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street car subsidies of a minor league club; Bill Parks

Date Saturday, February 8, 1890

W. R. Parks and George W. Carman will represent Easton at the Inter-state League meeting at Allentown next Wednesday. It looks very much as if the new club will be located on College Hill, the cause for the change being that the street car company now running to the old grounds does not appear to be willing to render any financial assistance, while it is reported that the Electric Street Car Company, which runs to College Hill, has made the promoters of the new club a very flattering offer.

Source Philadelphia Item
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

striking a platted street from the plan

Date Sunday, February 23, 1890

[describing the new Manheim grounds of the Germantown Cricket Club] An ordinance was secured from Councils striking a street as it was laid out through the property from the city plan, and the club is now proprietor of a block somewhat larger than the ordinary city block, with the exception of a small lot on the corner of Manheim and Morris streets, for the purchase of which negotiations are now in progress.

Source Philadelphia Times
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

switching the lively PL ball into an NL game

Date Wednesday, September 10, 1890

Two men in a box at Friday's League game had a great deal of fun in a queer fashion. And the tale may open the Clevelanders' eyes to possible future cases. The cunning folk in the box came loaded with a couple of Brotherhood balls in their overcoat pockets. Whenever a foul tip would sail back over the grand stand one of the men would make it a point to get the ball on its return. Putting it in his pocket he would toss Umpire McQuaid one of his imported Brotherhood balls. In a few minutes it would be in play. As everybody knows the Players' ball acts in a peculiar manner in unfamiliar hands. Viau shot one down to Earle in the second inning and the long Chicagoan hit a tap that would scarcely have driven a League ball out of the diamond. The strange ball mounted in the air like a bird and lost itself somewhere in Congress street. Earle chased round the bases with the surprised expression of a man paid a forgotten debt. The merry strangers quietly dropped their second Brotherhood ball on the grass a few minutes later. Wilmot was the first man to get a good crack at it. That, too, was lost over the South wall. Where the joke comes is in the fact that the cunning strangers' plan was to let Cleveland get the good of the lively ball, and when they had the chance they fell down without one fair jab at it., quoting the Chicago Inter-Ocean

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

sympathy for John Day

Date Wednesday, February 5, 1890

Mr. Day's unfortunate position has evoked the compassion of even those who have been so unmercifully abused in his weekly paper—the players. For instance, Tim Keefe remarked the other day tat he wished Mr. Day was interested in the Players' League instead of being its chief adversary among National League magnates and added:

“He is one of the squarest men in the base ball business. If he would be satisfied with the shares that the largest stockholder in the Players' League owns we would give him a royal welcome into our ranks. He could have entire control of the New York Club of our League.”

In connection with Mr. Keefe's remarks, the following item from the New York World, which is the admitted Brotherhood paper of the metropolis, is very significant:

“There is a chance for John B. Day to get in out of the rain. If he stays out much longer he may be soaked through.”

Perhaps there's something here calculated to set the other League magnates to guessing.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Syracuse Club not paying its AA dues

Date Saturday, October 4, 1890

One of the financial incidents of the Association campaign to add to the disgraceful Athletic and Brooklyn incidents was the attachment of the Syracuse Club's gate receipts during the week by President Phelps. On Sunday last when Manager Frazer, of the Syracuse Club, went to the Louisville Club to get his share of the receipts, he found that the money had been attached by President Phelps. The Syracuse Club has not paid its dues since June and the amount due the Association approximately $500. Mr. Frazer had been asked for the money several times, but had failed to pay it, so President Phelps ordered the money withheld, and it was accordingly paid over to Mr. Phelps' secretary.

Mr. Frazer was not notified of the attachment until the last game was concluded, and if there ever was a mad man, it was the Syracuse manager. “I will give up the club right here,” said he, and he went up-town speaking in anything but complimentary terms of the Association.

At the hotel that night he took a different view of it, however, and said that he had no intention of quitting. He said that he had intended paying the money before leaving Louisville, and that it would be satisfactorily settled.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

Syracuse and Rochester out of the AA, Philadelphia and Boston in

Date Saturday, December 20, 1890

[reporting on the meeting of the conference committee 12/12] The most substantial progress was made Friday, when Syracuse was gotten rid of. Rochester had previously been partially satisfied, it only remaining for Thurman to clinch the deal, although this fact was not generally known. On Saturday George K. Frazer, representing the Syracuse Club, agreed to give up his franchise in the Association, when called upon to do so, in consideration of a mutually satisfactory amount of money. The agreement provides that MR. Frazer shall retain control of Syracuse under the National Agreement, and that he shall have the right to enter any base ball league or association to the exclusion of other parties. He will also keep all his players.

It now only remains to placate Toledo and the job is done so far as the Association is concerned. The total amount the three clubs will receive is $25,000, which the other Association clubs will be proportionally assessed for. In what proportion Toledo, Rochester and Syracuse will divide this lump sum is not known.

As soon as Syracuse had been disposed of the Boston and Philadelphia clubs were given the Athletic and Boston franchises with the concurrence of the League conferees, Spalding and Byrne.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of allowing the manager to captain the team

Date Saturday, August 9, 1890

[from Chadwick's column] The idea of allowing the manager of a base ball team to direct his players in the field somewhat similarly to the manner of the captain of a lacrosse team in coaching his twelve, is now the talk in professional circles. It has its good points as well as its objectionable features. As managers to, it would not be advisable, I think.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of club consolidations

Date Saturday, November 1, 1890

[from W. I. Harris's column] Since the failure of the conference committee which it was thought, by those who engineered that failure, would end all negotiations, there have been no less than four conference between the individual capitalists representing the four cities I have named [Chicago, New York, Brooklyn, and Cleveland], and for all anyone really knows to the contrary there may have been twenty such meetings. And everything goes to show that some plan of action was agreed upon. Certainly these men did not get together merely for the pleasure of getting better acquainted. The closeness with which they have kept their own counsel as to what took place at these meetings is an indication that their conferences were fruitful. Had nothing serious come of the various conferences we would have had twenty versions of them, in which each narrator would have sought to give his side the best position before the public. Besides this it really looks as if part of the deal had been perfected. And by that I mean that appearances indicate that the two New York clubs have actually consolidated. The Sporting Life November 1, 1890

[from W. I. Harris's column] Over in Brooklyn affairs are in an advanced state of progress toward one club. A week ago there were but two directors, not counting Mr. Wirth, who holds but one share of stock, or something like it, in order to enable him to be a director, who were in favor of amalgamation, but now it is said that all but Mr. Ward have been talked into the scheme. There was a meeting of the directors yesterday [10/29] and a committee wa appointed to meet with Mr. Byrne and see what plans could be agreed upon. Mr. Ward was not present at the meeting. It is said that he did not get the notice in time to be there. Another story is that Mr. Ward was so disgusted with the turn affairs have taken that he remained away as a silent protest against the plan which he was powerless to prevent, and as an indication to his fellow players that he had nothing to do with the deals now in progress. This latter story is more apt to be the true one. The Sporting Life November 1, 1890

The impression gained from conversation with the gentlemen [PL Brooklyn Club directors] was that they would be willing to consolidate with the National League Club on a 50 per cent. basis, equal capitalization, play one year at Washington Park and thereafter at Eastern Park, provided satisfactory terms could be made in other cities where there are two clubs. No Players' League club would be “thrown down” by the Brooklyn organization. They would not stand by any obstinate or unreasonable club in their league, but would be a party to no combination which failed to consider the interests of a club that had tried honestly to settle the war. The Sporting Life November 1, 1890

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of the American Association expanding to twelve clubs

Date Wednesday, January 8, 1890

[reporting the AA meeting of

A dispatch from Louisville during the week made the announcement for the first time that a twelve-club circuit for the Association was among the probabilities. The dispatch stated:

“It is positively stated that the American Association will have twelve clubs next year. The finance committee of the American Association, of which Mr. Whitaker, of the Athletic Club, is chairman, have written President Phelps a letter in which they pictured for the Association a bright future. The financial backing of the numerous applicants was carefully inquired into and the result was so satisfactory that the committee could not distinguish between them. A twelve-club league was then proposed, and a letter was accordingly written President Phelps apprising him of the scheme.”

President Phelps is reported as favoring the twelve-club scheme. Syracuse, he says, is anxious to re-enter. Washington wants to come, and Providence, Toronto, Baltimore, Newark, New Haven and Detroit are among the applicants for membership. Treasurer Whitaker, of the Athletic Club, who, by the way, has become the real leader of the Association, is not particularly in love with the twelve-club idea unless each of the clubs will give heavy bonds to play out the season. He thinks that a twelve-club circuit may be forced upon the Association by circumstances. Says he:

“If Washington and Indianapolis are dropped by the National League we might want to take Indianapolis into our Western circuit, and then we would have to have another club. This we could secure in Detroit. What a glorious circuit that would make in the West. Columbus, Louisville, St. Louis, Toledo, Detroit and Indianapolis. We can easily secure six good clubs in the East. I was in Washington on Tuesday of this week, and the outlook there for us is very encouraging. The Baltimore Club is pretty sure to be with us also, notwithstanding all talk to the contrary. Mr. Barnie is in rather a peculiar situation just at present, because of this negotiations with the Atlantic Association and the National League men, but I think he is for the American Association heart and hand.”

Manager Sharsig is unqualifiedly opposed to having more than eight clubs, and points to the season of 1884 to show the foolishness of organizing with twelve clubs, when, he says, the five tail-enders did not draw enough people in Philadelphia to pay expenses.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

talk of the League moving its July 4 games

Date Saturday, June 21, 1890

The opinion prevails that the Boston and Chicago League clubs will change their Fourth of July dates from Chicago to Boston. President Soden, however, flatly denies any such intention. The attempt to change the Pittsburg series of the Fourth to Brooklyn has probably been abandoned. It is among the probabilities, however, that the Cleveland series may be transferred to New York. It would be a good business-stroke for the League to leave all of the unprofitable Western cities to the Players League for the Fourth of July series, and play in the big Eastern cities on the great holiday, but it is not likely to be done.

When one of the directors of the Brooklyn National League Club was seen on the subject he was very emphatic in his denunciation of the change. He said:--”I have stated before that the National League will not change its schedule in any event, and that statement still holds good, and will continue so until the season closes. The National League began its campaign as it has in years gone by, and will go on as it has in the past. We stand at the head of the base ball profession, and anything the Players' may do is their own business and must concern them only.”

President Reach, of the Philadelphia Club, says he is not only opposed to any change of the League schedule this season, but he is in favor of meeting the Brotherhood on the same grounds next year if that organization is in existence, which he very much doubts. [N.B. The League did in fact keep the games in the West.]

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

telegraph war in Pittsburgh

Date Saturday, May 3, 1890

The Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies are having a little war here over the transmission of news from the Players' League grounds. The Postal has the contract, but the Western Union has been beating it out on the news. It was found at first that the Postal wires had been tapped and that scheme was soon blocked. The next day the Western Union beat its rival again, this time by means of observations taken from a neighboring building. The information is wanted for pool rooms, which pay $50 to $100 a week.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

tension between PL and NL players

Date Tuesday, July 1, 1890

Mickey Welch, the fine pitcher of the New York League Club, in speaking of Ewing recently, said: “Buck is the only friend I have in the Players' League Club. Not another player in the team would speak to me after I signed a contract with Mr. Day to play in the League. I wish Ewing was with us now. You don't know how I miss him, for we were always great friends.” New York Sun July 1, 1890, quoting an unidentified exchange

Clarkson doesn't seem to be much worried at the failure of the Brotherhood men to recognize him., and when interrogated on the subject, said: “I have no fault to find with any man for not wishing to recognize me. Such a thing certainly doesn't injure me, and it may do the non-recognizer some good.” New York Sun July 4, 1890

Source New York Sun
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

tension in the New York PL club; relitigating the schedule conflict; finances

Date Saturday, November 8, 1890

...Mr. Talcott was particularly cut up over an interview with John Ward that appeared in a morning paper in which the popular short stop was made to say that Mr. Talcott was a weakener and had seriously injured the Players' League.

“Patience ceases to be a virtue now,” said Mr. Talcott to a Herald reporter. “I don't propose to have Mr. Ward or anybody else criticise my business methods, nor shall I allow Mr. Ward to tell me how my financial interest must be managed. I am looking out for the interests of base ball in New York, and no one can dictate to me.

“Mr. Ward says that when the different clubs in the Players' League wanted to change the schedule last summer I fought them for all I was worth. That's right. I did oppose that plan, because it would have killed the Players' League. To have changed our dates then would have been showing the white feather, but the situation is different now. The fight cannot go an another year, for base ball will become a dead sport. Ward can say what he likes, but it will not alter matters with us a particle.

“Another thing that has riled me a trifle is this continued kicking and howling on the part of Ward that he has as much right to negotiate with the National League as I or any of my partners have. Wards owns ten shares of stock in the New York Club and ten in the Brooklyn Club, amounting in all to about $2000. He received a salary of $5000 from the Brooklyn Club this season, which makes him $3000 to the good. All this time I have been putting up $3000 a month to keep the New York Club on its feet. So have Messrs. Van Cott, Robinson, McAlpin and others. We have received nothing in return except high-priced ball playing. What right has Mr. Ward to talk about being out of pocket?

Source The Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

terms for Sunday games in Gloucester

Date Wednesday, March 26, 1890

As will be seen by the schedule, the Athletics are not scheduled for any Sunday games at Gloucester, but they have thirteen Saturday and as many Friday dates, and the latter can easily be changed to be played on Sundays, if the club officials and Mr. Thompson, the owner of the grounds, can agree upon terms. Last year Billy Thompson netted $6000 as his share of the games played on his grounds by the Athletics. No wonder the Athletic Club kicked.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the $2,000 limit the motive for the Brotherhood formation

Date Saturday, April 5, 1890

[from an article by Ward in the Players' League guide] In 1885 the passage of the arbitrary $2000 salary limit rule forced the organization of the Brotherhood for mutual protection of the players.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the AA's leverage with the NL

Date Saturday, December 13, 1890

[editorial matter] There is no reason to apprehend that the American Association will get the worst of the new deal, because even if the League people were disposed to treat the Association with the customary contempt and disregard, they could not now afford to do so, for a number of reasons: The public, which has had enough of chicanery, has its eye on the situation, is scrutinizing every move, and will not support cold-blooded selfishness in the interest of a pure monopoly; the Players' League is not yet totally extinct, and is still in position to make an alliance with the best part of the Association, if the latter should be forced to resent any breach of faith; the following of the Players' League must be won over, even after the Players' League is disposed of, which can only be done by caring for the remaining interests; and, finally, the American Association has its fate in its own hands, inasmuch as it has an equal voice with the League in the settlement, and if it shall get the worst of it, it will be simply because its conference committee is either incapable or treacherous.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the American Association back at eight clubs; a club placed in Brooklyn; expansion draft

Date Wednesday, January 15, 1890

[reporting the AA special meeting of 1/6/1890] [after the readmission of Syracuse] Letters were also read from Washington, Brooklyn and Newark, N.J. The Washington syndicate agreed to place a team in that city in case the National League did not do so, and Brooklyn and Newark both made formal application for admission. Owing to the lack of information as to the financial status of the gentlemen backing the enterprise in these cities, the whole matter of selecting the eighth club was left to the finance committee. That body was empowered to act at once and communicate with President Phelps. In order to strengthen the Association and add to its permanency the president was instructed to prepare bonds in the sum of $10,000 each to be filled out by each club, guaranteeing to play out the full schedule of 140 games during the season of 1890. The Sporting Life January 15, 1890

A special meeting of the committee appointed by the American Association with power to fill the Eastern vacancy was held at the Astor House, New York City, Jan. 9... the application before the meeting was that of W. W. Wallace, of the Ridgewood Exhibition Company, who wanted to locate a club in Newtown, or rather in Ridgewood, which is just outside of the Kings County boundary line, and therefore in Queens County, where Sunday baseball can be played. … The new club is to be named Brooklyn, and is to be run by a stock company. … The Ridgewood Exhibition Company owns its own grounds. It has a capital stock of $15,000, and in order to purchase a plot of land necessary to complete the ground, arrangements have been made ti increase the stock to $20,000, and the increase will be voted on Feb. 1. Games will be played by the club at Ridgewood Park on week days and Sunday, and the rate of admission will be 25 cents. The Association men agreed to give up one or more of the players of each club to enable the new club to form a team. … The new club expect to draw its patronage from the cities of Brooklyn and New York. Residents of the former city can reach the grounds in half an hour, and New Yorkers can get there in an hour. It has been thought that the National Agreement would prevent the establishment of a club at Ridgewood, but this is erroneous, as the Agreement simply prohibits the Association from putting a club into any city, town or county already occupied by a League club. As Newtown is in Queens county a club there does not conflict with the Brooklyn League Club, which is in Kings county. The Sporting Life January 15, 1890

President Byrne, of the Brooklyn League team, will make no opposition to the American Association placing a club in Ridgewood. The Sporting Life January 15, 1890

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the American Association pennant

Date Saturday, April 5, 1890

The new pennant, unfurled today for the first time by the Brooklyn (N.L.) Club, is a handsome burgee in red, white and blue. The field is shite, with a blue border containing forty-two blue stars to represent the Union. The words “Champions of the American Association, 1890” are in red letters in the centre of the flag, preceded by eight red stars, one for each club in the Association. The Philadelphia Times April 5, 1890

a proposal for a national amateur championship

The Base Ball Committee of the Amateur Athletic Union, which has been at work for some weeks on plans for the championship season of the nines representing the various athletic clubs in the West as well as the East, has prepared a report.


“That the winning teams of the two series of games in the East shall play three games at such times and places in September or October as may be hereafter determined, to decide the Eastern championship of the United States, and that in like matter shall be determined the winner of the Western amateur baseball championship.

“That the Eastern and Western champion baseball teams, as above, shall at such times and places as may be determined play a series of three games to decide the Amateur Athletic Union baseball championship of the United States for 1890, the winning team to receive the Amateur Athletic Union and the Spalding silver trophies, emblematic of such championship.” New York Herald April 6, 1890

[see New York Sun April 6, 1890 for a very reasonable proposal for reducing draws in cricket; discussion of the MCC's new rule allowing a side to declare its innings closed.]

Source Philadelphia Times
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Athletic Club bankrupt

Date Saturday, November 15, 1890

A bill in equity was yesterday [11/13] filed in Common Pleas Court No. 3, by lawyer Joseph Baringer, on behalf of Joseph J. Snellenburg, Thomas A. Mink and Richard J. Lennon, against the Athletic Base Ball Club, asking that a receiver might be appointed for that corporation. The plaintiffs state that they are stockholders of the club, which is insolvent, judgments having been entered against it in the courts and executions issued upon them, the creditors threatening to sell the property of the club.

The plaintiffs claim that if this should be done it would be at a great sacrifice, the sale being detrimental and injurious to both the creditors and the stockholders. They therefore asked the Court that an injunction be issued restraining the club from exercising their corporation rights, and also that the Court appoint a receiver to take charge of the property. Judge Finletter granted a preliminary injunction in the case.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Athletic Club collapses

Date Saturday, September 20, 1890

...The adjourned stockholders' meeting was held on Monday night. It was soon discovered that the stockholders were no nearer raising the needful cash than they had been on the previous Thursday night. All sorts of propositions were considered, and after talking over the matter for three long hours Joseph Snellenburg, Benjamin Shibe, Richard J. Lennon, Thomas Mink, George S. Horn and George M. Taylor were appointed a committee to devise ways and means for obtaining the money to pay the men off and defray the expenses of the western trip. The players, through Captain Welch, were notified to report to President Pennypacker Tuesday night at eight to receive their checks. After the meeting Messrs. Pennypacker, Whitaker and Sharsig all declared that the club would finish the season and meet all its bills. Manager Barnie, who had been notified by President Phelps that no special meeting of the Association would be held, was present at this meeting in the “interest and as representative of the Association.” he was assured that the players' salaries and other debts would be paid in full, and he seems to have been content to take their word for it and permit matters to take their course.

...On Tuesday night the players assembled in high good humor over the prospect of getting their much-needed back salaries. At 8o'clock, the appointed hour, everybody concerned except the committee was on hand, and their arrival was anxiously awaited. Time slipped on, however, and no committee made its appearance, and hope died within the needy and anxious souls present. Still they waited, hoping against hope, but at 10 o'clock it could no longer be concealed that no arrangements for cash had been or could be made. Treasurer Whittaker, in his usual bland and suave manner, told them, with faltering voice and tear-dimmed eyes, that he was pained to inform them, etc., etc., that, owing to, etc., etc., the club was in the soup, and that it could not pay the salaries,but that he would like to take as strong a team as possible on the Western trip, and that he would be willing to continue all hands at the same old rates.

This was a facer for the players, many of whom had confidently expected to receive their money. Curt Welch was the first to break the silence. “Well, then, I'm free from the Athletic Club, am I? Well, give me my release.” This President Pennypacker proceeded to do with an alacrity that was astonishing. All the other players, with the exception of Purcell, Conroy, Green and Shafer followed suit, while the President of the club was writing out the releases of the different players,each one in turn paid his respects to Treasurer Whittaker, who had to stand a severe tongue lashing from all of them.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Athletics expelled

Date Saturday, November 29, 1890

[reporting the AA meeting 11/22] [the directors' meeting] The case of the Athletic Club was next taken up. It was shown that no salaries had been payed the players for some time previous to their protest. The club had also neglected to pay its dues to the Association, and it was also indebted to Toledo, Syracuse and Rochester to the extent of about $600 for guarantees. Mr. Taylor, representing the Athletic Club, was allowed to state his side o the case fully. He said that the old club was prepared to settle up with its creditors and would raise the money to put and maintain a good team in the field next season if it was permitted to retain the franchise. He was then asked to withdraw pending consideration of the question. After thoroughly discussing the matter it was finally decided to report unanimously in favor of the expulsion of the club.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brooklyn Club flies the AA pennant

Date Friday, April 4, 1890

[Yale vs. Brooklyn (NL) 4/3/1890] A preliminary ceremony was the raising of the American Association championship flag. The Yales joined hands with the Brooklyns at the rope, and as the great white banner was unfurled the spectators gave a hearty round of applause. The flag around the borders has forty-two small stars for the States of the union, and in one corner eight large stars for the clubs of the Association. In large capitals, extending the length of the flag, is the legend, “Champions, American Association, 1890.

Source New York Herald
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brooklyn settlement negotiations

Date Saturday, December 6, 1890

Negotiations were resumed between the two Brooklyn clubs during the week, a meeting of the conference committees being held on Tuesday last, after which it was announced that the club had practically agreed upon terms. The difficulty hitherto had been over the grounds, the Brooklyn Players' club people insisting upon the consolidated team playing at Eastern Park, in order to further their real estate interest, which to them were far more important than their base ball interests.

The Brooklyn League people solved the trouble by proposing that they be given a controlling interest, say $30,000 in stock out of a capital of $40,000, in the consolidated club, in return for which they would give up Washington Park and play at Eastern Park. In plain terms, they proposed to absorb the Players' League club in return for vacating Washington Park, otherwise they would consolidate on equal terms and play at Washington Park. By this method of settlement the Brooklyn League people were virtually to secure the controlling interest in the Brooklyn Players' Club without putting out a cent in actual cash, while the Brooklyn Players' people would have no club, but would have somebody else's team play at their park and benefit from the increased railroad business which they control. The Sporting Life December 6, 1890

The two Brooklyn clubs are as yet no nearer a satisfactory settlement than they were a month ago, and the outlook for consolidation is not particularly bright. From an inside source we learn that Director Linton has the whip hand now in the matter, and that unless things go his way they consolidation deal will fail and the Brooklyn Players' Club remain as a separate organization either in the American Association or the rejuvenated Players' League. The Sporting Life December 13, 1890

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brotherhood comes out against consolidation

Date Saturday, October 25, 1890

[reporting the Brotherhood meeting 10/20 – 10/21] The general opinion also was that the new League should not have entered into conference with the National League on any other basis but that of compromise, which was a most elastic term, covering a wide range. Consolidation it was agreed should not have been considered at all, as that simply meant the wiping out of the Players' League and the substitution therefor of a new league, which would be the National League still, under another name, but the old conditions.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Brotherhood hints at accepting salary reductions

Date Saturday, October 25, 1890

[reporting the Brotherhood meeting 10/20 – 10/21] The discussion also brought out the fact that should, by any chance, next season be again unprofitable to the capitalists, it would by no means be impossible to make some arrangement whereby the players would share the burden with the capitalists; at least, that was the sentiment of every delegate present, all of whom, however, felt sanguine that, war or no war, next season would find the Players' League on top and safely established.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Decker glove patent

Date Saturday, May 3, 1890

A. J. Reach, the base ball supplies manufacturer, has purchased from Decker the entire right, title and interest in this glove, which is now worn universally by catchers, and has, in fact, become indispensable because with this glove such a thing as a broker finger is impossible and catching is made wonderfully easy. The new owner, Al Reach, of this city, has taken steps to fully protect by patent this invention, which is valuable because it is sure to be profitable, since the glove is bound to come into universal use and further improvement seems impossible.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Decker mitt

Date Wednesday, January 22, 1890

Catcher Decker, of the Philadelphia League Club, whose catchers' glove has been a standard article of base ball equipment, has made a new glove, which is declared by experts to be the best thing in that line ever put on the market. Cuts of the glove will be found in our advertising columns, from which the reader will gain a pretty fair idea of what this indispensable article is like. With this glove injury to the hands is impossible and there can be no such thing as broken or mashed fingers or bruised palms with it, and, in the opinion of many experts, by its use one catcher can now do the work that formerly had to be shared by two or three. Clements, Schriver, Robinson, Collins and other League and Association catchers, are using this glove and its use is bound to become universal. It is manufactured by the A.J. Reach Co., 1113 Market street, Philadelphia, under the general supervision of catcher Decker, the inventor.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Irwin catcher's glove mitt

Date Wednesday, February 5, 1890

[an advertisement] The Irwin Glove Mitt, manufactured solely by Draper & Maynard, Ashland, N.H., was used last season by the following League catchers: Bennett, Ganzell, T. Daley, Mack, Murphy, Farrell, Con daily. Price, No. 1, Felt-lines, $6,00. No. 2, Leather-lined, $5.00. No. 3, Amateur, $4.00. For sale by all dealers. Send for catalogue. Arthur A. Irwin, 860 Dorchester Ave., Boston, Mass.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League adopts a ten-team schedule

Date Friday, March 7, 1890

The final meeting of the League schedule committee was held to-day [3/6]. The sole business transacted was the adoption of a ten-club schedule, which was forced upon the organization by the refusal of the Indianapolis club to retire. The League early decided not to use coercive measures, and when it became evident that Indianapolis was in to stay, the last report was the adoption of the schedule. Each club plays a fewer number of games than in former years, and the basis of individual championship contests is figured on seven games in each city with the nine different organizations. The magnates of the League declare that the schedule suits them as well as a ten-club schedule could. Indianapolis Journal March 7, 1890

Several of the magnates were bound to go ahead with eight clubs, but, for once, the great men were confounded by the small ones. President Brush, physically speaking, is a midget alongside of Presidents Spalding and Soden, but from a mental stand-point he is more than the equal of these men. He held the key to the situation, but refused to unlock the combination that would retire him from base-ball and scatter his strong team to the four winds. He believes in getting something in return for the enterprise displayed in getting his strong force together. He, therefore, refused to listen to any dictation or overtures whereby Indianapolis was to be crushed. Indianapolis Journal March 10, 1890, quoting the New York Herald

If Washington is sincere in the oft-protested intention to continue there seems little danger of a freeze-out, for two reasons: one that the League, as stated above, will hesitate to take the radical action now that it would not take at the recent meeting, and another that it is extremely doubtful if it could summon the necessary two-thirds vote. Indianapolis has friends enough, if Washington has not, to make such a summary disposition of her team well nigh impossible. Indianapolis Journal March 16, 1890

Source Indianapolis Journal
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League blacklists the PL players

Date Saturday, April 5, 1890

With the 1 st of April all contract went into effect, and with that date, under the National Agreement, arrived the time when the men who had cast off allegiance to the League and defied the reserve rule would have to be proscribed, so far as National Agreement clubs are concerned. This was done in the form of the following notice in which the new players and men in rebellion are lumped with the old clubs, so that if the Players' League fails no other club but the old reserving club can employ the revoked players, and they will be thrown on the mercy of these clubs for reinstatement or relegation to obscurity:

“Washington, March 28.--The following named players under contract with, or reserved by club members of the National League, are ineligible to contract or play with any other organization during the season of 1890 unless released: [A complete list of reserved PL players follows]

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League expels the Cincinnati Club; ownership; the Indianapolis deal

Date Saturday, November 22, 1890

[reporting the NL meeting of 11/12 – 11.15] The regular business of the meeting could have been settled within two days, but the meeting was prolonged two weary days through vainly waiting for the two Cleveland and two Brooklyn clubs to settle their affairs and effect consolidation or for either one to do so in order to give the League control of the stock of the Cincinnati Club, which was all the League needed to kill the Players' League. Neither club was able to do this and so the League had to adjourn without having either crushed out the Players' League or arranged for another peace conference with it. In Brooklyn such a difference arose between the two clubs over the details of the consolidation that all negotiations were suspended and the Players' club cast its lot with the Players' League. In the Cleveland matter the League club would not agree to Johnson's terms, while the latter would do nothing unless his fellow-capitalists in Philadelphia, Boston and Brooklyn were taken care of, and so nothing was accomplished.

When The Sporting Life went to press last Friday afternoon the Leauge meeting was still in progress at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, in New York City. The delegates re-assembled at ten o'clock and remained in continuous session until ten o'clock Saturday morning. The most of the time was taken up with the case of the Cincinnati Club, against which charges had been preferred the day previous by John T. Brush, who wanted the franchise for himself, provided the old club could be gotten rid of by the League.

After an exhaustive study of the previsions of the constitution, the mode of procedure was mapped out and followed in a businesslike way. The new board of directors—N. E. Young, J. Palmer O'Neill, A. J. Reach and John B. Day—acted on the charges as presented by Mr. Brush and found that they had not been disproved. They thereupon reported back to the regular meeting, which had taken a brief recess while the board was deliberating. In consequence the Cincinnati Club, which one brief year ago had been admitted to membership 'mid the clinking of glasses and plaudits of the old stand-bys, was ignominiously expelled. Not a dissenting vote was cast. A brief breathing-spell was taken, and then the application of John T. Brush for the vacant franchise was taken up....

Then, still adhering to form, J. Palmer O'Neill and Frank Robinson were appointed a committee to dispose of the franchise. This was done over a bottle of ginger ale, and John T. Brush, the wheel horse of the League in the early part of the fight, secured the right to put a club in Porkopolis the coming season.

Mr. Brush would not say who the Cincinnati capitalists are, but stated that their names would appear in due time. Each of the other clubs has agreed to give over from one to three players to the new organization if terms cannot be agreed upon with the Players' League syndicate, which now holds the reins of the old club. The League also confiscated the $1000 which Aaron Stern put into its guarantee fund and will also probably sue Mr. Stern on a $5000 bond which he entered to remain in the League. John T. Brush also holds one or two notes given by Aaron Stern in connection with the Indianapolis deal last spring, and he will sue these out.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League reduced to eight clubs; Indianapolis Club ownership; attendance

Date Friday, March 21, 1890

[dateline Indianapolis] The directors of the Indianapolis Baseball Club state to-night [2/20] that negotiations for the sale of the club to New York are pending. The sale, they say, was to have been completed to-day, but up to a late hour to-night no message has been received from President Brush

Mr. Brush’s price for all his League rights and his eighteen players under contract is $67,000. The directors think he will be able to get every dollar he asks.

Since the Cleveland meeting Brush has been quietly carrying on negotiations for the sale of the club. He made one trip east, and last Monday he and Director Schmidt went to Chicago to see President Spaulding. Last night they left that city for the East, presumably for New York.

The stay-at-home owners of the club, Messrs. Meyer, Jameson, McCutcheon and Mayer, say the sale is not made because they feared the club would be forced out, but because they foresaw that they would lose money under the schedule. They figured that the club could not be kept up with less than fourteen hundred people to witness each game played. Last year the average attendance was not over one thousand.

I saw Glasscock to-night. He said he had heard nothing from Brush, but was hourly expected a telegram. “I do not believe the club has been sold yet,” said he. “Because Brush promised to wire me as soon as the deal was complete.”


The Indianapolis citizens are indignant over the sale. They charge that Brush has been raising the public sentiment to force a big price from the purchasers. New York Herald March 21, 1890

...A ten-club league, it was claimed, would never do, and it was stated to him very forcibly that unless he accepted the terms offered, there was but one alternative, and that was to vote him out. After twenty-four hours of consideration Mr. Brush reluctantly consented to the League's proposal. It was to purchase the players, but allow him to retain the franchise. Just what amount was paid is not known, but it is generally thought that it was in the neighborhood of $40,000. The disposition of the Washington club was of but little consequence to that of the Hoosiers. It was well understood that Mr. Hewitt could place himself where he was liable to make a little money this season, and that he had already made an application for membership in the Athletic [sic] Association. The result was the franchise of the Washington Club was bought by the League, but the players were retained.

In an interview with a Journal reporter, shortly after the negotiations were closed, Mr. Brush said: “This is an unpleasant position that I have been placed in, I must confess. I have almost assured the people of Indianapolis that I would keep the club in the League, but what was I to do? I was told that I had no other alternative but to retire. I told the League exactly how matters stood in Indianapolis, but that did not help matters any. When I found that the Club would have to go my object was to make the best arrangements possible, and I think I have succeeded. The franchise I retain, and therefore, at the first opportunity, Indianapolis will be found again in the League.” Indianapolis Journal March 23, 1890

The [Indianapolis Club] has resigned from the old organization with the understanding that if ever there is an opening in the League the Hoosier capital is to have the first opportunity to re-enter. In fact Indianapolis has not forfeited its franchise to the magnates, but has, for a financial consideration, agreed to transfer its players, who are virtually the League’s property, to that organization. The Sunday Item Philadelphia March 23, 1890

There will be no trouble among the players over salaries. That questions was all settled before Brush went away from Indianapolis a week ago. Said Glasscock this morning: “Before Brush went away he called us together and the matter of transfer to New York was discussed. He foresaw that he was going to be forced to sell and, of course, he wanted to know whether we would consent to the transfer, and what salaries we would demand from New York. Our propositions made though him have doubtless been accepted or the transfer would be announced. Indianapolis News March 24, 1890

Indianapolis and Washington have been dropped from the National Base-ball League. It was a terrible blow to those two clubs, but as President Hewitt, of the Washington Club, remarked, “It was the salvation of the League.” Mr. Brush fought earnestly and against great odds to be retained. He met the conference committee appointed at Cleveland—Robinson, Soden and Spalding—at the Fifth-avenue Hotel, on Thursday night, and told them distinctly that it was demanded by the patrons of the game in Indianapolis that the club should remain in the League. The committee, however, just as earnestly told him that that was impossible. A ten-club league, it was claimed, would never do, and it was stated to him very forcibly that unless he accepted the terms offered, there was but one alternative, and that was to vote him out. After twenty-four hours consideration Mr. Brush reluctantly consented to the League's proposal. It was to purchase the players, but allow him to retain the franchise. Indianapolis Journal March 24, 1890

The magnates refused to reveal the nature of their conference, but stated that it would be given out in a day or two. It can be stated for a fact, however, Indianapolis and Washington have sold their franchises to the League, and their players have been divided among the other clubs. New York secures Glasscock, Denny, Bassett, Hines, Buckley and Rusie, while Pittsburg will get as many of the others as are wanted. The cost of the six players to the New York Club is nearly $40,000. The Sporting Life March 26, 1890

The money required to induce Indianapolis and Washington to withdraw nor the terms of surrender were not divulged and will not be, the League delegates being pledged to secrecy. It is believed, however, that the amount is close to $80,000, and that this burden was assumed by the League as a whole. Of this amount Indianapolis gets the bulk, as Washington had only a franchise to sell. Both clubs will, it is believed, continue as members of the League; that is, their resignations will be allowed to lie without action and they will thus be members of the League without being scheduled for games, thus holding their territory under the National Agreement. This is simply a repetition of the smooth trick by which Detroit was enabled to pose as the ninth member of the League until all of its reserved players had been sold and coerced into accepting such disposition as had been made of them.

The League also disposed of the Indianapolis players. Nine of the men were assigned to New York and their contracts were at once delivered by President Brush, who had signed the men for New York more than a week previous at bonuses ranging from $800 to $5000. This shows that an understanding existed, even while Mr. Brush was assuring Indianapolis people that the club would remain in the League, and selling season tickets on the strength of this assertion and the Hoosier public's belief in his professions. The Sporting Life April 2, 1890

historical player salaries

The appended table is compiled from the League’s ledgers and shows the salaries paid to the players since the much discussed reserve rule went into effect in 1881. There is one feature of it that is certain to attract particular attention, and that is the increase of salary that invariably followed the transfer or “sale” of a player from one club to another. It is indicated in the table by a star, and shows that the players derived material benefit from such transactions. [See table] the Sunday Item Philadelphia March 23, 1890 [See also Spalding NL Guide 1890 pp. 17-23.]

Source New York Herald
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League to suspend the reserve

Date Saturday, September 20, 1890

The League is soon to take a flank movement on the Brotherhood. … If there is not a flag of truce raised in Brotherhood quarters the League will go on with the war of extermination. To more successfully conduct their campaign the League leaders will wipe out a rule that has hitherto proved a handicap. In short, it is the intention of the League clubs which lost some of their players by the revolt to waive their reserve claim to such players. In other words, any League player in Brotherhood company can be signed by any League club that wants him.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League working the PL capitalists

Date Saturday, October 25, 1890

The National League is now upon a new tack to achieve its purpose of breaking down and swallowing up the Players' League. It appears that since Wednesday, when the joint committee was broken up by the refusal of the League and Association committees to confer with the ball players... the League magnates and their counselor, Allan W. Thurman, have been working upon individual capitalists of the Players' League, with a view to effecting a consolidation here and there and then breaking up the Players' League piecemeal. In this work the New York capitalists, who appear determined to quit, regardless of consequences to all others whom they induced to enter the business and stay therein, are apparently lending much valuable assistance, if the New York papers are to be believed. Evidently the Players' League is not yet out of danger from its own people. The Sporting Life October 25, 1890

...the danger to the Players' League is not yet over, because there is still an element of discord and dissatisfaction in the new League, while the old League presents an apparently united and still aggressive front. The National League realizes that it cannot now crush out the Players' League by force, and will henceforth exert all of its cunning and skill to effect by diplomacy what it failed to achieve by force. Balked in its first attempt to absorb the most desirable clubs of the Players' League and fashion the rest into a secondary and servile league, ti will, in all probability, now seek to accomplish in part what it failed to accomplish in entirety.

The news from New York to-day would indicate that the League people are already at work upon the new line of dismembering the Players' League piecemeal, and that they probably count upon the assistance of the New York Players' League contingent, which appear determined to carry its point of consolidation and force an issue regardless of consequences to the League as a whole. So the Players' League is not yet quite out of the hole into which it fell when it consented to enter into negotiations with the League upon a consolidation instead of a compromise basis, and it will have to keep a careful eye upon the situation and be prepared to meet new assaults, from time to time, in various and perhaps unexpected quarters. The Sporting Life October 25, 1890

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League's emergency fund

Date Saturday, June 7, 1890

[from R. M. Larner's column] I am informed that the League is prepared to advance money to the amount of $30,000 to such clubs as may need assistance before the present season terminates. When it was discovered that the Brotherhood had determined to make the fight the League magnates called a meeting, at which it was agreed that under the existing circumstances it would be almost impossible for the League to go through the season without losing money. It was proposed that each club should advance a certain amount to form a guarantee fund, which aggregated $20,000. if I was correctly advised a large hole has already been made in the guarantee fund, and another assessment of $1000 has been levied upon the various clubs. The last assessment was not made because the funds in the League treasury are low, but because the League has always made it a rule to have a large and substantial sum in the treasurer's sock in case of an emergency. I believe President Young could draw his check, as representative of the League, for many thousand dollars and have it honored, as I am aware that he has a snug surplus in a local bank.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League's guarantee fund

Date Saturday, March 1, 1890

`In answer to questions about , otherwise known as the “corruption fund,” Colonel Rogers said: “This fund is the accumulation of five years at the rate of $1,000 per year for each club. We now have $40,000 and at our last meeting it was voted to increase this to $200,000. President Young has the control of the entire fund, which is now invested in government bonds.

“The only use to which the fund can be put is to defray proper legal expenses. This includes attorney fees. I am chairman of the law committee and we are the only ones who can draw on the fund and then only for proper and legitimate expenses.

“What any club pays out in bonuses or advance money is a matter of their own and does not concern the League as a whole. Not a cent of the fund has ever been sued for any such purpose nor can it ever be drawn on with that intention.

Source The Philadelphia Times
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the League's war of extermination

Date Saturday, May 24, 1890

[a letter to the editor from “B”] The National League's declaration that the present fight was one of extermination and that it was in it to stay is being borne out by its actions. When the Brotherhood took up the fight its best friends said that if the League won it would b by superior legislation. The magnates who have controlled the game for years are certainly shrewd men, and in the present fight it is known that they would stop at nothing to effect the removal of their troublesome rivals from the field. On the surface it looks as though a scheme was being hatched worthy of the genius and shrewdness of Richelieu. A few days ago Mr. Spalding came out boldly and expressed the opinion that the game was dead for the time being. Simultaneously Byrne, of Brooklyn, Stern, of Cincinnati; Day, of New York; Robison, of Cleveland, and Nimick, of Pittsburg, rushed into print with the same statement. While Mr. Spalding was sincere in his first statement, he seems to have given the cue to the League for its future action. There can be but one inference, and that is that the league has adopted a desperate measure, involving the death, for the time being at least, of the national pastime.

It strikes me that their idea is to kill all interest in the sport and then freeze the Brotherhood out by playing to empty benches. The Brotherhood is paying big salaries, and besides was under enormous expense in fitting up grounds in the cities of its circuit. The old League men argue that if, with less expense, they can kill the game and then worry along until the Brotherhood backers have tired of their bargain, then they will remain sole masters of the situation and will reorganize on a more economical basis. Left alone in possession of the field, they will proceed to build up the game with low salary limits and will in a few years make back their losses. Their plan is certainly a far-reaching one. The League magnates, of course, deny that they have any such purpose, but their whole course points to it.

If any business man went around the country telling people that his business was dead, that there was no demand for his goods, but that he proposed to run his store because he had a pride in it and was willing to lose a lot of money in it, he would be considered crazy, and justly so. When men are in a losing business they are the last ones to say so. Yet the League magnates are going out of their way to advertise the fact that their business is dead. It is a situation almost without a parallel in the history of sport. The League announces that in the whole course of its existence it clubs had declared dividends amounting to $155,000, while it declares that some of its clubs have lost over that amount. If certainly looks rather queer that if base ball is such an unprofitable venture the League should make such a desperate attempt to hold on to it. There can be but one surmise, and that is that the old League, in some quarters at least, has been making money and sees prospects of more in the future. The League magnates are all business men, and as such would not hold on to a losing venture unless they felt that in the future there would be some chance to make back their losses.

It is known that even before the Brotherhood outbreak the League had fully determined to take up the high salary evil and correct it. Here its magnates see an opportunity to bring salaries down at one clever stroke. If the Brotherhood can be wiped out and all interest killed for the time being in the game, it would be easy to cut salaries down to a low level and by stringent legislation keep them there. Then there would be big money in the game. It looks like a conspiracy of gigantic proportions. The magnates are playing a very desperate game.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Lehane case

Date Thursday, February 6, 1890

John B. Day of the New York National League Club is doing what he can toward fracturing the national agreement in the case of Mike Lehane. Two weeks ago Lehane signed a contract that he would play with the Columbus Club at a stated salary if Manager Buckenberger could secure his release from Buffalo on or before Feb. 10. The deal was made yesterday [2/4] and Lehane notified that his terms were accepted and a contract would be forwarded immediately. Secretary White of the International League to-day notified Vice-President Lazarus of the Columbus Club that his offer for the release of Lehane had been accepted by the Buffalo management, and authorized him to treat with Lehane as to terms.

This afternoon that player telegraphed here [Columbus]: “Do not negotiate my release from Buffalo as I will not play with Columbus.” The efforts of Day and Mutrie to secure Lehane were well known and Mr. Lazarus wired both gentlemen that Columbus had purchased Lehane in a regular way from Buffalo, and warned them against treating with him any further on pain of violating the national agreement. President Phelps was then informed of the status of the matter, and he he at once promulgated the contract of Lehane with the Columbus Club. It is known that Mutrie offered the player a fabulous salary to play with New York. The trouble is the New York magnates were outwitted and are now endeavoring to get Lehane to renounce his obligations. He will be held by Columbus at all hazards. New York Sun February 6, 1890

“It is the first time I ever knew that a player under contract and reserve could sign a personal contract to play elsewhere,” said President Day of the New York Club. “This appears to be the state of affairs as the Columbus officials present it, in the case of Mike Lehane. No: It can't be done, and further, I can say that as soon as Lehane is released by the buffalo Club he will be signed to play with the New Yorks. New York Sun February 7, 1890

Source New York Sun
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the NL meets with the PL

Date Saturday, October 11, 1890

[reporting the NL special meeting of 10/9] While the delegates were indulging in their discussion a request for a hearing was received from Mr. Allen W. Thurman, of Columbus, O., who represented the Columbus Club and had been for days busily engaged in acting as a mediator with a view to bringing about a conference between the National and Players' leagues. Mr. Thurman was admitted and made a long appeal for a conference and compromise. He had, he said, had a number of conferences with the Players' League officials and had gained their consent to a conference, if the League could be induced to appoint a committee to meet a similar committee of the Players' League. Mr. Thurman also outlined a plan for combining the three present major leagues into two leagues, upon which basis the Players' League people were at least willing to confer.

Mr. Thurman's proposition for a conference was then discussed for hours by the League delegates. A decidedly hostile spirit towards compromise was shown at first by a majority of the League men, some of shoe who had suffered the most being most bitterly opposed to any deal whatever with the Players. The matter was discussed until 4 o'clock, when a recess was taken. The delegates came together again at 5 o'clock and consumed several more hours in discussion. Finally wiser counsels prevailed, and a big step was taken towards a solution of the base ball problem by the passage of the following resolution:

Resolved, That Messrs. A. G. Spalding, John B. Day and C. H. Byrne constitute a conference committee of three to confer with a similar committee of the American Association to meet the committee which we have been advised has been appointed by the Players' League, consisting of Messrs. E. B. Talcott, Wendell Goodwin and A. L. Johnson, and said committee is hereby requested to report the result of such conference to this meeting at its earliest convenience.

The delegates then adjourned until 10 o'clock to-day, when the report of the conference committee will be received.

While the League was debating the appointment of a conference committee, a number of Players' League magnates were domiciled at the St. James' Hotel, one block up Broadway, awaiting the outcome. Those present were Johnson Talcott, Goodwin, Ward and the Wagner brothers. When notice was received that eh League had appointed a conference committee, a meeting was held, at which a conference committee consisting of Al Johnson, E. Talcott and Wendell Goodwin was appointed and the subject of compromise fully considered and a plan of action outlined. The committee then proceeded to the Fifth Avenue, and at 9 o'clock was closeted with the League committee in the famous Parlor F. whose walls, could they speak, would reveal many base ball secrets.

Messrs. Spalding, Day and Byrne represented the League; Johnson, Talcott and Goodwin the Players' League, and Thurman, Barnie and Von der Ahe the American Association. The meeting organized by electing Mr. Thurman chairman and Mr. Byrne secretary. Mr. Thurman started the ball rolling by an eloquent speech, in which he demonstrated the absolute necessity of peace and a readjustment of the base ball business. He then, as a basis for reconstruction, proposed a consolidation of the existing three leagues into two stronger organizations. His scheme was to bunch the three leagues, leaving two clubs in Boston, Philadelphia, and perhaps Chicago, consolidate the duel clubs in New York, Brooklyn, Pittsburg, Cleveland and Chicago, and then regroup them into two organizations under new names; one organized to comprise Boston, new York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Chicago and Cincinnati; the other to take in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, or some other Eastern city, and Louisville, Chicago, Columbus and St. Louis.

… [a long discussion follows over the names of the two leagues, and a tentative agreement about locating the clubs, with two-club cities to work it out between themselves]

This was as far as the committee could go, as they had no power to bind their respective organizations to anything, the object of the meeting being merely to agree upon a general plan and report the same to their organizations for adoption or rejection and settlement of details. As neither the Players' League nor the American Association was fully or authoritatively represented, it was decided to defer any further consideration of the subject until the committees of those two organizations could confer with their respective bodies. Therefore it was decided to adjourn the conference until Oct. 22, at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. [A resolution follows where everyone agrees not to poach any players before Oct. 22.]

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the NL schedule goes head to head with the PL

Date Wednesday, April 2, 1890

In the new schedule adopted by the National League this obstinate organization has unmistakably thrown down the gage of battle to the Players' League, as this schedule is a fighting schedule through and through. Dates are made to conflict with the Brotherhood on every possible occasion. In New York Ewing and his men will play only eight of their seventy home games without opposition on the League ground. In Brooklyn Ward and his team have only seven open dates. In Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cleveland and Chicago it is just the same—strife, conflict, warfare from start to finish. The plan of the League magnates is apparent. They will meet the Brotherhood in a hand-to-hand fight and will leave it to the people to decide which shall survive. The Sporting Life April 2, 1890

[editorial matter] The purpose of the League is plain. It is not, as might be supposed, to refer the dispute to public arbitration and to compel the supporters of the game to choose between it and the Players' League by giving it no opportunity through a non-conflicting schedule to support both liberally, because the League knows that for an entire season, at least, its unequal and experimental teams will prove no match for the admittedly powerful and well-equalized teams of the Players' League—teams which are collectively the strongest in point of skill and prestige ever concentrated into an eight-club League. No, the calculation of the League is to cripple the new League financially no matter how much it may suffer itself, and thus end the war and choke off business rivalry in one season no matter what the cost. The League has the wealth accumulated during past seasons of successful monopoly, while the Players' League, new to the business, has had no opportunity of creating sinking funds, has been put to the extraordinary expenses always incidental to organization, necessarily depleting its capital. The League can, therefore, easier afford to lose heavily than the Players' League can afford in its first experimental season to lose at all, especially as in the League the losses would fall on a few individuals, while in the players' League, under its cooperative principles, losses would have to be shared by many and perhaps involve the players. It will thus be seen that the League's object is to conflict wherever possible, no matter what the loss to itself, simply to divert enough patronage from its rival to prevent a profit on the season and thus to sicken the stockholders in the new League, to discourage the investment of further capital, to compel recourse to other than the gate receipts, to chill the enthusiasm and arouse the fears of the players, and to pave the way for their defection and for those internal dissension, from which alone, aside from financial disaster, the National League can hope for the overthrow of the west-organized Players' League. There is no bluff about this, as some may unwisely consider it, but a cunningly-conceived and well-executed plan of campaign, which will be carried out to the bitter end with the League's characteristic energy and persistence.

This is the fell purpose of the League that confronts the Players' League men, and they must look it full in the face and bend all their energies to defeat it. Two alternatives present themselves—one to accept the issue and take all the chances of a battle on the lines laid down by the League; the other, to avoid the issue and adopt a new schedule. To go on with the fight as it stands means probable loss; the Players' League is almost certain to vastly outdraw the National League teams as the latter are now constituted, but the new League will need a large patronage, indeed, to realize the financial expectations of its backers and players, and if the League can divert enough patronage to defeat those expectations the consequence may prove as disastrous as the League evidently calculates.

To decline the League's open challenge to battle and adopt a new schedule would perhaps look like a confession of weakness repugnant to the combative instinct in the new League,and perhaps a disappointment to that small portion of the public which likes to witness a Kilkenny cat-fight. It might also afford League partisans a chance to do some crowing. But what of that? The Players' League was not organized to fight the National League, but to establish itself in the base ball business, to give the best possible exhibition of ball, and to profit thereby; to accomplish this purpose it need but consider its own necessities first, always with an eye to the future, without knocking chips off shoulders or indulging in fights with all who choose to challenge it to battle for the edification of the outsiders who have no more material interest in the war than a spectator at a dog fight. If the Players' League shall, upon deliberation find that, all things considered, its best course would be to avoid such a battle as the League insists upon forcing upon it, it should bravely adopt such a course and leave its vindication to an intelligent public, which has its eye upon the situation, does its own thinking, and which has hitherto plainly indicated that it is not in sympathy with the League's method of crushing out business competition. The Sporting Life April 2, 1890

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the PL appoints a new conference committee

Date Saturday, November 15, 1890

[reporting the PL meeting 11/12] Talk of consolidation was then again taken up. The old conference committee was discharged and a new one appointed, consisting of Messrs. Prince, Johnson and Ward. In explaining the duties of the conference committee, Secretary Brunell said:-- “The committee is simply to arbitrate on matters of base ball law regarding our League and any outside club or organization. Of course, in that respect it can never be called upon to act. It is also empowered to confer with representatives of the National League as well as other leagues, and if the same gentlemen had been on our recent conference committee instead of others, the Players' League wouldn't have received such a crack on the jaw.” The Sporting Life November 15, 1890

...Then the suggestion was made that the conference committee appointed the day before be instructed to reopen negotiations with the League.

The New York delegates favored this and argued long and hard for it. Opposition still continued, Boston particularly objecting, but suddenly J. Earle Wagner took the bull by the horns and declared that the men who had the most money invested, and therefore the most at stake, were the men to settle the question, and that he had decided to vote for another conference with the National League. Mr. Wagner's declaration was like a bomb shell, especially to the Boston mean, and for a moment a pin could have been heard to drop. Mr. Johnson quickly fell into line with Wagner, and the question was settled.

It was decided that the committee should leave for New York that evening accompanied by Judge Bacon, Director Robinson and J. Earle Wagner, and the League was notified of the action taken and of the committee's advent in New York Thursday. It was also agreed that all should stand together. It is also stated that the New York Club agreed to stand by the Players' League in case the promises and agreements made for settlement were not lived up to by the League, or else make good itself. The Sporting Life November 15, 1890

[reporting the PL meeting 11/12] John M. Ward had little to say after the meeting. His disgust, however, was deep, and he declined to go East, although a member of the conference committee. He saw clearly that a settlement was desired by the majority of the remaining capitalists, and would no doubt be reached, and he did not feel warranted either in exerting himself in its behalf or doing anything to obstruct it by his presence. He was satisfied to take a rest and let matters take their course. He left of Uniontown, Pa., in the evening for a few days' shooting. The Sporting Life November 15, 1890

Source The Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the PL buys the Cincinnati Club; Cincinnati Club ownership

Date Saturday, September 27, 1890

The latest and biggest sensation of the season was the report that the Players' League had been negotiating with the Cincinnati League Club with a view to purchasing it, bag and baggage. It was a great scheme, entirely worthy of the men who are so skillfully guiding the destinies of the new Players' League, and would have proved a master stroke of policy, as it would have rounded out the Players' league circuit nicely, made a serious breach in the National League circuit, weakened the latter organization in the West, and correspondingly strengthened the new League in that section, and would undoubtedly have placed the Players League in position to dictate terms to its rival.

But unfortunately for the Players' League the deal could not be completed, and at this writing does not seem likely to be, owing in the first place to premature publication, and in the second place to the characteristic acquisitiveness of the gentlemen who control the Cincinnati Club—Messrs. Aaron Stern and Harry Sterne—same name, but not related, thought hey stand each other off like real brothers when a deal for mutual advantage is concerned.

Negotiations were commenced a good while back between the party of the first part—Messrs. Stern and Sterne—and the party of the second part—the Players' League. The Players' League first offered the Cincinnatians inducements to enter the Players' League next season. This was declined, as both men are League men in sentiment—Harry Sterne particularly so. Then a bluff was made about putting a rival club into Cincinnati and the field was looked over by a committee. The Cincinnati men, however, didn't scare worth a cent, but got right down to business by offering to sell if the Players' League wanted the club so very badly. After a good deal of backing and filling Mr. Stern Mr. Stern named a big price, but when the Players' League indicated a willingness to buy at the figures named the other partner, Mr. Sterne, put in his oar, presumably without a previous arrangement with Stern (our readers should not fail to bear in mind that one of the partners has a final e to his name, which constitutes the only difference between them), and the deal came to a halt. More correspondence then followed, and as fast as one partner was satisfied the other bobbed up with a new objection, until between them the worthy Cincinnatians managed to exactly double the price on the Players' League.

The latter thought it needed the Cincinnati Club badly enough to meet even the last raise, and accordingly a meeting of the Players' League was held in New York a week and a half ago at which the mater was carefully considered and a definite price fixed beyond which the Players' League would absolutely decline to go. Messrs. Brunell and Johnson and Editor Dickinson, of the New York World, then wended their way to ST. Louis last Wednesday week to interview the elusive senior partner and clinch the bargain. They felt sure of success, but other people who realized better with whom the guileless Players' League men would have to deal, were not quite so sanguine.

And the latter were correct in their surmises. Stern and Sterne had slept a night—several nights, in fact—over their last offer to the Players' League, and according to their notion their plant had certainly increased in value while they slept. Accordingly, when the Players' League delegates met Mr. Stern—without the final e—in St. Louis last Friday they were fairly paralyzed when the affable little Cincinnati man, in his usual courtly manner, explained to them that owing to his partner's unwillingness to sell, etc., etc., he was unable to deliver the goods, etc. etc., and that the only way to appease that perverse partner was to once more double the price—take it or leave it. Here was a poser that incontinently brought the deal to a halt, as the Players' League had made up its mind how far it would go and the committee had its limit, beyond which it could not go. There was, therefore, no alternative except to leave St. Louis without accomplishing anything and declare the deal off. Accordingly after frankly telling the newspapers just how the case stood the committee disbanded, Johnson going home to Cleveland, Dickinson to New York and Brunell to Buffalo, where he will reorganize the local club. The Sporting Life September 27, 1890

The hitch in the Cincinnati deal has been overcome, as the Players' League, in its anxiety to obtain control of the one city which they imagined they needed to round out their circuit and seriously cripple the League, finally acceded to the exorbitant demands of Stern and Sterne, and bought the club, bag and baggage, at the figures of the Cincinnati magnates. It was not to be given out what the price paid for the franchise, ground and players' contracts was, but Mr. Stern in his latest interview stated that he had demanded $46,000, of which $30,000 was to be paid down and $16,000 at a stipulated future time. When the Players' League committee went to St. Louis they were prepared to purchase at $40,000, and that is about the sum the deal cost the Players' League men. The Sporting Life October 4, 1890

According to agreement the representatives of the Players' league met Messrs. Stern and Sterne, of the Cincinnati Club, in Cincinnati, Oct. 4, and completed the deal whereby the Cincinnati Club was transferred to the Players' League syndicate. … It required the entire day to settle the various details of the transfer, and it was not until 8 o'clock in the evening that the deal was completed, the consideration being $40,000, $20,000 of which was paid in cash and $20,000 in five sequential notes, payable on the first day of June, July, August, September and October next. These notes bear the personal endorsement of Messrs. Johnson, Talcott, Col. McAlpin and other responsible people. The Sporting Life October 11, 1890 [See also a long account from Dickinson of the NY World on the events leading up to the deal.]

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the PL conference committee spilled the beans

Date Saturday, December 20, 1890

[from Brunell's column] No one knows, outside the chiefs of the old and new leagues, how nearly gone the old one was and how ready to do business in the line of saving themselves the old people were when Messrs. Johnson, Talcott and Goodwin walked into that parlor at the Fifth Avenue for the first conference. In an hour Messrs. Talcott and Goodwin had shown the National League people how poor we were, and then it was a case of a one broken man outbluffing the other. We were in it at that angle. The old folks had their own game going then. The proper conference committee could have paved the way for a fair and beautiful settlement that evening, for the National League people had no idea but that we were all right financially and they knew how disfigured their own features were. They were ready to do anything, wipe out name, consolidate, compromise, receive players and everything else. But when it dawned upon them that we were as financially defaced as they themselves their game was easy. Then came individual dickering, distrust and the condition of things as they exist to-day.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the PL discloses its schedule; League refuses exhibition games with the PL

Date Wednesday, March 12, 1890

[reporting the NL meeting of 3/4-3/5/1890] [a letter from Brunell outlining the PL tour dates] There will be no material changes in this schedule as it stands. The outline is sent so that the National League can, should it so choose, avoid conflicting with our clubs in the cities of Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cleveland and Chicago.

May I also suggest that the National League adopt a resolution permitting its clubs to play against those of the Players' National League before and after the championship season of both leagues? Such permission being granted, it would also be necessary for the National League to repeal its un-American resolution which “boycotts” all clubs playing against those of our organization, as well as any clubs which may play with a club which has played against a Players' National League club....

The communication was tabled without discussion, it not being deemed proper to recognize it, considering the spirit in which it was offered. When it was tabled one of the delegates remarked:--”We shall not take formal notice of the Brotherhood organization in just that way. When we do take notice of anything it will be of individual players; not of the organization.

Source The Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the PL keeps the war schedule; division between capitalists and players

Date Saturday, April 5, 1890

[reporting the PL special meeting of 4/2/1890] Before the meeting there was a division of opinion concerning the advisability of making a rdical change in the schedule, but the majority seem to think that a change would look like weakness and that anyhow if a change was made the League would also change its schedule again. This impression was strengthened by an alleged interview with President Robison, of the Cleveland Club, telegraphed from that city, in which that official was made to say that the League had in effect anticipated a change by the Players' League and had determined to meet any change by a like change in order to keep up the conflict. This interview was immediately offset by Col. John I. Rogers, who said:-- “Mr. Robison is expressing the views of the Cleveland Club only. The League made its schedule without regard to that made by the Players, and I am certain that no important change will be made, no matter what the Players may do.”

However, the war spirit predominated, especially among the players, who, of course, are less conservative than the capitalists, and when the meeting assemble there was hardly any debate upon the question, and the only change made was upon John M. Ward's motion to advance the first series two days, so that instead of starting on April 21, the first games will be played on April 19, 21, 22 and 23. April 24 was left open so as to allow a club the privilege of playing an extra or postponed game, making five games in the first series.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Players League and the minors; exhibition games

Date Wednesday, February 12, 1890

[quoting Frank Brunell] If it is necessary , the League clubs will play among themselves; but we think we can secure games with some of the minor league organizations. You will find that before long they will be switching away from that protection which costs $250 a year, and play with clubs that will make them the most money. Then, again, we will guarantee them all the protectoral rights necessary without demanding a penny.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Players League called socialistic

Date Wednesday, March 19, 1890

Because the Central Labor Union, of New York, endorsed the Players' League the League organ in New York called its members a “few socialistic workmen.” of course, the exponent of base ball monopoly can have no use for organized labor in any form.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Players League considers changing the schedule

Date Saturday, May 31, 1890

[reporting on the upcoming PL Directors special meeting scheduled for 5/30] Several days ago two club members asked that a special meeting of the Board be called. They wanted the schedule changed. Their plan was to jump the East to the West immediately after the present series with the Western clubs, instead of playing the East against the East, according to the present schedule. Their argument was that by avoiding conflicting dates they would please the public, which is not in love with the present war of extermination. The proposition was telegraphed, and from the remaining six clubs came the strongest remonstrance. The majority claimed that the new League is no way responsible for the present state of affairs, and that in the event of a change peace would not be assured, for the National League might follow the change and continue the conflict.

They said sentiment or pride has nothing to do with their decision. They believe, for business reasons, that any change would be unwise. The two clubs who had desired a change were satisfied to drop their proposition, but before all the answers had been received a call for the meeting had been issued, President McAlpin thinking it would be well for the Board to come together for the purpose of discussing the situation. The new League has within six months established valuable franchises in eight cities, and the clubs are in excellent financial condition. In fact, notwithstanding the execrable weather, most of them have made money. The gentlemen backing the players have decided to resist all attempts of the National League to establish a monopoly of professional base ball clubs.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Players League sticks to its schedule

Date Saturday, June 7, 1890

The special meeting of the Central Board of Directors of the Players League was held according to announcement in our last issue in New York City last night, and the result is that the schedule was not changed. The meeting was held at the request of John M. Ward, who wanted to be quite sure that everybody was satisfied with the progress of the campaign and to give those who wanted a change a chance to make their plea. Personally, Ward leaned towards a change if by such a change any breaks in the line could be averted or a weak club helped along. The result of the meeting showed that no break need be anticipated, and that every club was getting along well and perfectly satisfied to fight the battle out on the lines laid down.

Philadelphia and Cleveland were the only clubs which favored a change. The New York, Brooklyn, Chicago and Boston clubs were unalterably opposed to any change, and instructed their delegates to vote accordingly. They were determined not to show the white feather at any stage, even if it should become necessary to come to the assistance of such clubs as should need it, which, judging from the reports received, is not likely to happen. After a very full discussion of the situation, it was unanimously decided to make no change whatever during the season.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger

the Players League won't bid against the NL for players

Date Wednesday, January 1, 1890

When asked why the Players' League had not bid against its competitor for men in the market Mr. Ward said that it would not be fair to the honest players who had accepted the new League's terms, which gave the players the same salary as in 1889. These players, he said, would not be discriminated against by paying more to those who were using the quarrel between the leagues to secure exorbitant salaries.

Source Sporting Life
Submitted by Richard Hershberger