make any future overtures for conference come from it instead of the League. If that was Mr. Spalding's purpose, it succeeded admirably. The Sporting Life October 9, 1889

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League reaction to the Brotherhood

Date Wednesday, May 29, 1889

[from an interview of Soden] You don't think the Brotherhood would be foolish enough to make any bad break on the classification law, do you? If the players in the Brotherhood have any grievances, individual cases, I should favor giving them a hearing and think matters could be arranged satisfactorily. But as for anticipating that they would demand an abolishment of the classification or would think of striking, why, I think that is absurd.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League's budget; finances

Date Wednesday, October 30, 1889

[from R. M. Larner's column] The annual expenses of the League are about $16,000. This includes salaries and traveling expenses of umpires and the other incidental expenditures of the organization. The money is raised by a pro rata assessment upon each of the League clubs.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Metropolitans reorganize

Date Saturday, March 2, 1889

A large number of the old Metropolitan Club players of this city were at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterday afternoon, and as many, if not all, of them are not under engagement for next season, they decided to reorganize the old Indians and play their own hook. A meeting looking toward such a move will be held at 21 Park row on Wednesday next. The make-up of the team as it has been suggested is as follows: Holbert, c.; Lynch, p.; Charley Jones, 1st b.; Troy, 2d b.; Nelson, 3d b.; Kennedy, l.f.; Roseman, c. f.; Burdock, r. f.; Sam Crane and Hankinson, substitutes. Three of the players are willing to put up $20,000 to back the team, while outside parties have already offered to p ut up from $10,000 to $15,000. It looks very much as though the team would make it a go, and there is no reason in the world why they should not play good bal, and they will to.

Source New York Sun
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Metropolitans revived as a cooperative club

Date Wednesday, March 13, 1889

The famous old Mets, who in 1880 helped to bring base ball back into popular favor on Manhattan Island, have been rejuvenated. A year ago the Metropolitan Club died, but the evens of Wednesday brought the old institution back to life again. The team has been reorganized and will play base ball as the game was played ten or more years ago. The club will be run on the co-operative plan and no club owner will get rich while the players get only salaries. What money is made will go to the players themselves in equal proportion. There will be no stars or favorites, and all will share alike, consequently there will be no jealousy among the men.

A meeting was held at the office of Alex. F Blinn, the lawyer, at No. 21 Park row, Wednesday, and all the needed arrangements made. The old “Indians” present were:--”Jack” Lynch, the pitcher; James Roseman, Eddie Kennedy and Jack Nelson, the outfielders; William Holbert and John Hayes, the catchers; Charles Jones, first baseman; Sam Crane, second baseman; John Troy, short stop; and Mell Becannon, third baseman. Hankinson and Reipschlager were not present, but will join their old companions later. Among the others present were:--Rooney Sweeney, John Farrell, William Primrose and James Jackson.

Sam Crane, formerly of the Scranton Club, was chosen manager and secretary. Jack Lynch was elected president and treasurer.

The board of directors chosen were Lynch, Holbert and Jones. The directors are empowered to pick out the players for each game. A committee of three was appointed, consisting of Crane, Jones and Collins, to draft a constitution and by-laws. The official name of the club will be “The Metropolitan Base Ball Club, of New York City.

The club has secured an office at 140 Broadway, where another meeting will be held to-day.

The players hope to make arrangements with the New York Club so that they can play at the Polo Grounds while the Giants are away. They also expect to make arrangements to play Sunday games in Brooklyn when the Brooklyn team is away from home. The players seem to think that the venture will be a success.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the NL and the minor leagues

Date Wednesday, December 18, 1889

[editorial matter] The minor leagues are standing together with the League under the National Agreement, it is true, and 'tis well 'tis true. But whether the League and the minors are running together purely for love of the Agreement time will tell. At present the minor leagues benefit largely by the reserve rule; they also have some player for which the League clubs may become customers. The National League on the other hand already has one fight on its hands and isn't hunting for more. If the Association steps down and out, and a reconstruction of the National Agreement becomes necessary, then we shall see just how great the love of the League is for the minor leagues, and how much it is prepared to do for their perpetuation; but it is quite probable that some of the more ambitious minor league magnates will be disappointed in their hopes and expectations. Meanwhile it is well, however, that the minors are keeping out of the fight and standing by the National Agreement, else chaos would surely come to base ball.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the NL signs an AA player without going through waivers

Date Friday, August 23, 1889

Once more there is a war cloud between the League and its humble ally, the American Association, due, as usual, to a slight imposed upon the junior organization by the stiff-necked old League. The latest row is similar in its aspect to the Latham case as it relates to the national Agreement waive rule. It appears that pitcher Ed Daily, of the Brooklyn Club, because his club was in arrears to him for salary, entered into negotiations with the New York League Club, and on Monday last left the Brooklyn Club and entered the service of the New York League club without the usual claim to his services having been waived by the other Association clubs, which, under the National Agreement, would have been indispensable even when a player has been regularly released. The matter, following so closely upon the sharp Latham trick, has caused the greatest irritation in Association circles and a big row is among the possibilities judging from the following despatch:

“Louisville, Aug. 20.--Should Daily, the released Brooklyn pitcher, play with the New York National League Club before the ten days expires in which the Association clubs are given to waive claim to Daily a bitter war will follow, and it may result in the disruption of the National Agreement. 'We intend to make a warm fight over the matter,' said Mr. Phelps. 'We have never broken the National Agreement, despite the rumors of our being about to do so, and we do not intend to do so. I cannot see how the National League can afford to do so, and I do not think they will do anything of the kind. The Daily case is very clear. No player in the American Association can sign with a club of any other association until the other clubs of the American Association have waived all claims to his services and they are allowed ten days' notice of his release. I have notified President Young of the purpose of the Association to contest the right of the New York Club to sign Pitcher Daily, and do not think there will be any trouble. If the matter is not adjusted, well—there'll be trouble.' The Association, it is thought, is anxious for the National League to play Daily, as it will only furnish an excuse for the former to join hands with the Brotherhood.”

Daily has played in two games with New York against Boston, in one of which he pitched part of the game. After the conference at Louisville on Baltimore's admission Barnie and Phelps were asked point blank if it were probable that there would be an amalgamation of the Brotherhood and the American Association. To the query both gentlemen replied firmly in the negative, and said they were entertaining no ideas, neither was it probable, although they admitted having been approached by a Brotherhood agent, who endeavored to lay a basis for such a consolidation. Both gentlemen, however, admitted in a guarded sort of way that the League wasn't treating the Association right.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the New Polo Grounds

Date Wednesday, July 3, 1889

The new grounds, as The Sporting Life readers have already heard, are situated at One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street and Eighth avenue, and take in two blocks. The contractors are hard at work getting it in shape, and if they keep their contracts the Giants will open , as the park will be called, July 8, A large force of men are at work and much progress has been made. In between the two blocks, which are, perhaps, twenty feet below the street level, Mr. Coogan had built a street. This street must be dug away and the whole field graded evenly. It was at first thought that this work could be done very quickly, but experience shows it to be a tremendous job. However, sixty carts and 500 men can make things hum, and the embankment is rapidly disappearing. The outside fences are all up and the place really begins to look like a ball ground.

The grand stand, of course, is the main point of interest, and if promises go for anything it will be the largest and best in the country, although not so elaborate in architectural design as the grand stands are in Boston and Philadelphia. It will be 410 feet in length extending on the line of One Hundred and Fifty-fifth street, and 320 feet on the front line. The stand in shape will be a large segment of a circle with straight sides, having an average depth of fifty feet with a second tier or balcony having an average dept of 31 feet. The seating capacity will be 5500. This together with the bleachery accommodations will enable the club to seat 15,000 people. The stand will be substantial, but will be built on framed trusses, bolted together so that in case of necessity the whole business can be taken down and put up elsewhere.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the PL and the American Association

Date Sunday, October 27, 1889

Notwithstanding President Ward's denial, the brotherhood has virtually decided that the association cannot help its cause and cannot be trusted to pursue a policy of non-interference. Therefore it will take association men wherever the men are strong enough to aid business association teams. The St. Louis, Brooklyn, and Athletic clubs will certainly be raided, and one association star is slated for Anson's place in Chicago.

Source Chicago Tribune
Submitted by Richard Hershberger