Property:Kind of Game

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Kinds of Games:
Safe-Haven games featuring running among bases, a bat, pitching, and two distinct teams.
Safe-Haven games featuring running among bases, pitching, and a bat (but no teams).
Safe-Haven games featuring running among bases, pitching, and two distinct teams (but no batting).
Hat ball
Games featuring baserunning and/or plugging (but no batting).
Games featuring batting/hitting (but no baserunning).
Games for which the rules of play are not known and, and some that are commonly encountered by researchers but that are not safe-haven games (including shinty, bandy, and stow-ball).

This is a property of type String.

The allowed values for this property are:

  • Baseball
  • Scrub
  • Kickball
  • Hat ball
  • Fungo
  • Hook-em-snivy