Clipping:'Jim Crow' and a German team

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19C Clippings

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Date Thursday, August 10, 1882

This season, when the base ball fever began to rise, several compositors in the Commercial office were severely attacked. They organized a club, and accepted challenges sent them to play. They played their first game in Harrison, and were defeated by a score of 50 to 7. Their next game was a contest with German printers (the Volksfreund nine) and were defeated by a score of 23 to 9, the German printers playing the pitcher and catcher of the Buckeyes as their battery. Their third game was a contest with the same nine, and the Commercials were defeated by a score of 13 to 8. After thus being thrice defeated the compositors of the Commercial office raised objections to the nine playing as representatives of the Commercial office, and they selected a nine in the office, and proposed, as they said, to “do the original nine up.” They styled themselves the “Jim Crow Nine,” and made arrangements for a game yesterday. The original Commercial nine accepted their challenge, and played the game with them yesterday, the score at the end of the seventh, when the game closed on account of darkness, being 67 to 6 [in favor of the original nine]. The “Jim Crow” nine left the grounds thoroughly convinced that the original Commercial nine could play a fair game of ball, and are willing to back them against any other club in the city composed of compositors.

Source Cincinnati Commercial Tribune
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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