Clipping:Challenging courtesy runners

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Date Tuesday, August 8, 1871

[Boston vs. Athletic 8/7/1871] One or two incidents occurred yesterday, which, if continued, will have a tendency to mar the good feelings that have existed between the contesting clubs. Al Reach was upon second and was slightly injured, time was called and a man requested to run for him. Cuthbert, who is a swift runner, and had been running for every man in the nine who could not run, was the one appointed, but Geo. Wright made objections, very properly, against his running, and Reach was compelled to run, but this was not the worst feature, for when Geo. Wright appeared at the bat, a man who has been laid up for two months with a sprained ankle, and who has been walking on crutches until within three weeks ago, and who is still lame, some one of the Athletic nine raised an objection to Schafer running for him. The spectators took up the question, and abused Geo. Wright fearfully. What a mean action it was to abuse such a gentlemanly and brilliant player by raising such an objection! The umpire, however, very properly decided that a man should run for him.

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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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