Clipping:Umpire not enforcing called strikes and balls

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, July 9, 1864

[Empire vs. Atlantic 7/8/1864] We have to say a few words in regard to the decisions of the Umpires [sic] in one respect. A fairer or more impartial player could not be selected to act in the position than George Flanly, and in every instance he did his duty creditably as far as his decisions on disputed points in the game were concerned. What we have to call his attention to is, his neglect to enforce the 6 th section of the rules. Both the pitchers are willing to have this strictly enforced on every occasion; aside from this, however, it is the duty of the umpire to enforce every rule on the statute books, as long as they remain there, no matter what his individual opinion may be on the justice or advantage of them. Yesterday, as soon as the pitchers found out that the Umpire disregarded the 6 th rule they both took advantage of it to send in balls similar in delivery to the style in vogue last season, Pratt especially delivering them close to the batsmen. By this means the game was lengthened by half an hour at least–and the strikers deprived of the benefit of the new rule. We trust all umpires will in future enforce the rule strictly, as it is the only way to ensure lively and quickly played games. Brooklyn Eagle July 9, 1864

third base no place for a lefty

[Atlantic vs. Empire 6/30/1864] Start [was] put in the worst position that could have been given him. The third base is no place for a left hand man. New York Clipper July 9, 1864

Source Brooklyn Eagle
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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