Clipping:Syracuse backs out of the AA; International clubs rebuff the AA

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Date Wednesday, December 4, 1889

The week just closed has changed the base ball situation here [Syracuse] very materially, and after all the hullabaloo made about joining the ranks of the American Association the Syracuse directors have decided to tone down somewhat and remain in the International League. This decision is now thought to be the mos wise one, and it is generally admitted on all sides that the directors have shown good sense in the matter. As Vice President A. K. Dickinson said to your correspondent:-- “Which is the more sensible, to remain in a league that shows signs of having a good foothold and strong membership, or go into one that is evidently making its last dying kick. Syracuse as an International city is strong, and to throw up this position for one of unknown quality is foolishness. The American Association, or its remnant, is evidently in a bad way, and joining its ranks is going into a great uncertainty and taking serious chances. At Detroit last week the Syracuse delegates evidently held the key to the situation. They news that the City of the Straits has decided to maintain her franchise in the International, and that Toronto and Toledo will do likewise, keeps the old chain without a missing link.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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