Baltic Club of New York v Newark Club on 15 August 1860

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Waff's Game Tabulation
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Awaiting Review
Date of Game Wednesday, August 15, 1860
Location Newark, Essex County, NJ, United States
Home Team Baltic Club of New York
Away Team Newark Club
Score 21 - 16

(NDA: This match “like most of the matches heretofore played by our Clubs, resulted in the defeat of the Newarkers, …. A large number of spectators was present, including several ladies, who manifested much interest in the match. … At the close both Clubs partook of a collation, at which the ball was delivered to the Baltics by Mr. Woodruff, and received for them by Mr. Walter Pinckney.”)

2nd nines


(1) “Local Matters: Base Ball,” NDA, vol. 29, no. 195 (16 Aug 1860), p. 2, col. 5


Second nines - Newark Daily Advertiser, 8/16/1860

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Found by Craig Waff
Entry Origin Games Tab
Entry Origin Url Tab:Greater New York City#date1860-8-15


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