Clipping:Professional baseball a curse

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Date Tuesday, May 21, 1867

[a letter to the editor] I would state, as far as I know, Base Ball is a curse to the community. You speak of its making strong, muscular, healthy boys. I know of mothers and sisters that are delicate and suffering for the necessaries of life, trying to keep a house over their heads, and why? Through these same strong, muscular, lazy boys, whose sole ambition is to be good ball-players and who have lost situations through following it up. Men that ought to be at work are living on charity that gamblers pay towards supporting base ball clubs. The boys are going on the same principle if you talk to them about work they know something better. They know men who get good salaries to do nothing but play ball, and want to know why they cannot do the same. The fact is, Mr. Editor, while these boys are growing to be large, strong, lazy, ignorant, good-for-nothing boobies, in a good many cases; their parents are suffering and trying to keep their families from want; and as to its being innocent amusement, it is the initiation of boys into the mysteries and miseries of gambling and of becoming good for nothing to themselves or any one connected with them in after life.

Source Brooklyn Eagle
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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