Clipping:Indecent anecdotes and songs

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Date Saturday, October 9, 1858

[Eagle vs. Excelsior 9/28/1858] The day’s exercises were concluded by a bounteous repast, hospitably furnished by the Eagle Club, at the hotel adjoining the grounds. Speeches and toasts were the order of the evening, Dr. Jones, Judge Van Cott, and others making appropriate remarks on the result of the day’s play. We regret to notice that a marked feature of these social entertainments, is the indulgence of a prurient taste for –a taste only to be gratified at the expense of true dignity and self-respect. Especially objectionable is this practice when emanating from the lips of those advanced in years; its effect, then, being pernicious in the extreme.

Source Porters Spirit of the Times
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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