Category:Cities in CT
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Cities in CT
Pages in category "Cities in CT"
The following 102 pages are in this category, out of 102 total.
Cities in CT
The following 102 pages are in this category, out of 102 total.
Log | MWDebug output complete | MWDebug::getDebugHTML |
# | SQL | Time | Call |
1 | SET group_concat_max_len = 262144, `sql_mode` = '' | 0.0000ms | Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqlBase::open |
2 | SELECT @@GLOBAL.read_only AS Value | 0.0000ms | Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqlBase::serverIsReadOnly |
3 | BEGIN | 0.0000ms | Wikimedia\Rdbms\Database::beginIfImplied (LCStoreDB::get) |
4 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'deps' LIMIT 1 | 1.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
5 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'list' LIMIT 1 | 2.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
6 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'preload' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
7 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'preload' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
8 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'namespaceGenderAliases' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
9 | SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_is_redirect,page_is_new,page_random,page_touched,page_links_updated,page_latest,page_len,page_content_model FROM `page` WHERE page_namespace = 14 AND page_title = 'Cities_in_CT' LIMIT 1 | 1.0000ms | WikiPage::pageData |
10 | SELECT rev_id,rev_page,rev_timestamp,rev_minor_edit,rev_deleted,rev_len,rev_parent_id,rev_sha1,comment_rev_comment.comment_text AS `rev_comment_text`,comment_rev_comment.comment_data AS `rev_comment_data`,comment_rev_comment.comment_id AS `rev_comment_cid`,actor_rev_user.actor_user AS `rev_user`,actor_rev_user.actor_name AS `rev_user_text`,rev_actor,page_namespace,page_title,page_id,page_latest,page_is_redirect,page_len,user_name FROM `revision` JOIN `revision_comment_temp` `temp_rev_comment` ON ((temp_rev_comment.revcomment_rev = rev_id)) JOIN `comment` `comment_rev_comment` ON ((comment_rev_comment.comment_id = temp_rev_comment.revcomment_comment_id)) JOIN `actor` `actor_rev_user` ON ((actor_rev_user.actor_id = rev_actor)) JOIN `page` ON ((page_id = rev_page)) LEFT JOIN `user` ON ((actor_rev_user.actor_user != 0) AND (user_id = actor_rev_user.actor_user)) WHERE rev_id = 17118 LIMIT 1 | 1.0000ms | MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::fetchRevisionRowFromConds |
11 | SELECT slot_revision_id,slot_content_id,slot_origin,slot_role_id,content_size,content_sha1,content_address,content_model FROM `slots` JOIN `content` ON ((slot_content_id = content_id)) WHERE slot_revision_id = 17118 | 0.0000ms | MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::loadSlotRecordsFromDb |
12 | SELECT role_id AS `id`,role_name AS `name` FROM `slot_roles` ORDER BY id | 1.0000ms | MediaWiki\Storage\NameTableStore::loadTable |
13 | SELECT model_id AS `id`,model_name AS `name` FROM `content_models` ORDER BY id | 0.0000ms | MediaWiki\Storage\NameTableStore::loadTable |
14 | SET group_concat_max_len = 262144, `sql_mode` = '' | 0.0000ms | Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqlBase::open |
15 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:messages:en' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
16 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:messages:en:status' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
17 | SELECT IF(GET_LOCK('protoballbetadb:messages:en',0),UNIX_TIMESTAMP(SYSDATE(6)),NULL) AS acquired | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::doLock |
18 | SELECT page_title,page_latest FROM `page` WHERE page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace = 8 AND (page_title NOT LIKE '%/%' ESCAPE '`' ) AND (page_len > 10000) | 1.0000ms | MessageCache::loadFromDB(en)-big |
19 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'list' LIMIT 1 | 60.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
20 | SELECT /*! STRAIGHT_JOIN */ rev_id,rev_page,rev_timestamp,rev_minor_edit,rev_deleted,rev_len,rev_parent_id,rev_sha1,comment_rev_comment.comment_text AS `rev_comment_text`,comment_rev_comment.comment_data AS `rev_comment_data`,comment_rev_comment.comment_id AS `rev_comment_cid`,actor_rev_user.actor_user AS `rev_user`,actor_rev_user.actor_name AS `rev_user_text`,rev_actor,page_namespace,page_title,page_id,page_latest,page_is_redirect,page_len FROM `page` JOIN `revision` ON ((page_id = rev_page)) JOIN `revision_comment_temp` `temp_rev_comment` ON ((temp_rev_comment.revcomment_rev = rev_id)) JOIN `comment` `comment_rev_comment` ON ((comment_rev_comment.comment_id = temp_rev_comment.revcomment_comment_id)) JOIN `actor` `actor_rev_user` ON ((actor_rev_user.actor_id = rev_actor)) WHERE page_is_redirect = 0 AND page_namespace = 8 AND (page_title NOT LIKE '%/%' ESCAPE '`' ) AND (page_len <= 10000) AND (page_latest = rev_id) | 1.0000ms | MessageCache::loadFromDB(en)-small |
21 | SELECT slot_revision_id,slot_content_id,slot_origin,slot_role_id,content_size,content_sha1,content_address,content_model FROM `slots` JOIN `content` ON ((slot_content_id = content_id)) WHERE slot_revision_id IN (12586,13180,4739,2181217,7587,7614) AND slot_role_id = 1 | 1.0000ms | MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::getSlotRowsForBatch |
22 | SELECT old_id,old_text,old_flags FROM `text` WHERE old_id IN (4664,7325,7352,12264,12836,2173369) | 0.0000ms | MediaWiki\Storage\SqlBlobStore::fetchBlobs |
23 | SELECT @@server_id AS id | 0.0000ms | Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqlBase::getServerId |
24 | REPLACE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('protoballbetadb:messages:en','■TKn■0�■■��-■1■&■/■R�■�■I■؆■4■J■■■̄&�■N*■�z■�■\'))ˮ■d■\r5■■\r9■� |?■■�■(■b■�■C■■w■■■■;■■Nap1vjog■■■■�o,■:o■B■■\"u■���■■■�|!■$L$■5,Q\"<Q■ F`■■■■BH(]��■\n■�V■\\�■s■■S■■■■�Y\"V�Z■L\n-b■X�B3■B$2Y■k■�■b�R■■■8■■�■�c\"■�■;■R■Ä<Ҍh*x■^■■R\n.■■(*■■8■L■}��D■{■X■■■�pF4■■■■~o�CF■■■L■g■3O%■(W0■\'■Pk■■%■■g6■4\Z0■<■U■{!z■D■ ■}d■�■■dE4■�■j�■P■■X4&+■�■�Tv(■Ϳ■�■■w■�■�E■-�a■■■2/■■7■■he■dg■■■˺5■$�■■P■■�■b�■y■8ڀƌ■L■|Y■}■L�■2■■T_�■■\r■■۶■�G■P■p■L■■\nn■■h4■■■~%■■[µm■9■■a■�■8■■?(S■e■■)■y■c■■■■■{W■�w■■%F■■e]�O■■�ZE6U■■■H,■■?■�ˀ■�%�*■■\"■1■■�#■$<■t■■f■V■]■■■■v■�■c■֦<■Ab■\\\'■7C■XKf■!■}7■■\\M■■l4■h■■�■■%/■■n<■�\Z■O.■pԟ�ϭ`�■■`zg■■■d|■�■■■�■W+[s■■■P■■*w■�?■�U4■V■■ڕA■�■�ʡ■■■■■■#ŧ■■dž■u4�/■�■■�MwE■■■sgl■■■■■■■N■■■■■■I■,■f■■N�\' .■f■■■■7■■]̿m■`■■■9j■m■■■■]■■■_','99991231235959') | 8.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::modifyTableSpecificBlobsForSet |
25 | SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('protoballbetadb:messages:en') AS released | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::doUnlock |
26 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'magicWords' LIMIT 1 | 1.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
27 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:smw:entity:c7514361906e6ef87dbb9a226069f18d' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
28 | SELECT smw_id,smw_sortkey,smw_sort,smw_hash FROM `smw_object_ids` WHERE smw_title = 'Cities_in_CT' AND smw_namespace = 14 AND smw_iw = '' AND smw_subobject = '' LIMIT 1 | 57.0000ms | SMW\SQLStore\EntityStore\EntityIdFinder::fetchFromTableByTitle |
29 | SELECT p.smw_title AS prop, o_blob AS v0, o_hash AS v1 FROM `smw_di_blob` INNER JOIN `smw_object_ids` AS p ON p_id=p.smw_id WHERE (s_id=27856) AND (p.smw_iw!=':smw') AND (p.smw_iw!=':smw-delete') | 1.0000ms | SMW\SQLStore\EntityStore\SemanticDataLookup::fetchSemanticDataFromTable |
30 | REPLACE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('protoballbetadb:smw:entity:c7514361906e6ef87dbb9a226069f18d','+■2■R■■W■�\0','99991231235959') | 2.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::modifyTableSpecificBlobsForSet |
31 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:smw:entity:c8448121b6348fb4e580394241f977cf' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
32 | REPLACE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('protoballbetadb:smw:entity:c8448121b6348fb4e580394241f977cf','�■A�■ �@ѻ■�:■B�■■■{2�4■■■8�cLﮬ■■�■■�U■■■[IM�Ap■■■j■X■■\\5■Z■■■H\"GR■�■■■■■<■■■m\\\ZeF■■■쭶�&7■x■■�[lYg■■=�c�■W■■\n■�■■�','99991231235959') | 1.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::modifyTableSpecificBlobsForSet |
33 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'datePreferenceMigrationMap' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
34 | SELECT t.smw_id,t.smw_hash,p.smw_countmap FROM `smw_object_ids` `t` JOIN `smw_object_aux` `p` ON ((p.smw_id=t.smw_id)) WHERE t.smw_hash = 'bd87707aa6ac2b545902495cec773275a65e81bb' | 1.0000ms | SMW\SQLStore\EntityStore\AuxiliaryFields::fetchCountMap |
35 | SELECT smw_id,smw_title,smw_namespace,smw_iw,smw_subobject,smw_sortkey,smw_sort FROM `smw_object_ids` WHERE smw_hash = '670186d9da6d1f44ac46cedf92668143eb9d8b1a' | 0.0000ms | SMW\SQLStore\EntityStore\CacheWarmer::prefetchFromList |
36 | SELECT smw_proptable_hash FROM `smw_object_ids` WHERE smw_id = 27856 LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | SMW\SQLStore\PropertyTable\PropertyTableHashes::getPropertyTableHashesById |
37 | SELECT o_serialized AS v0, o_sortkey AS v2 FROM `smw_fpt_mdat` WHERE (s_id=27856) | 0.0000ms | SMW\SQLStore\EntityStore\SemanticDataLookup::fetchSemanticDataFromTable |
38 | SELECT smw_seqmap FROM `smw_object_aux` WHERE smw_id = 27856 LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | SMW\SQLStore\EntityStore\SequenceMapFinder::findMapById |
39 | SELECT page_id,page_namespace,page_title,page_is_redirect,page_is_new,page_latest,page_touched,page_len,page_content_model FROM `page` WHERE (page_namespace = 102 AND page_title = 'Modification_date') | 0.0000ms | LinkBatch::doQuery (for SMW\SQLStore\EntityStore\CacheWarmer::prepareCache) |
40 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `job` WHERE job_cmd = 'smw.changePropagationDispatch' AND job_token = '' LIMIT 1 | 1.0000ms | JobQueueDB::doGetSize |
41 | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `job` WHERE job_cmd = 'smw.changePropagationClassUpdate' AND job_token = '' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | JobQueueDB::doGetSize |
42 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:smw:chgprop:169568f256fc259ca3094a3840c4b9f5' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
43 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:pcache:idoptions:5796' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
44 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:pcache:idoptions:5796' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 0.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
45 | SELECT old_id,old_text,old_flags FROM `text` WHERE old_id = 16749 | 0.0000ms | MediaWiki\Storage\SqlBlobStore::fetchBlobs |
46 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'linkPrefixExtension' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
47 | SELECT keyname,value,exptime FROM `objectcache` WHERE keyname = 'protoballbetadb:smw:parseraftertidy:c9423dd735b5c34e690314973f3185a2' AND (exptime >= '20250313165916') | 58.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::fetchBlobs |
48 | REPLACE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('protoballbetadb:pcache:idhash:5796-0!canonical','■WIs■6�■+,2■Y�■■b]�*\'■2■&t■C■■@䓅■�Q\0■■z■■■\0■�■8M■■■■ۗ��O*■■�?$■■�V■■■T■■■f■<ƽ■݄■■�g■■\\R■T■\'■d■Y■■■■#2■\Z■r■■■<■ ■■■ey■c:■ʬ�■{qJ■■}B■eK■■■6�-N3@v��rV■|9}o�■~■■@PiܡZ■�■�e■xhdWj■■6i■■H@■hZ&�■H10■}�\'U■�z)■?■�\"■2■■�■r^■?■4HNӆ■1GҒ=■�■\Z■�■F■■3■*8\"�,■�■■■O■■ _6■@■■■■4u■\'Ej■\"c■-■■~I�■■■:■S̈́\"■xd$J�■■(■3■tO■■■�Z�■\"ϫp�■■■?■■2■■t+s�R[t■�t■\r■(■,N■■-■■.T�■\Z■z3■■■■D■�■�D■■■■c■�:~;■a■■■■■■■i\n77_■u■■<X■■)■_■�Sn■0■s■U■O■O]Lo■■1■Z?3■■■■�=k■n �T■3■Яa■■■■a�■`\\■■■H■}0F■,�1*J■■$■■■■4=\"�■�■■;t>2■8■{�t߽■d�■■■GdFW�■■■■�1s■■C■ʥ~■■■J■#■V■3■@�■■AƵ�■■■■�t■■^■E5s+■�]鲄■>6B�ӨlTU<~ �■L■■�■■k■■\0■�]■■■s�v■bC�■�■N&ю�■�R■cnNռ■■S\n؆■u��&■+*�!■�■■■v�■n■\\B■■|�■J1i■�N■■■�■�5�mfZư■�kܸ�■Ԑ■%■■■7�L■�■3■■■■X■■T■�■■■a�■6w■#i■■�v■B,■■hH8�■T/8\n|■■mG0W��■■■■8-P■■■F■■(■■�P■■H■���p■o■ָiL■■■\"■�2■[■■■v■■VY■■}■�WZ2Ѫ,\Z■7D■■z�■■\n■P�2■■[b■7■■■■■■?■■{■/■Z:■■F��■x��■■■l■■N■ ■■a■\';■\Z߷■>■g■.Mm■■■�r■�■\r�}■\Z@2■~�K■■D■■>■�`h�7■Ռ J{■■*■�■■N■■7t�6P■0~~■■■■■Q9■■8:`■■L■`■■`C■■h{uU■3■■[■0■■■&■■■■ڬ■h■\n■■ӚDt�■Y■�R<■■[2=■■)■0\\■O��S■4■■■■C■■■�■�■~■■%■<■■6■�■ܫ■■■C■L �G9■X■�■ 89■■o■■�■■■■■{■�■■\r■■■I/■■■■■a■��!■■■■■■`8■t■k■■■���■■■■■■■̌■r�■�D■(■■■Hƛ5P■s■■\"ݥ■■kC■■■z■■͢@t\"■>■b■T■K■n■■q■EA■■\\■Z■R■■■�■i■�U■■W■�I�■?■l12■■■qv■6Mj■v�t{■■■■1T■■(LWcw■\"�■r■■■■■k■■#■■�■■■■■[■■f■■�■*■■■■�■■■>wv■■f�■■�!$*■ZY■�■■■8r■■�■ʮ■[|■■e■[_b■■■X^■Kwќ■��g{■űx■䘬��KrPۿF■Yu■t■´■�8■n�\'k■■?','20250314165916') | 2.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::modifyTableSpecificBlobsForSet |
49 | REPLACE INTO `objectcache` (keyname,value,exptime) VALUES ('protoballbetadb:pcache:idoptions:5796',']■AO■0�■■■■=4+■J8�■&m■■r■Bc■Hm\Z■I■■■■I■:■N■■■g■�O■■■�\na ■ ■■8■i�~■V�K]5^■■■F■■z■FZ�/■ļ■■]ѧ■�-�Ѹ■ĕvh?E■k$�■e■\'■■■■■;akt■@■■)■■■`,7■■■\"■ф■a■v■■h)||■■ʝ■nT��jR=■■■g■■1■J■■�■■\nS5■■��#■E■■�N■=■,■■■3+U�~■Y<■■ KX:■g)■■W■■x{)■■�cY�[■7■\r■?■��~\0','20250314165916') | 1.0000ms | SqlBagOStuff::modifyTableSpecificBlobsForSet |
50 | SELECT @@GLOBAL.read_only AS Value | 0.0000ms | Wikimedia\Rdbms\DatabaseMysqlBase::serverIsReadOnly |
51 | SELECT pr_type,pr_expiry,pr_level,pr_cascade FROM `page_restrictions` WHERE pr_page = 5796 | 1.0000ms | MediaWiki\Permissions\RestrictionStore::loadRestrictions |
52 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'rtl' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
53 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:smw-entity-examiner-deferred-constraint-error' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
54 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:smw-entity-examiner-deferred-check-awaiting-response' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
55 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:smw-entity-examiner-check' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
56 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:formatnum-nan' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
57 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'digitTransformTable' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
58 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'separatorTransformTable' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
59 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'compiledPluralRules' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
60 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:smw-limitreport-intext-parsertime-value-text' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
61 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:smw-limitreport-intext-parsertime-value' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
62 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:smw-limitreport-intext-parsertime' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
63 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-cputime-value-text' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
64 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-cputime-value' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
65 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-cputime' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
66 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-walltime-value-text' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
67 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-walltime-value' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
68 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-walltime' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
69 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-ppvisitednodes-value-text' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
70 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-ppvisitednodes-value' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
71 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-ppvisitednodes' LIMIT 1 | 1.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
72 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-postexpandincludesize-value-text' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
73 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-postexpandincludesize-value' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
74 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-postexpandincludesize' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
75 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-templateargumentsize-value-text' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
76 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-templateargumentsize-value' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
77 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-templateargumentsize' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
78 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-expansiondepth-value-text' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
79 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-expansiondepth-value' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
80 | SELECT lc_value FROM `l10n_cache` WHERE lc_lang = 'en' AND lc_key = 'messages:limitreport-expansiondepth' LIMIT 1 | 0.0000ms | LCStoreDB::get |
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