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<p>While the preface to this book stresses that it is designed to be limited to "sports which prevail in our country," it includes sections on stoolball and rounders, neither known to have been played very widely here. </p> <p>Can we rule out the possibility that this book reflects English play, and was written for an English readership?  If so, why is cricket not included?  Because cricket is for older players?</p> <p> </p>  +
<p>While this chron entry is dated circa 1824, the installation of sections of <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Our Village</span> may have begun in 1826.</p>  +
<p>Wittke took liberties with, or misunderstood, his source. The remark quoted in <em>Porter's </em>referred to the morning practice hours of the clubs, not to games.</p>  +
<p>[B] Adelman regarded <em>Spirit</em>'s claim as "premature" because New York Rules baseball had not spread beyond the immediate area in 1857, but a more likely perspective is that such claims for baseball at this time stemmed from its presence nationwide in various forms since the colonial era.</p>  +
<p>but see #1838c.8 above - LM</p>  +
Dating this remembered practice to the 1830s is somewhat arbitrary, as the writer's age in 1847 is unknown.  Locating the practice in NY State is also uncertain.   +