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Revision as of 12:58, 13 December 2018

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[[A Lingering Death for Old-Style Plugging?|A Lingering Death for Old-Style Plugging?]]

Long Title:

Protoball Chronology Item 1837.1 reports that William Wheaton said that the plugging of base-runners had been outlawed in the late 1830s in New York. However, Henry Chadwick (item 1850s.24)reported that, nearly two decades later, some base ball clubs in Greater New York still retained the practice.

Protoball Sub-area: Chronologies


Scale of Effort: Mini-task

Suggested by: Larry McCray Error: Invalid time.

[[Most Wanted: Was it ever really "Ball nine, take your base?"| Was it ever really "Ball nine, take your base?"]]

Long Title:

Are we misinterpreting the early base-on balls rule?

Protoball Sub-area: Chronologies


Scale of Effort: Mini-task

Suggested by: Bill Hicklin Error: Invalid time.

General Maintenance

[[Most Wanted: Track Newly-Released Research Reports| Track Newly-Released Research Reports]]

Long Title:

Add new research findings to appropriate parts of the Protoball site.

Protoball Sub-area: General Maintenance


Scale of Effort: Variable; tasks can be broad or limited in topic or time range.

Suggested by: Larry McCray Error: Invalid time.

Glossary of Baserunning Games

[[Most Wanted: The Origins of the Hungarian game of Longa Meta| The Origins of the Hungarian game of Longa Meta]]

Long Title: We do not know if Hungarian game of "meta," a baserunning game, has been documented prior to 1945.

Protoball Sub-area: Glossary of Baserunning Games Objective and Expected Result: Can someone do online and/or bibliographic searches in Hungarian and report findings in Protoball? Status: Unassigned This request is unassigned as of January 2018.

Scale of Effort: Micro-task

Suggested by: Larry McCray Error: Invalid time.

Glossary of Games

[[Most Wanted: Locate Depictions of Less Well-Known Baserunning Games| Locate Depictions of Less Well-Known Baserunning Games]]

Long Title:

YouTube and other sources have videos that help conveys the nature of various baseball-like games, including many listed on Protoball’s Glossary of Games.  URLs cos such can be added to the Glossay entries.

Protoball Sub-area: Glossary of Games


Scale of Effort:

Suggested by: September 2024

Potential Protoball article on the evolution of the base ball

[[Most Wanted: Was the 'Double Eight' Style of Base Ball Cover Invented in the United States?| Was the 'Double Eight' Style of Base Ball Cover Invented in the United States?]]

Long Title:

The now-familiar single-seam base ball covering appears to have been introduced to base ballin about 1876 [?]  Was it a new innovation, or had prior ballgames (real tennis, cricket, stoolball) already adopted the pattern in earlier days?

Protoball Sub-area: Potential Protoball article on the evolution of the base ball

Status: Dip-dive This subject will be explored as one element in a Protoball "dip-dive" project in 2018. Corky Gaskell has agreed to moderate this effort, and to post initial results on Protoball.

Scale of Effort: Mini-task

Suggested by: Larry McCray, Corky Gaskell Error: Invalid time.

Potential Protoball article on the influence of English base ball on the American game

[[Most Wanted: How Many of the 14 Knickerbocker Playing Rules Can be Traced Back to English Baserunning Games?| How Many of the 14 Knickerbocker Playing Rules Can be Traced Back to English Baserunning Games?]]

Long Title:

While base ball has long been seen as an American game, many of the modern game's earliest rules are known in juvenile games in Britain.  Which of the Knickerbocker's initial 14 playing rules had precedents in prior English games?

Protoball Sub-area: Potential Protoball article on the influence of English base ball on the American game

Status: Unassigned This request is unassigned as of January 2018.

Scale of Effort: Mini-task

Suggested by: Larry McCray Error: Invalid time.

Pre-Pro Data Base

[[Most Wanted: Contribute by adding new data on early ballplaying in your area| Contribute by adding new data on early ballplaying in your area]]

Long Title:

Protoball is undertaking to document the local origins of modern base ball -- and the baserunning games than may have preceded base ball -- throughout the US.  

Protoball Sub-area: Pre-Pro Data Base

Status: This request is ongoing: Protoball's Pre-Pro Data Base records known early games and clubs. But local sources may have more to add.

Scale of Effort:

Suggested by: Protoball Project Error: Invalid time.

Pre-Pro Data Base, Chronlogies

[[Most Wanted: Support Host Chapters of SABR Conventions in Documenting Local Base Ball Origins| Support Host Chapters of SABR Conventions in Documenting Local Base Ball Origins]]

Long Title:

To support the presentation of local origins of base ball in cities that will host Annual SABR Conventions, it may be useful to support local chapter members on available data on earliest base ball -- and local predecessor games -- for summary in Convention handouts, possibly including a article in the National Pastime. 

Protoball Sub-area: Pre-Pro Data Base, Chronlogies


Scale of Effort: Variable, depending on local chapter interest in local origins

Suggested by: PBall Functionary Error: Invalid time.

Protoball's Glossary of Games

[[Most Wanted: Adding Links to You-Tube-Style Clips on Baserunning Games| Adding Links to You-Tube-Style Clips on Baserunning Games]]

Long Title:

We have identified nearly 150 baseball varients.  For many. YouTube clips show how such baserunning games are or were played.  Such clips often convey a sense of the game that words alone cannot describe.

Protoball Sub-area: Protoball's Glossary of Games


Scale of Effort: Variable; a volunteer could easiiy focus first on games of special current interest

Suggested by: PBall Functionary Error: Invalid time. Assigned to: Larry McCray has researched a few such links, But there's much more easy harvesting to do.