Clipping:A question on forfeits

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Date Sunday, September 29, 1867

ATLANTIC VS. ATHLETIC.–We were informed by Mr. Menk on Thursday, that the match advertised for tomorrow will not take place, owing to the disabled condition of Mills, Start, and Smith. Mr. Menk also informed us that they had telegraphed to Philadelphia to postpone the match, but that Athletics had replied that they should come on prepared to play. We hope they will change their minds, for even if the Atlantics should meet them, a victory over them in such a disabled condition would be no victory at all, and neither would their receiving ball as forfeit...

THE ATHLETIC CLUB.–A correspondent wishes to know whether the Athletics can claim a ball if they come on here to morrow, appear on the field, and call for the Atlantic players to put in an appearance. Undoubtedly they can. The rule governing this point–Section 39–says that “whenever a match has been determined upon between two clubs, play shall be called at the exact hour appointed, and should either party fail to produce their players within thirty minutes thereafter, the party so failing shall admit a defeat, etc.” The only exception to this rule is in the case of the death of a member of the club failing to appear. Under the circumstances of the disabled condition of the Atlantic nine, no club could lower itself so much in the estimation fo the fraternity as to refuse to postpone a game; and we do not suppose the Athletic Club will if they do, their nine must be sold, body and soul, to the betting-ring. We hope better things from them.

Source New York Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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