Atlantic Club of Brooklyn v Atlantic Club of Brooklyn on 12 May 1862

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Awaiting Review
Date of Game Monday, May 12, 1862
Location Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY, United States
Field  Add Field Page Newly laid out Atlantic grounds
Home Team Atlantic Club of Brooklyn
Away Team Atlantic Club of Brooklyn
Score 28 - 27

(Atlantic Base Ball Club intra-club game) Boughton's side 28, Smith's side 27

(New York Clipper: “The members of this champion club commenced play for the season …, the late date of their opening game resulting from their having their grounds newly laid out, which has been done under the superintendence of Mr. Wild.  The ground is now one of the best of the city, and in a few weeks will be in fine condition.  These grounds are occupied by the Atlantics on Mondays and Thursdays, and by the Enterprise club on Wednesdays and Saturdays.  There are, therefore, two days each week unoccupied, and these days can be secured on application to Mr. Wild, at the Cline Hill Hotel, corner of Gates and Marcey Avenue.”)


(1) “The Atlantic Club,” New York Clipper, vol. [xx], no. [xx] ([xx] May 1862), p. [xxx], col. [xx]

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Found by Craig Waff
Entry Origin Games Tab 2
Entry Origin Url Tab:Greater New York City, 1861 - 1862#date1862-5-12


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