Clipping:Terry Larkin wants to get back in baseball

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Date Wednesday, January 26, 1887

[A letter from Frank Larkin dated 1/13] Editor Sporting Life--Sir:--Being a constant subscriber to The Sporting Life I could not help seeing your favorable notice of myself in the issue of the 5 th inst., for which I felt very much pleased, as also your reply to the Cleveland Plain Dealer. I have turned over a new leaf and put a little mucilage thereon, which I hope will stick. I am in fine condition, my arm is all right again, and intend to have another chance to play “the game of my life,” (to use a too-muchly used expression), if I get a chance this season. We had a very find ground at the Home, where I was, and some very good players, so that I have had plenty of practice and am not in the least rusty, and I trust, that before the season of ‘87 is over, that the Plain Dealer will be plain enough to acknowledge that I have reformed for good and all, no more to be the most gorgeous drunk,” of the age. Partdon me for taking up so much of your valuable time and space, and I will “put a pin in it right here.

Source The Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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