Western Empire Base Ball Club of Springfield

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Nick Name Western Empire Club
Earliest Known Date 1867
Location Springfield, MO, United States
Nine Class Senior

Election of officers of the Western Empire BBC. 32 members. John G. Myers, President. Springfield Leader, Dec. 5, 1867.

A very interesting Match Game of Base Ball was played between the Western Empires and the Springfield Clubs, of this city, on last Saturday. The challenge was by the Springfield Club, and the game for silver Ball held by the Western Empire. The playing was unusually good and showed that both Clubs are first class players. The contest resulted, however, in a handsome victory for the Western Empire Club. The victors bore their honors with becoming grace, and in the evening gave a fine supper, at the Lyon House, to their vanquished friends. The Springfield Band was in attendance and enlivened the occasion with the best of music. All parties seemed to enjoy the socialities of the evening hugely, and after the supper, many speeches, and much wine, the party dispersed with the general understand that match games of Base Ball are good things, however they result.

-Missouri Weekly Patriot (Springfield, Mo.), April 9, 1868


Springfield Leader, Dec. 5, 1867


The score of the match was 62-42.  Also, there is a reference to an Empire Club playing in Springfield in August of 1867 but it's unknown if this is the same club as the Western Empires.  It's possible that it's the Empire Club of Sedalia.    

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Found by Jeffrey Kittel
Entered by Jeffrey Kittel
Local-Origin Study Groups Missouri Project


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