Reds Base Ball Club of International Falls

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Nick Name Reds Base Ball Club
Earliest Known Date Thursday, June 2, 1904 -- week prior to June 2, 1904
Location International Falls, MN, United States

June 2, 1904 issue covered the International Falls Reds game with the Baudette Base Ball Club which the Reds won easily. Those two clubs along with Warroad, Emo, Rainy River, and Fort Francis, Ontario formed the Rainy River Base Ball League that year.

International Falls was established in 1895, incorporated as a village in 1901 and a city in 1909. The Border Budget for 1904 (volume 6) is the oldest existing newspaper that covered the area; so while it is probable baseball was played earlier in the area, at this time, it can not be proven.

population in 1910 was 1,487....with a high of 8,324 in 1990. City is located on the Canadian border on the shores of Rainy Lake and the Rainy River.

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Found by Rich Arpi
First in Location International Falls, MN
Entry Origin Sabrpedia


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