Clipping:Minor leagues and the National Agreement; minor league classifications; reserve tax

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Date Wednesday, November 20, 1889

[reporting the Arbitration Committee meeting 11/11/1889] ...the minor league delegates were invited into the meeting, the object being to hold a general consultation as to the advisability of making changes. These gentlemen had previously held a consultation for the purpose of deciding what changes in the supplementary articles they should urge. Spalding's famous scheme of classifying the minor leagues...was unanimously sat upon, and when it was presented in the joint conference the representatives of the Western and Atlantic associations attacked it so fiercely that the International delegates had no opportunity to express their views before Mr. Spalding came forward and said he would withdraw it.

The matter of reducing the tax for minor league protection was then taken up, the minor league delegates favoring a considerable reduction. In the midst of the discussion upon this matter President Hoch, of Minneapolis, arose and made a new and novel point, which at once captured the fancy of the entire minor league delegation and promptly squelched all idea of a reduction of the tax. Mr. Hoch held that the three principal minor leagues present should be perfectly willing to have the present high tax retained as a measure of self-protection. If the tax were lowered he held that every petty state league in the country would be enabled to secure reservation privileges, and that the minor leagues, after disposing of their rising talent to the major leagues, would in turn have to go to the little leagues and purchase players, thus simply nullifying all the financial advantages derived from the present system of holding and disposing of players. This argument was so plausible and touched the minor leagues so effectually at that tender spot—the pockets—that the resolution requesting a reduction was promptly withdrawn.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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